my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 6;
-my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1);
- my $copy = $schema->dclone($artist);
- is_deeply($copy, $artist, "dclone row object works");
- eval { $copy->discard_changes };
- ok( !$@, "discard_changes okay" );
- is($copy->id, $artist->id, "IDs still match ");
- my $ice = $schema->freeze($artist);
- my $copy = $schema->thaw($ice);
- is_deeply($copy, $artist, 'dclone row object works');
- eval { $copy->discard_changes };
- ok( !$@, "discard_changes okay" );
- is($copy->id, $artist->id, "IDs still okay");
+my %stores = (
+ dclone => sub { return dclone($_[0]) },
+ "freeze/thaw" => sub { return thaw(freeze($_[0])) },
- plan tests => (5 * keys %stores);
++plan tests => (7 * keys %stores);
+for my $name (keys %stores) {
+ my $store = $stores{$name};
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1);
+ my $copy = eval { $store->($artist) };
+ is_deeply($copy, $artist, "serialize row object works: $name");
+ # Test that an object with a related_resultset can be serialized.
+ my @cds = $artist->related_resultset("cds");
+ ok $artist->{related_resultsets}, 'has key: related_resultsets';
+ $copy = eval { $store->($artist) };
+ for my $key (keys %$artist) {
+ next if $key eq 'related_resultsets';
+ next if $key eq '_inflated_column';
+ is_deeply($copy->{$key}, $artist->{$key},
+ qq[serialize with related_resultset "$key"]);
+ }
++ ok eval { $copy->discard_changes; 1 };
++ is($copy->id, $artist->id, "IDs still match ");