- fix a pathological prefetch case
- table case fix for Oracle in columns_info_for
+ - stopped search_rs deleting attributes from passed hash
0.07000 2006-07-23 02:30:00
- supress warnings for possibly non-unique queries, since
use Test::More;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
+use Data::Dumper;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
plan $@
? ( skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' )
- : ( tests => 47 );
+ : ( tests => 49 );
# figure out if we've got a version of sqlite that is older than 3.2.6, in
is($rs->first->name, 'We Are Goth', 'Correct record returned');
-$rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->search(
- { '' => 'Caterwauler McCrae' },
- { prefetch => [ qw/artist liner_notes/ ],
- order_by => 'me.cdid' });
+# bug in 0.07000 caused attr (join/prefetch) to be modifed by search
+# so we check the search & attr arrays are not modified
+my $search = { '' => 'Caterwauler McCrae' };
+my $attr = { prefetch => [ qw/artist liner_notes/ ],
+ order_by => 'me.cdid' };
+my $search_str = Dumper($search);
+my $attr_str = Dumper($attr);
+$rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->search($search, $attr);
+is(Dumper($search), $search_str, 'Search hash untouched after search()');
+is(Dumper($attr), $attr_str, 'Attribute hash untouched after search()');
cmp_ok($rs + 0, '==', 3, 'Correct number of records returned');
my $queries = 0;