use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::Warn;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest; # do not remove even though it is not used
-plan tests => 7;
-my $warnings;
-eval {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= shift };
- package DBICNSTestOther;
- use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
- __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces(
- result_namespace => [ '+DBICNSTest::Rslt', '+DBICNSTest::OtherRslt' ],
- resultset_namespace => '+DBICNSTest::RSet',
- );
-ok(!$@) or diag $@;
-like($warnings, qr/load_namespaces found ResultSet class C with no corresponding Result class/);
+lives_ok (sub {
+ warnings_exist ( sub {
+ package DBICNSTestOther;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
+ __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces(
+ result_namespace => [ '+DBICNSTest::Rslt', '+DBICNSTest::OtherRslt' ],
+ resultset_namespace => '+DBICNSTest::RSet',
+ );
+ },
+ qr/load_namespaces found ResultSet class C with no corresponding Result class/,
+ );
my $source_a = DBICNSTestOther->source('A');
isa_ok($source_a, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table');
my $source_d = DBICNSTestOther->source('D');
isa_ok($source_d, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table');
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
use Config;
# README: If you set the env var to a number greater than 10,
my $parent_rs;
-eval {
+lives_ok (sub {
my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
$parent_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({ year => 1901 });
-ok(!$@) or diag "Creation eval failed: $@";
+}, 'populate successfull');
my @children;
while(@children < $num_children) {
$row->update({ amount => undef });
} 'updated a money value to NULL';
- my $null_amount = eval { $rs->find($row->id)->amount };
- ok(
- (($null_amount == undef) && (not $@)),
- 'updated money value to NULL round-trip'
- );
- diag $@ if $@;
+ lives_ok {
+ my $null_amount = $rs->find($row->id)->amount;
+ is ($null_amount, undef, 'updated money value to NULL round-trip');
+ };
# Test computed columns and timestamps
$schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {