Set to 1 to group by all columns.
+=head2 cache
+Set to 1 to cache search results. This prevents extra SQL queries if you
+revisit rows in your ResultSet:
+ my $resultset = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { cache => 1 } );
+ while( my $artist = $resultset->next ) {
+ ... do stuff ...
+ }
+ $rs->first; # without cache, this would issue a query
+By default, searches are not cached.
For more examples of using these attributes, see
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
plan skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' if $@;
-plan tests => 17;
+plan tests => 23;
my $rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(
{ artistid => 1 }
is( scalar @{ $rs->get_cache }, 0, 'cache is not populated without cache attribute' );
+$rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { cache => 1 } );
+my $artists = [ $rs->all ];
+is( scalar @{$rs->get_cache}, 3, 'all() populates cache for search with cache attribute' );
+is( scalar @{$rs->get_cache}, 0, 'clear_cache is functional' );
+is( scalar @{$rs->get_cache}, 3, 'next() populates cache for search with cache attribute' );
+pop( @$artists );
+$rs->set_cache( $artists );
+is( scalar @{$rs->get_cache}, 2, 'set_cache() is functional' );
+$cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(1);
+eval {
+ $rs->set_cache( [ $cd ] );
+is( scalar @{$rs->get_cache}, 0, 'set_cache() only accepts objects of correct type for the resultset' );
+unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
+DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { cache => 1 } );
+while( $artist = $rs->next ) {}
+$artist = $rs->first();
+# count the SELECTs
+DBI->trace(0, undef);
+my $selects = 0;
+$trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
+ or die "Unable to read trace file";
+while (<$trace>) {
+ $selects++ if /SELECT/;
+unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
+is( $selects, 1, 'revisiting a row does not issue a query when cache => 1' );
my @a = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(
{ },
# count the SELECTs
DBI->trace(0, undef);
-my $selects = 0;
+$selects = 0;
my $trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
or die "Unable to read trace file";
while (<$trace>) {