Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ - mark and compose_connection as deprecated
+ - switch tests to compose_namespace
0.07999_01 2006-10-05 21:00:00
- add connect_info option "disable_statement_caching"
- create insert_bulk using execute_array, populate uses it
use DBIx::Class::ClassResolver::PassThrough;
use DBI;
+unless ($INC{"DBIx/Class/"}) {
DBIx::Class::DB - (DEPRECATED) classdata schema component
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- package MyDB;
- use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
- __PACKAGE__->load_components('DB');
- __PACKAGE__->connection('dbi:...', 'user', 'pass', \%attrs);
- package MyDB::MyTable;
- use base qw/MyDB/;
- __PACKAGE__->load_components('Core'); # just load this in MyDB if it will
- # always be there
- ...
This class is designed to support the Class::DBI connection-as-classdata style
for DBIx::Class. You are *strongly* recommended to use a DBIx::Class::Schema
instead; DBIx::Class::DB will not undergo new development and will be moved
-to being a CDBICompat-only component before 1.0.
+to being a CDBICompat-only component before 1.0. In order to discourage further
+use, documentation has been removed as of 0.08000
=head1 METHODS
Alias for L<txn_rollback>
=head1 AUTHORS
Matt S. Trout <>
-=head2 compose_connection
+=head2 compose_connection (DEPRECATED)
=over 4
+DEPRECATED. You probably wanted compose_namespace.
+Actually, you probably just wanted to call connect.
+=for hidden due to deprecation
Calls L<DBIx::Class::Schema/"compose_namespace"> to the target namespace,
calls L<DBIx::Class::Schema/connection> with @db_info on the new schema,
then injects the L<DBix::Class::ResultSetProxy> component and a
-sub compose_connection {
- my ($self, $target, @info) = @_;
- my $base = 'DBIx::Class::ResultSetProxy';
- eval "require ${base};";
- $self->throw_exception
- ("No arguments to load_classes and couldn't load ${base} ($@)")
- if $@;
- if ($self eq $target) {
- # Pathological case, largely caused by the docs on early C::M::DBIC::Plain
- foreach my $moniker ($self->sources) {
- my $source = $self->source($moniker);
+ my $warn;
+ sub compose_connection {
+ my ($self, $target, @info) = @_;
+ warn "compose_connection deprecated as of 0.08000" unless $warn++;
+ my $base = 'DBIx::Class::ResultSetProxy';
+ eval "require ${base};";
+ $self->throw_exception
+ ("No arguments to load_classes and couldn't load ${base} ($@)")
+ if $@;
+ if ($self eq $target) {
+ # Pathological case, largely caused by the docs on early C::M::DBIC::Plain
+ foreach my $moniker ($self->sources) {
+ my $source = $self->source($moniker);
+ my $class = $source->result_class;
+ $self->inject_base($class, $base);
+ $class->mk_classdata(resultset_instance => $source->resultset);
+ $class->mk_classdata(class_resolver => $self);
+ }
+ $self->connection(@info);
+ return $self;
+ }
+ my $schema = $self->compose_namespace($target, $base);
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"${target}::schema"} = sub { $schema };
+ }
+ $schema->connection(@info);
+ foreach my $moniker ($schema->sources) {
+ my $source = $schema->source($moniker);
my $class = $source->result_class;
- $self->inject_base($class, $base);
+ #warn "$moniker $class $source ".$source->storage;
+ $class->mk_classdata(result_source_instance => $source);
$class->mk_classdata(resultset_instance => $source->resultset);
- $class->mk_classdata(class_resolver => $self);
+ $class->mk_classdata(class_resolver => $schema);
- $self->connection(@info);
- return $self;
+ return $schema;
- my $schema = $self->compose_namespace($target, $base);
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{"${target}::schema"} = sub { $schema };
- }
- $schema->connection(@info);
- foreach my $moniker ($schema->sources) {
- my $source = $schema->source($moniker);
- my $class = $source->result_class;
- #warn "$moniker $class $source ".$source->storage;
- $class->mk_classdata(result_source_instance => $source);
- $class->mk_classdata(resultset_instance => $source->resultset);
- $class->mk_classdata(class_resolver => $schema);
- }
- return $schema;
=head2 compose_namespace
use lib qw(t/lib);
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-my $orig_debugcb = DBICTest->schema->storage->debugcb;
-my $orig_debug = DBICTest->schema->storage->debug;
+my $orig_debugcb = $schema->storage->debugcb;
+my $orig_debug = $schema->storage->debug;
-diag('Testing against ' . join(' ', map { DBICTest->schema->storage->dbh->get_info($_) } qw/17 18/));
+diag('Testing against ' . join(' ', map { $schema->storage->dbh->get_info($_) } qw/17 18/));
my $sql = '';
-DBICTest->schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $sql = $_[1] });
+$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $sql = $_[1] });
my $rs;
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search(
