--- /dev/null
+package SQL::Translator::Producer::DBIx::Class::File;
+=head1 NAME
+SQL::Translator::Producer::DBIx::Class::File - DBIx::Class file producer
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use SQL::Translator;
+ my $t = SQL::Translator->new( parser => '...',
+ producer => 'DBIx::Class::File' );
+ print $translator->translate( $file );
+Creates a DBIx::Class::Schema for use with DBIx::Class
+use strict;
+use vars qw[ $VERSION $DEBUG $WARN ];
+$VERSION = '0.1';
+$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
+use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(header_comment);
+## Skip all column type translation, as we want to use whatever the parser got.
+## Translate parsers -> PK::Auto::Foo, however
+my %parser2PK = (
+ MySQL => 'PK::Auto::MySQL',
+ PostgreSQL => 'PK::Auto::Pg',
+ DB2 => 'PK::Auto::DB2',
+ Oracle => 'PK::Auto::Oracle',
+ );
+sub produce
+ my ($translator) = @_;
+ $DEBUG = $translator->debug;
+ $WARN = $translator->show_warnings;
+ my $no_comments = $translator->no_comments;
+ my $add_drop_table = $translator->add_drop_table;
+ my $schema = $translator->schema;
+ my $output = '';
+ # Steal the XML producers "prefix" arg for our namespace?
+ my $dbixschema = $translator->producer_args()->{prefix} ||
+ $schema->name || 'My::Schema';
+ my $pkclass = $parser2PK{$translator->parser_type} || '';
+ my %tt_vars = ();
+ $tt_vars{dbixschema} = $dbixschema;
+ $tt_vars{pkclass} = $pkclass;
+ my $schemaoutput .= << "DATA";
+package ${dbixschema};
+use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
+ my %tableoutput = ();
+ my %tableextras = ();
+ foreach my $table ($schema->get_tables)
+ {
+ my $tname = $table->name;
+ my $output .= qq{
+package ${dbixschema}::${tname};
+use base 'DBIx::Class';
+__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/${pkclass} Core/);
+ my @fields = map
+ { { $_->name => {
+ name => $_->name,
+ is_auto_increment => $_->is_auto_increment,
+ is_foreign_key => $_->is_foreign_key,
+ is_nullable => $_->is_nullable,
+ default_value => $_->default_value,
+ data_type => $_->data_type,
+ size => $_->size,
+ } }
+ } ($table->get_fields);
+ $output .= "\n__PACKAGE__->add_columns(";
+ foreach my $f (@fields)
+ {
+ local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
+ $output .= "\n '" . (keys %$f)[0] . "' => " ;
+ my $colinfo =
+ Data::Dumper->Dump([values %$f],
+ [''] # keys %$f]
+ );
+ chomp($colinfo);
+ $output .= $colinfo . ",";
+ }
+ $output .= "\n);\n";
+ my $pk = $table->primary_key;
+ if($pk)
+ {
+ my @pk = map { $_->name } ($pk->fields);
+ $output .= "__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(";
+ $output .= "'" . join("', '", @pk) . "');";
+ }
+ foreach my $cont ($table->get_constraints)
+ {
+# print Data::Dumper::Dumper($cont->type);
+ if($cont->type =~ /foreign key/i)
+ {
+ $output .= "\n__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('" .
+ $cont->fields->[0]->name . "', '" .
+ "${dbixschema}::" . $cont->reference_table . "');\n";
+ my $other = "\n__PACKAGE__->has_many('" .
+ "get_" . $table->name. "', '" .
+ "${dbixschema}::" . $table->name. "', '" .
+ $cont->fields->[0]->name . "');";
+ $tableextras{$cont->reference_table} .= $other;
+ }
+ }
+ $tableoutput{$table->name} = $output;
+ }
+ foreach my $te (keys %tableextras)
+ {
+ $tableoutput{$te} .= $tableextras{$te} . "\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $to (keys %tableoutput)
+ {
+ $output .= $tableoutput{$to};
+ }
+ print "$output\n";
+ return $output;