This class defines the following attributes.
-=head2 master
-The master defines the canonical state for a pool of connected databases. All
-the replicants are expected to match this databases state. Thus, in a classic
-Master / Slaves distributed system, all the slaves are expected to replicate
-the Master's state as quick as possible. This is the only database in the
-pool of databases that is allowed to handle write traffic.
-has 'master' => (
- is=> 'ro',
- isa=>'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI',
- lazy_build=>1,
- handles=>[qw/
- on_connect_do
- on_disconnect_do
- connect_info
- throw_exception
- sql_maker
- sqlt_type
- create_ddl_dir
- deployment_statements
- datetime_parser
- datetime_parser_type
- last_insert_id
- insert
- insert_bulk
- update
- delete
- dbh
- txn_do
- txn_commit
- txn_rollback
- sth
- deploy
- schema
- /],
-=head2 current_replicant
-Replicant storages (slaves) handle all read only traffic. The assumption is
-that your database will become readbound well before it becomes write bound
-and that being able to spread your read only traffic around to multiple
-databases is going to help you to scale traffic.
-This attribute returns the next slave to handle a read request. Your L</pool>
-attribute has methods to help you shuffle through all the available replicants
-via it's balancer object.
-We split the reader/writer to make it easier to selectively override how the
-replicant is altered.
-has 'current_replicant' => (
- is=> 'rw',
- isa=>'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI',
- lazy_build=>1,
- handles=>[qw/
- select
- select_single
- columns_info_for
- /],
=head2 pool_type
Contains the classname which will instantiate the L</pool> object. Defaults
+ connect_replicants
- connect_replicants
- handles=>[qw/next_storage/],
+=head2 master
+The master defines the canonical state for a pool of connected databases. All
+the replicants are expected to match this databases state. Thus, in a classic
+Master / Slaves distributed system, all the slaves are expected to replicate
+the Master's state as quick as possible. This is the only database in the
+pool of databases that is allowed to handle write traffic.
+has 'master' => (
+ is=> 'ro',
+ isa=>'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI',
+ lazy_build=>1,
+The following methods are delegated all the methods required for the
+L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI> interface.
+=head2 read_handler
+Defines an object that implements the read side of L<BIx::Class::Storage::DBI>.
+has 'read_handler' => (
+ is=>'rw',
+ isa=>'Object',
+ lazy_build=>1,
+ handles=>[qw/
+ select
+ select_single
+ columns_info_for
+ /],
+=head2 write_handler
+Defines an object that implements the write side of L<BIx::Class::Storage::DBI>.
+has 'write_handler' => (
+ is=>'ro',
+ isa=>'Object',
+ lazy_build=>1,
+ lazy_build=>1,
+ handles=>[qw/
+ on_connect_do
+ on_disconnect_do
+ connect_info
+ throw_exception
+ sql_maker
+ sqlt_type
+ create_ddl_dir
+ deployment_statements
+ datetime_parser
+ datetime_parser_type
+ last_insert_id
+ insert
+ insert_bulk
+ update
+ delete
+ dbh
+ txn_do
+ txn_commit
+ txn_rollback
+ sth
+ deploy
+ schema
+ /],
=head1 METHODS
This class defines the following methods.
-=head2 _build_master
+=head2 new
-Lazy builder for the L</master> attribute.
+L<DBIx::Class::Schema> when instantiating it's storage passed itself as the
+first argument. We need to invoke L</new> on the underlying parent class, make
+sure we properly give it a L<Moose> meta class, and then correctly instantiate
+our attributes. Basically we pass on whatever the schema has in it's class
+data for 'storage_type_args' to our replicated storage type.
-sub _build_master {
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI->new;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift @_;
+ my $schema = shift @_;
+ my $storage_type_args = shift @_;
+ my $obj = $class->SUPER::new($schema, $storage_type_args, @_);
+ return $class->meta->new_object(
+ __INSTANCE__ => $obj,
+ %$storage_type_args,
+ @_,
+ );
+=head2 _build_master
-=head2 _build_current_replicant
-Lazy builder for the L</current_replicant_storage> attribute.
+Lazy builder for the L</master> attribute.
-sub _build_current_replicant {
- my $self = shift @_;
- $self->next_storage($self->pool);
+sub _build_master {
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI->new;
=head2 _build_pool
Lazy builder for the L</pool> attribute.
sub _build_pool {
- my $self = shift @_;
- $self->create_pool;
+ shift->create_pool;
=head2 _build_balancer
-Lazy builder for the L</balancer> attribute.
