ref $call_cond eq 'ARRAY' && ! @$call_cond
)) {
$cache = $self->get_cache;
+ } elsif (
+ $self->{attrs}{cache} and
+ ($self->{attrs}{grep_cache} or $call_attrs->{grep_cache})
+ ) {
+ if (
+ keys %$call_attrs
+ and not (exists $call_attrs->{grep_cache} and !$call_attrs->{grep_cache})
+ ) {
+ die "Can't do complex search on resultset with grep_cache set";
+ }
+ my $grep_one = $self->_construct_perl_predicate($call_cond);
+ $cache = [ grep $grep_one->($_), $self->all ];
my $old_attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
return \Operator({ 'SQL.Naive' => 'AND' }, \@uniq);
+my %perl_op_map = (
+ '=' => { numeric => '==', string => 'eq' },
+sub _construct_perl_predicate {
+ my ($self, $cond) = @_;
+ # This shouldn't really live here but it'll do for the moment.
+ my %alias_map = (
+ $self->current_source_alias => {
+ join_path => [],
+ source => $self->result_source,
+ columns_info => $self->result_source->columns_info,
+ },
+ );
+ my $attrs = $self->_resolved_attrs;
+ foreach my $j ( @{$attrs->{from}}[1 .. $#{$attrs->{from}} ] ) {
+ next unless $j->[0]{-alias};
+ next unless $j->[0]{-join_path};
+ $alias_map{$j->[0]{-alias}} = {
+ join_path => [ map { keys %$_ } @{$j->[0]{-join_path}} ],
+ source => $j->[0]{-rsrc},
+ columns_info => $j->[0]{-rsrc}->columns_info,
+ };
+ }
+ my %as_map = map +($attrs->{select}[$_] => $attrs->{as}[$_]),
+ grep !ref($attrs->{select}[$_]), 0..$#{$attrs->{select}};
+ my $storage = $self->result_source->schema->storage;
+ my $sql_maker = $storage->sql_maker;
+ my $tree = map_dq_tree {
+ if (is_Operator) {
+ my $op = $_->{operator}{'SQL.Naive'} or die "No operator";
+ if (lc($op) =~ /^(?:and|or|not)$/i) {
+ return Operator({ 'Perl' => lc($op) }, $op->{args});
+ }
+ if (my $op_map = $perl_op_map{$op}) {
+ die "Binop doesn't have two args - wtf?"
+ unless @{$_->{args}} == 2;
+ my $data_type;
+ my @mapped_args = map {
+ if (is_Identifier) {
+ die "Identifier not alias.colname"
+ unless @{$_->{elements}} == 2;
+ my ($alias, $col) = @{$_->{elements}};
+ die "${alias}.${col} not selected"
+ unless $as_map{"${alias}.${col}"};
+ unless ($data_type) {
+ my $colinfo = $alias_map{$alias}{columns_info}{$col};
+ unless (defined $colinfo->{is_numeric}) {
+ $colinfo->{is_numeric} = (
+ $storage->is_datatype_numeric($colinfo->{data_type})
+ ? 1
+ : 0
+ );
+ }
+ $data_type = $colinfo->{is_numeric} ? 'numeric' : 'string';
+ }
+ Identifier(@{$alias_map{$alias}{join_path}}, $col);
+ } elsif (is_Value) {
+ $_;
+ } else {
+ die "Argument to operator neither identifier nor value";
+ }
+ } @{$_->{args}};
+ die "Couldn't determine numeric versus string" unless $data_type;
+ return \Operator({ Perl => $op_map->{$data_type} }, \@mapped_args);
+ }
+ }
+ die "Unable to map node to perl";
+ } $sql_maker->converter->_where_to_dq($cond);
+ my ($code, @values) = @{$storage->perl_renderer->render($tree)};
+ my $sub = eval q!sub { !.$code.q! }!
+ or die "Failed to build sub: $@";
+ my @args = map $_->{value}, @values;
+ return sub { local $_ = $_[0]; $sub->(@args) };
=head2 search_literal
B<CAVEAT>: C<search_literal> is provided for Class::DBI compatibility and
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::Warn;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
+use Data::Query::ExprDeclare;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+my $cds = $schema->resultset('CD');
+my $restricted = $cds->search({}, { cache => 1, grep_cache => 1 })
+ ->search({ 'me.artist' => 1 });
+is($restricted->count, 3, 'Count on restricted ok');
+$restricted = $cds->search(
+ {},
+ { prefetch => 'artist', cache => 1, grep_cache => 1 }
+ )
+ ->search({ '' => 'Caterwauler McCrae' });
+is($restricted->count, 3, 'Count on restricted ok via join');