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
{ 'me.year' => 2001, '' => 'Caterwauler McCrae' },
{ join => 'artist' });
eval { $rs->count };
like($sql, qr/\QSELECT COUNT( * ) FROM `cd` `me` JOIN `artist` `artist` ON ( `artist`.`artistid` = `me`.`artist` ) WHERE ( `artist`.`name` = ? AND `me`.`year` = ? )\E/, 'got correct SQL for count query with quoting');
my $order = 'year DESC';
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search({},
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({},
{ 'order_by' => $order });
eval { $rs->first };
like($sql, qr/ORDER BY `\Q${order}\E`/, 'quoted ORDER BY with DESC (should use a scalarref anyway)');
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search({},
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({},
{ 'order_by' => \$order });
eval { $rs->first };
like($sql, qr/ORDER BY \Q${order}\E/, 'did not quote ORDER BY with scalarref');
-DBICTest->schema->storage->sql_maker->quote_char([qw/[ ]/]);
+$schema->storage->sql_maker->quote_char([qw/[ ]/]);
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search(
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
{ 'me.year' => 2001, '' => 'Caterwauler McCrae' },
{ join => 'artist' });
eval { $rs->count };
order => '12'
-is(DBICTest->schema->storage->sql_maker->update('group', \%data), 'UPDATE `group` SET `name` = ?, `order` = ?', 'quoted table names for UPDATE');
+is($schema->storage->sql_maker->update('group', \%data), 'UPDATE `group` SET `name` = ?, `order` = ?', 'quoted table names for UPDATE');
use lib qw(t/lib);
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-my $orig_debugcb = DBICTest->schema->storage->debugcb;
-my $orig_debug = DBICTest->schema->storage->debug;
+my $orig_debugcb = $schema->storage->debugcb;
+my $orig_debug = $schema->storage->debug;
-diag('Testing against ' . join(' ', map { DBICTest->schema->storage->dbh->get_info($_) } qw/17 18/));
+diag('Testing against ' . join(' ', map { $schema->storage->dbh->get_info($_) } qw/17 18/));
-my $dsn = DBICTest->schema->storage->connect_info->[0];
-DBICTest->schema->connection($dsn, { quote_char => '`', name_sep => '.' });
+my $dsn = $schema->storage->connect_info->[0];
+$schema->connection($dsn, { quote_char => '`', name_sep => '.' });
my $sql = '';
-DBICTest->schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $sql = $_[1] });
+$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $sql = $_[1] });
my $rs;
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search(
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
{ 'me.year' => 2001, '' => 'Caterwauler McCrae' },
{ join => 'artist' });
eval { $rs->count };
like($sql, qr/\QSELECT COUNT( * ) FROM `cd` `me` JOIN `artist` `artist` ON ( `artist`.`artistid` = `me`.`artist` ) WHERE ( `artist`.`name` = ? AND `me`.`year` = ? )\E/, 'got correct SQL for count query with quoting');
my $order = 'year DESC';
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search({},
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({},
{ 'order_by' => $order });
eval { $rs->first };
like($sql, qr/ORDER BY `\Q${order}\E`/, 'quoted ORDER BY with DESC (should use a scalarref anyway)');
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search({},
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({},
{ 'order_by' => \$order });
eval { $rs->first };
like($sql, qr/ORDER BY \Q${order}\E/, 'did not quote ORDER BY with scalarref');
-DBICTest->schema->connection($dsn, { quote_char => [qw/[ ]/], name_sep => '.' });
-DBICTest->schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $sql = $_[1] });
+$schema->connection($dsn, { quote_char => [qw/[ ]/], name_sep => '.' });
+$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $sql = $_[1] });
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search(
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
{ 'me.year' => 2001, '' => 'Caterwauler McCrae' },
{ join => 'artist' });
eval { $rs->count };
order => '12'
-DBICTest->schema->connection($dsn, { quote_char => '`', name_sep => '.' });
+$schema->connection($dsn, { quote_char => '`', name_sep => '.' });
-is(DBICTest->schema->storage->sql_maker->update('group', \%data), 'UPDATE `group` SET `name` = ?, `order` = ?', 'quoted table names for UPDATE');
+is($schema->storage->sql_maker->update('group', \%data), 'UPDATE `group` SET `name` = ?, `order` = ?', 'quoted table names for UPDATE');
use lib qw(t/lib);
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
my $cbworks = 0;
-DBICTest->schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $cbworks = 1; });
-my $rs = DBICTest::CD->search({});
+$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $cbworks = 1; });
+my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({});
ok(!$cbworks, 'Callback not called with debug disabled');
ok($cbworks, 'Debug callback worked.');
my $prof = new DBIx::Test::Profiler();