+Lazy builder for the L</balancer> attribute. This takes a Pool object so that
+the balancer knows which pool it's balancing.
sub _build_balancer {
my $self = shift @_;
- $self->create_balancer;
+ $self->create_balancer(pool=>$self->pool);
+=head2 _build_write_handler
-=head2 around: create_replicants
-All calls to create_replicants needs to have an existing $schema tacked onto
-top of the args
+Lazy builder for the L</write_handler> attribute. The default is to set this to
+the L</master>.
-around 'connect_replicants' => sub {
- my ($method, $self, @args) = @_;
- $self->$method($self->schema, @args);
+sub _build_write_handler {
+ return shift->master;
-=head2 after: select, select_single, columns_info_for
+=head2 _build_read_handler
-Advice on the current_replicant_storage attribute. Each time we use a replicant
-we need to change it via the storage pool algorithm. That way we are spreading
-the load evenly (hopefully) across existing capacity.
+Lazy builder for the L</read_handler> attribute. The default is to set this to
+the L</balancer>.
-after 'select' => sub {
- my $self = shift @_;
- my $next_replicant = $self->next_storage($self->pool);
+sub _build_read_handler {
+ return shift->balancer;
- $self->current_replicant($next_replicant);
+=head2 around: connect_replicants
-after 'select_single' => sub {
- my $self = shift @_;
- my $next_replicant = $self->next_storage($self->pool);
+All calls to connect_replicants needs to have an existing $schema tacked onto
+top of the args, since L<DBIx::Storage::DBI> needs it.
- $self->current_replicant($next_replicant);
-after 'columns_info_for' => sub {
- my $self = shift @_;
- my $next_replicant = $self->next_storage($self->pool);
- $self->current_replicant($next_replicant);
+around 'connect_replicants' => sub {
+ my ($method, $self, @args) = @_;
+ $self->$method($self->schema, @args);
=head2 all_storages
+=head2 set_reliable_storage
+Sets the current $schema to be 'reliable', that is all queries, both read and
+write are sent to the master
+sub set_reliable_storage {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ my $schema = $self->schema;
+ my $write_handler = $self->schema->storage->write_handler;
+ $schema->storage->read_handler($write_handler);
+=head2 set_balanced_storage
+Sets the current $schema to be use the </balancer> for all reads, while all
+writea are sent to the master only
+sub set_balanced_storage {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ my $schema = $self->schema;
+ my $write_handler = $self->schema->storage->balancer;
+ $schema->storage->read_handler($write_handler);
=head2 connected
=head2 ensure_connected
Make sure all the storages are connected.
=head2 limit_dialect
Set the limit_dialect for all existing storages
=head2 quote_char
Set the quote_char for all existing storages
=head2 name_sep
Set the name_sep for all existing storages
=head2 set_schema
Set the schema object for all existing storages
=head2 debug
set a debug flag across all storages
=head2 debugobj
set a debug object across all storages
=head2 debugfh
set a debugfh object across all storages
=head2 debugcb
set a debug callback across all storages
=head2 disconnect
disconnect everything
-=head2 DESTROY
-Make sure we pass destroy events down to the storage handlers
-sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- ## TODO, maybe we can just leave this alone ???
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Norbert Csongrádi <>
-Peter Siklósi <>
-John Napiorkowski <>
-=head1 LICENSE
-You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI;
-use DBD::Multi;
-use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/;
-__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw/read_source write_source/ );
-=head1 NAME
-DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated - ALPHA Replicated database support
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-The Following example shows how to change an existing $schema to a replicated
-storage type and update it's connection information to contain a master DSN and
-an array of slaves.
- ## Change storage_type in your schema class
- $schema->storage_type( '::DBI::Replicated' );
- ## Set your connection.
- $schema->connect(
- $dsn, $user, $password, {
- AutoCommit => 1,
- ## Other standard DBI connection or DBD custom attributes added as
- ## usual. Additionally, we have two custom attributes for defining
- ## slave information and controlling how the underlying DBD::Multi
- connect_replicants => [
- ## Define each slave like a 'normal' DBI connection, but you add
- ## in a DBD::Multi custom attribute to define how the slave is
- ## prioritized. Please see DBD::Multi for more.
