If no such constraint is found, C<find> currently defaults to a simple
C<< search->(\%column_values) >> which may or may not do what you expect.
Note that this fallback behavior may be deprecated in further versions. If
-you need to search with arbitrary conditions - use L</search>.
+you need to search with arbitrary conditions - use L</search>. If the query
+resulting from this fallback produces more than one row, a warning to the
+effect is issued, though only the first row is constructed and returned as
In addition to C<key>, L</find> recognizes and applies standard
L<resultset attributes|/ATTRIBUTES> in the same way as L</search> does.
-If the resulting query produces more than one row, a warning to the effect is
-issued, though only the first row is constructed and returned as C<$row_object>
Note that if you have extra concerns about the correctness of the resulting
query you need to specify the C<key> attribute and supply the entire condition
as an argument to find (since it is not always possible to perform the
$final_cond = @unique_queries
? [ map { $self->_qualify_cond_columns($_, $alias) } @unique_queries ]
- : $self->_qualify_cond_columns($call_cond, $alias)
+ : $self->_non_unique_find_fallback ($call_cond, $attrs)
+# This is a stop-gap method as agreed during the discussion on find() cleanup:
+# http://lists.scsys.co.uk/pipermail/dbix-class/2010-October/009535.html
+# It is invoked when find() is called in legacy-mode with insufficiently-unique
+# condition. It is provided for overrides until a saner way forward is devised
+# *NOTE* This is not a public method, and it's *GUARANTEED* to disappear down
+# the road. Please adjust your tests accordingly to catch this situation early
+# DBIx::Class::ResultSet->can('_non_unique_find_fallback') is reasonable
+# The method will not be removed without an adequately complete replacement
+# for strict-mode enforcement
+sub _non_unique_find_fallback {
+ my ($self, $cond, $attrs) = @_;
+ return $self->_qualify_cond_columns(
+ $cond,
+ exists $attrs->{alias}
+ ? $attrs->{alias}
+ : $self->{attrs}{alias}
+ );
sub _qualify_cond_columns {
my ($self, $cond, $alias) = @_;
$final_cond = { map { $_ => $final_cond->{$_} } @c_cols };
if (my @missing = grep { ! defined $final_cond->{$_} } (@c_cols) ) {
- $self->throw_exception( sprintf ( "Unable to satisfy constraint '%s', no values for column(s): %s",
+ $self->throw_exception( sprintf ( "Unable to satisfy requested constraint '%s', no values for column(s): %s",
join (', ', map { "'$_'" } @missing),
) );
=> "Non-unique find generated a cursor inexhaustion warning";
throws_ok {
$artist_rs->find({}, { key => 'primary' })
-} qr/Unable to satisfy constraint 'primary'/;
+} qr/Unable to satisfy requested constraint 'primary'/;
$artist_rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({}, { prefetch => 'cds' });
warnings_exist {
} qr/\QDBIx::Class::ResultSet::find(): Query returned more than one row/, "Non-unique find generated a cursor inexhaustion warning";
throws_ok {
$artist_rs->find({}, { key => 'primary' })
-} qr/Unable to satisfy constraint 'primary'/;
+} qr/Unable to satisfy requested constraint 'primary'/;