# Test non-transaction calls.
# Test transaction calls
ok($prof->{'txn_begin'}, 'txn_begin called');
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search({});
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({});
ok($prof->{'query_start'}, 'query_start called');
ok($prof->{'query_end'}, 'query_end called');
ok($prof->{'txn_commit'}, 'txn_commit called');
# Test a rollback
-$rs = DBICTest::CD->search({});
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({});
ok($prof->{'txn_rollback'}, 'txn_rollback called');
package DBIx::Test::Profiler;
use strict;
like($@, qr/DBICTest::Exception is handling this: $ex_regex/);
# While we're at it, lets throw a custom exception through Storage::DBI
-eval { DBICTest->schema->storage->throw_exception('floob') };
+eval { $schema->storage->throw_exception('floob') };
like($@, qr/DBICTest::Exception is handling this: floob/);
use DBICTest::ResultSetManager; # uses Class::Inspector
-my $schema = DBICTest::ResultSetManager->compose_connection('DB', 'foo');
+my $schema = DBICTest::ResultSetManager->compose_namespace('DB', 'foo');
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Foo');
ok( !DB::Foo->can('bar'), 'Foo class does not have bar method' );
plan tests => 5;
-my $artist = DBICTest::Artist->find(1);
+my $artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->find(1);
ok($artist->find_related('twokeys', {cd => 1}), "find multiple pks using relationships + args");
ok($schema->resultset("FourKeys")->search({ foo => 1, bar => 2 })->find({ hello => 3, goodbye => 4 }), "search on partial key followed by a find");
plan tests => 5;
-DBICTest::Schema->compose_connection('MySQLTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
+DBICTest::Schema->compose_namespace('MySQLTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
my $dbh = MySQLTest->schema->storage->dbh;
plan tests => 8;
DBICTest::Schema->load_classes( 'Casecheck' );
-DBICTest::Schema->compose_connection('PgTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
+DBICTest::Schema->compose_namespace('PgTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
my $dbh = PgTest->schema->storage->dbh;
plan tests => 6;
-DBICTest::Schema->compose_connection('OraTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
+DBICTest::Schema->compose_namespace('OraTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
my $dbh = OraTest->schema->storage->dbh;
plan tests => 6;
-DBICTest::Schema->compose_connection('DB2Test' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
+DBICTest::Schema->compose_namespace('DB2Test' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
my $dbh = DB2Test->schema->storage->dbh;
plan tests => 6;
-DBICTest::Schema->compose_connection('DB2Test' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
+DBICTest::Schema->compose_namespace('DB2Test' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
my $dbh = DB2Test->schema->storage->dbh;
# Add more for others in the future when they exist (ODBC? ADO? JDBC?)
-DBICTest::Schema->compose_connection( 'MSSQLTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass );
+DBICTest::Schema->compose_namespace( 'MSSQLTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass );
my $dbh = MSSQLTest->schema->storage->dbh;
DBICTest::Schema->storage(undef); # just in case?
-DBICTest::Schema->compose_connection('MySQLTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
+DBICTest::Schema->compose_namespace('MySQLTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
my $dbh = MySQLTest->schema->storage->dbh;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-my $sql_maker = DBICTest->schema->storage->sql_maker;
+my $sql_maker = $schema->storage->sql_maker;
use lib 't/lib';
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+DBICTest::CD->load_components(qw/CDBICompat CDBICompat::Pager/);
my ( $pager, $it ) = DBICTest::CD->page(
my $dbuser = $ENV{"DBICTEST_DBUSER"} || '';
my $dbpass = $ENV{"DBICTEST_DBPASS"} || '';
- my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->compose_connection('DBICTest' => $dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);
+ my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->compose_namespace('DBICTest')
+ ->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);
$schema->storage->on_connect_do(['PRAGMA synchronous = OFF']);
if ( !$args{no_deploy} ) {
__PACKAGE__->deploy_schema( $schema );