- [$slave1dsn, $user, $password, {%slave1opts}],
- [$slave2dsn, $user, $password, {%slave2opts}],
- [$slave3dsn, $user, $password, {%slave3opts}],
- ],
- },
- );
- ## Now, just use the schema as normal
- $schema->resultset('Table')->find(< unique >); ## Reads will use slaves
- $schema->resultset('Table')->create(\%info); ## Writes will use master
-Warning: This class is marked ALPHA. We are using this in development and have
-some basic test coverage but the code hasn't yet been stressed by a variety
-of databases. Individual DB's may have quirks we are not aware of. Please
-use this in development and pass along your experiences/bug fixes.
-This class implements replicated data store for DBI. Currently you can define
-one master and numerous slave database connections. All write-type queries
-(INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and even LAST_INSERT_ID) are routed to master
-database, all read-type queries (SELECTs) go to the slave database.
-For every slave database you can define a priority value, which controls data
-source usage pattern. It uses L<DBD::Multi>, so first the lower priority data
-sources used (if they have the same priority, the are used randomized), than
-if all low priority data sources fail, higher ones tried in order.
-Please see L<DBD::Multi> for most configuration information.
-sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref( $proto ) || $proto;
- my $self = {};
- bless( $self, $class );
- $self->write_source( DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI->new );
- $self->read_source( DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI->new );
- return $self;
-sub all_sources {
- my $self = shift;
- my @sources = ($self->read_source, $self->write_source);
- return wantarray ? @sources : \@sources;
-sub _connect_info {
- my $self = shift;
- my $master = $self->write_source->_connect_info;
- $master->[-1]->{slave_connect_info} = $self->read_source->_connect_info;
- return $master;
-sub connect_info {
- my ($self, $source_info) = @_;
- ## if there is no $source_info, treat this sub like an accessor
- return $self->_connect_info
- if !$source_info;
- ## Alright, let's conect the master
- $self->write_source->connect_info($source_info);
- ## Now, build and then connect the Slaves
- my @slaves_connect_info = @{$source_info->[-1]->{slaves_connect_info}};
- my $dbd_multi_config = ref $slaves_connect_info[-1] eq 'HASH'
- ? pop @slaves_connect_info : {};
- ## We need to do this since SQL::Abstract::Limit can't guess what DBD::Multi is
- $dbd_multi_config->{limit_dialect} = $self->write_source->sql_maker->limit_dialect
- unless defined $dbd_multi_config->{limit_dialect};
- @slaves_connect_info = map {
- ## if the first element in the arrayhash is a ref, make that the value
- my $db = ref $_->[0] ? $_->[0] : $_;
- my $priority = $_->[-1]->{priority} || 10; ## default priority is 10
- $priority => $db;
- } @slaves_connect_info;
- $self->read_source->connect_info([
- 'dbi:Multi:', undef, undef, {
- dsns => [@slaves_connect_info],
- %$dbd_multi_config,
- },
- ]);
- ## Return the formated connection information
- return $self->_connect_info;
-sub select {
- shift->read_source->select( @_ );
-sub select_single {
- shift->read_source->select_single( @_ );
-sub throw_exception {
- shift->read_source->throw_exception( @_ );
-sub sql_maker {
- shift->read_source->sql_maker( @_ );
-sub columns_info_for {
- shift->read_source->columns_info_for( @_ );
-sub sqlt_type {
- shift->read_source->sqlt_type( @_ );
-sub create_ddl_dir {
- shift->read_source->create_ddl_dir( @_ );
-sub deployment_statements {
- shift->read_source->deployment_statements( @_ );
-sub datetime_parser {
- shift->read_source->datetime_parser( @_ );
-sub datetime_parser_type {
- shift->read_source->datetime_parser_type( @_ );
-sub build_datetime_parser {
- shift->read_source->build_datetime_parser( @_ );
-sub limit_dialect { $_->limit_dialect( @_ ) for( shift->all_sources ) }
-sub quote_char { $_->quote_char( @_ ) for( shift->all_sources ) }
-sub name_sep { $_->quote_char( @_ ) for( shift->all_sources ) }
-sub disconnect { $_->disconnect( @_ ) for( shift->all_sources ) }
-sub set_schema { $_->set_schema( @_ ) for( shift->all_sources ) }
-sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- undef $self->{write_source};
- undef $self->{read_sources};
-sub last_insert_id {
- shift->write_source->last_insert_id( @_ );
-sub insert {
- shift->write_source->insert( @_ );
-sub update {
- shift->write_source->update( @_ );
-sub update_all {
