if($rel_table) {
# Constraints are added only if applicable
next unless $fk_constraint;
# Make sure we dont create the same foreign key constraint twice
my $key_test = join("\x00", sort @keys);
next if $created_FK_rels{$rel_table}->{$key_test};
if (scalar(@keys)) {
$created_FK_rels{$rel_table}->{$key_test} = 1;
# global parser_args add_fk_index param can be overridden on the rel def
my $add_fk_index_rel = (exists $rel_info->{attrs}{add_fk_index}) ? $rel_info->{attrs}{add_fk_index} : $add_fk_index;
- # Make sure we don't create another index with the same
- # order of columns twice
- # WARNING: don't sort the key columns because the order of
+ # Check that we do not create an index identical to the PK index
+ # (some RDBMS croak on this, and it generally doesn't make much sense)
+ # NOTE: we do not sort the key columns because the order of
# columns is important for indexes and two indexes with the
# same cols but different order are allowed and sometimes
# needed
- my $key_idx_test = join("\x00", @keys);
- my $pk_idx_test = join("\x00", @primary);
- next if $key_idx_test eq $pk_idx_test;
+ next if join("\x00", @keys) eq join("\x00", @primary);
if ($add_fk_index_rel) {
my $index = $table->add_index(
'TwoKeys' => -1, # TwoKeys has the index turned off on the rel def
my $sqlt_schema = create_schema({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { } } });
foreach my $source_name (@sources) {
my $index_count = scalar(@indices);
is($index_count, $fk_count, "correct number of indices for $source_name with no args");
for my $index (@indices) {
my $source = $schema->source($source_name);
my $pk_test = join("\x00", $source->primary_columns);
my $sqlt_schema = create_schema({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { add_fk_index => 1 } } });
foreach my $source_name (@sources) {
my $sqlt_schema = create_schema({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { add_fk_index => 0 } } });
foreach my $source (@sources) {
package # hide from PAUSE