sub on_connect
my ($self) = @_;
- print "on_connect\n";
+# print "on_connect\n";
my $vschema = DBIx::Class::Version->connect(@{$self->storage->connect_info()});
my $vtable = $vschema->resultset('Table');
my $pversion;
- print "deploying.. \n";
+# print "deploying.. \n";
- print "Debugging is: ", $vschema->storage->debug, "\n";
+# print "Debugging is: ", $vschema->storage->debug, "\n";
$pversion = 0;
- $pversion = $vtable->search(undef,
- { select => [
- 'Version',
- { 'max' => 'Installed' },
- ],
- group_by => [ 'Version' ],
- })->first;
+ my $psearch = $vtable->search(undef,
+ { select => [
+ { 'max' => 'Installed' },
+ ],
+ as => ['maxinstall'],
+ })->first;
+ $pversion = $vtable->search({ Installed => $psearch->get_column('maxinstall'),
+ })->first;
$pversion = $pversion->Version if($pversion);
+# warn("Previous version: $pversion\n");
if($pversion eq $self->VERSION)
- print "This version is already installed\n";
+ warn "This version is already installed\n";
return 1;
- print "No previous version found, skipping upgrade\n";
+ warn "No previous version found, skipping upgrade\n";
return 1;
+# $self->create_upgrades($self->upgrade_directoy, $pversion, $self->VERSION);
my $file = $self->ddl_filename($self->upgrade_directory,
+ if(!$file)
+ {
+ # No upgrade path between these two versions
+ return 1;
+ }
$file =~ s/@{[ $self->VERSION ]}/"${pversion}-" . $self->VERSION/e;
if(!-f $file)
warn "Upgrade not possible, no upgrade file found ($file)\n";
- print "Found Upgrade file: $file\n";
+# print "Found Upgrade file: $file\n";
my $fh;
open $fh, "<$file" or warn("Can't open upgrade file, $file ($!)");
my @data = split(/;\n/, join('', <$fh>));
@data = grep { $_ && $_ !~ /^-- / } @data;
@data = grep { $_ !~ /^(BEGIN TRANACTION|COMMIT)/m } @data;
- print "Commands: ", join("\n", @data), "\n";
+# print "Commands: ", join("\n", @data), "\n";
sub backup
my ($self) = @_;
+ ## Make each ::DBI::Foo do this
+# $self->storage->backup();
sub upgrade
sub run_upgrade
my ($self, $stm) = @_;
- print "Reg: $stm\n";
+# print "Reg: $stm\n";
my @statements = grep { $_ =~ $stm } @{$self->_filedata};
# print "Statements: ", join("\n", @statements), "\n";
$self->_filedata([ grep { $_ !~ /$stm/i } @{$self->_filedata} ]);
for (@statements)
$self->storage->debugfh->print("$_\n") if $self->storage->debug;
- print "Running \n>>$_<<\n";
+# print "Running \n>>$_<<\n";
$self->storage->dbh->do($_) or warn "SQL was:\n $_";
return 1;
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Versioning - DBIx::Class::Schema plugin for Schema upgrades
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package Library::Schema;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
+ # load Library::Schema::CD, Library::Schema::Book, Library::Schema::DVD
+ __PACKAGE__->load_classes(qw/CD Book DVD/);
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Versioning/);
+ __PACKAGE__->upgrade_directory('/path/to/upgrades/');
+ sub backup
+ {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # my special backup process
+ }
+ sub upgrade
+ {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ ## overridable sub, per default just runs all the commands.
+ $self->run_upgrade(qr/create/i);
+ $self->run_upgrade(qr/alter table .*? add/i);
+ $self->run_upgrade(qr/alter table .*? (?!drop)/i);
+ $self->run_upgrade(qr/alter table .*? drop/i);
+ $self->run_upgrade(qr/drop/i);
+ $self->run_upgrade(qr//i);
+ }
+This module is a component designed to extend L<DBIx::Class::Schema>
+classes, to enable them to upgrade to newer schema layouts. To use this
+module, you need to have called C<create_ddl_dir> on your Schema to
+create your upgrade files to include with your delivery.
+A table called I<SchemaVersions> is created and maintained by the
+module. This contains two fields, 'Version' and 'Installed', which
+contain each VERSION of your Schema, and the date+time it was installed.
+If you would like to influence which levels of version change need
+upgrades in your Schema, you can override the method C<ddl_filename>
+in L<DBIx::Class::Schema>. Return a false value if there is no upgrade
+path between the two versions supplied. By default, every change in
+your VERSION is regarded as needing an upgrade.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 backup
+This is an overwritable method which is called just before the upgrade, to
+allow you to make a backup of the database. Per default this method attempts
+to call C<< $self->storage->backup >>, to run the standard backup on each
+database type.
+=head2 upgrade
+This is an overwritable method used to run your upgrade. The freeform method
+allows you to run your upgrade any way you please, you can call C<run_upgrade>
+any number of times to run the actual SQL commands, and in between you can
+sandwich your data upgrading. For example, first run all the B<CREATE>
+commands, then migrate your data from old to new tables/formats, then
+issue the DROP commands when you are finished.
+=head2 run_upgrade
+ $self->run_upgrade(qr/create/i);
+Runs a set of SQL statements matching a passed in regular expression. The
+idea is that this method can be called any number of times from your
+C<upgrade> method, running whichever commands you specify via the
+regex in the parameter.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jess Robinson <>