- shift->write_source->update_all( @_ );
-sub delete {
- shift->write_source->delete( @_ );
-sub delete_all {
- shift->write_source->delete_all( @_ );
-sub create {
- shift->write_source->create( @_ );
-sub find_or_create {
- shift->write_source->find_or_create( @_ );
-sub update_or_create {
- shift->write_source->update_or_create( @_ );
-sub connected {
- shift->write_source->connected( @_ );
-sub ensure_connected {
- shift->write_source->ensure_connected( @_ );
-sub dbh {
- shift->write_source->dbh( @_ );
-sub txn_do {
- shift->write_source->txn_do( @_ );
-sub txn_commit {
- shift->write_source->txn_commit( @_ );
-sub txn_rollback {
- shift->write_source->txn_rollback( @_ );
-sub sth {
- shift->write_source->sth( @_ );
-sub deploy {
- shift->write_source->deploy( @_ );
-sub _prep_for_execute {
- shift->write_source->_prep_for_execute(@_);
-sub debugobj {
- shift->write_source->debugobj(@_);
-sub debug {
- shift->write_source->debug(@_);
-sub debugfh { shift->_not_supported( 'debugfh' ) };
-sub debugcb { shift->_not_supported( 'debugcb' ) };
-sub _not_supported {
- my( $self, $method ) = @_;
- die "This Storage does not support $method method.";
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<DBI::Class::Storage::DBI>, L<DBD::Multi>, L<DBI>
=head1 AUTHOR
Norbert Csongrádi <>
package DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer;
use Moose;
-use List::Util qw(shuffle);
=head1 NAME
This class defines the following attributes.
+=head2 pool
+The L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Pool> object that we are trying to
+has 'pool' => (
+ is=>'ro',
+ isa=>'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Pool',
+ required=>1,
+=head2 current_replicant
+Replicant storages (slaves) handle all read only traffic. The assumption is
+that your database will become readbound well before it becomes write bound
+and that being able to spread your read only traffic around to multiple
+databases is going to help you to scale traffic.
+This attribute returns the next slave to handle a read request. Your L</pool>
+attribute has methods to help you shuffle through all the available replicants
+via it's balancer object.
+has 'current_replicant' => (
+ is=> 'rw',
+ isa=>'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI',
+ lazy_build=>1,
+ handles=>[qw/
+ select
+ select_single
+ columns_info_for
+ /],
=head1 METHODS
This class defines the following methods.
-=head2 next_storage ($pool)
+=head2 _build_current_replicant
+Lazy builder for the L</current_replicant_storage> attribute.
+sub _build_current_replicant {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ $self->next_storage($self->pool);
+=head2 next_storage
Given a pool object, return the next replicant that will serve queries. The
-default behavior is to randomize but you can write your own subclasses of
-L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer> to support other balance
+default behavior is to grap the first replicant it finds but you can write
+your own subclasses of L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer> to
+support other balance systems.
sub next_storage {
my $self = shift @_;
- my $pool = shift @_;
- return (shuffle($pool->active_replicants))[0];
+ return ($self->pool->active_replicants)[0]
+ if $self->pool->active_replicants;
+=head2 after: select
+Advice on the select attribute. Each time we use a replicant
+we need to change it via the storage pool algorithm. That way we are spreading
+the load evenly (hopefully) across existing capacity.
+after 'select' => sub {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ my $next_replicant = $self->next_storage;
+ $self->current_replicant($next_replicant);
+=head2 after: select_single
+Advice on the select_single attribute. Each time we use a replicant
+we need to change it via the storage pool algorithm. That way we are spreading
+the load evenly (hopefully) across existing capacity.
+after 'select_single' => sub {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ my $next_replicant = $self->next_storage;
+ $self->current_replicant($next_replicant);
+=head2 after: columns_info_for
+Advice on the current_replicant_storage attribute. Each time we use a replicant
+we need to change it via the storage pool algorithm. That way we are spreading
+the load evenly (hopefully) across existing capacity.
+after 'columns_info_for' => sub {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ my $next_replicant = $self->next_storage;
+ $self->current_replicant($next_replicant);
=head1 AUTHOR
\ No newline at end of file