sub _dbh_get_autoinc_seq {
- my ($self, $dbh, $schema, $table, @pri) = @_;
+ my ($self, $dbh, $schema, $table, $col) = @_;
# get the list of postgres schemas to search. if we have a schema
# specified, use that. otherwise, use the search path
@search_path = @{ $self->_get_pg_search_path($dbh) };
+ # find the sequence(s) of the column in question (should have nextval declared on it)
+ my @sequence_names;
foreach my $search_schema (@search_path) {
- foreach my $col (@pri) {
- my $info = $dbh->column_info(undef,$search_schema,$table,$col)->fetchrow_hashref;
- if($info) {
- # if we get here, we have definitely found the right
- # column.
- if( defined $info->{COLUMN_DEF} and
- $info->{COLUMN_DEF}
- =~ /^nextval\(+'([^']+)'::(?:text|regclass)\)/i
- ) {
- my $seq = $1;
- # have not figured out a 100% reliable way to tell
- # what sequence is meant if it is not
- # schema-qualified. see TODO tests in 72pg.t
- if( $seq =~ /\./ ) {
- return $seq;
- } else {
- # this guess is going to be incorrect some of
- # the time, which could lead to problems that
- # could be pretty hairy to trace. thus the
- # warning.
- $seq = $info->{TABLE_SCHEM} . "." . $seq;
- warn "WARNING: guessing sequence '$seq' for key $search_schema.$table.$col\n";
- return $seq;
- }
- # return our (schema-qualified) seq
- return $seq;
- } else {
- # we have found the column, but cannot figure out
- # the nextval seq
- return;
- }
- }
- }
+ my $info = $dbh->column_info(undef,$search_schema,$table,$col)->fetchrow_hashref;
+ if($info && defined $info->{COLUMN_DEF}
+ && $info->{COLUMN_DEF} =~ /^nextval\(+'([^']+)'::(?:text|regclass)\)/i
+ ) {
+ push @sequence_names, $1;
+ }
- return;
+ if (@sequence_names != 1) {
+ $self->throw_exception (sprintf
+ q|Unable to reliably determine autoinc sequence name for '%s'.'%s' (possible candidates: %s)|,
+ $table,
+ $col,
+ join (', ', (@sequence_names ? @sequence_names : 'none found') ),
+ );
+ }
+ my $seq = $sequence_names[0];
+ if( $seq !~ /\./ ) {
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare (
+ 'SELECT * FROM "information_schema"."sequences" WHERE "sequence_name" = ?'
+ );
+ $sth->execute ($seq);
+ my @seen_in_schemas;
+ while (my $h = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+ push @seen_in_schemas, $h->{sequence_schema};
+ }
+ if (not @seen_in_schemas) {
+ $self->throw_exception (sprintf
+ q|Automatically determined autoinc sequence name '%s' for '%s'.'%s' does not seem to exist...'|,
+ $seq,
+ $table,
+ $col,
+ );
+ }
+ elsif (@seen_in_schemas > 1) {
+ $self->throw_exception (sprintf
+ q|Unable to reliably fully-qualify automatically determined autoinc sequence name '%s' for '%s'.'%s' (same name exist in schemas: %s)|,
+ $seq,
+ $table,
+ $col,
+ join (', ', (@seen_in_schemas)),
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ my $sql_maker = $self->sql_maker;
+ $seq = join ('.', map { $sql_maker->_quote ($_) } ($seen_in_schemas[0], $seq) );
+ }
+ }
+ return $seq;
sub get_autoinc_seq {
my ($self,$source,$col) = @_;
- my @pri = $source->primary_columns;
my $schema;
my $table = $source->name;
($schema, $table) = ($1, $2);
- $self->dbh_do('_dbh_get_autoinc_seq', $schema, $table, @pri);
+ $self->dbh_do('_dbh_get_autoinc_seq', $schema, $table, $col);
sub sqlt_type {
use warnings;
use Test::More;
-use Test::Warn;
use Test::Exception;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
[qw| unq_nextval_schema 2 |],
[qw| unq_nextval_schema2 1 |],
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'have not figured out a 100% reliable way to tell which schema an unqualified seq is in';
- warnings_exist (
- sub {
- foreach my $t ( @todo_schemas ) {
- my ($sch_name, $start_num) = @$t;
- #test with anothertestschema
- $schema->source('Artist')->name("$sch_name.artist");
- $schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} = undef; #< clear sequence name cache
- my $another_new;
- lives_ok {
- $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Tollbooth Willy'});
- is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- } "$sch_name liid 1 did not die"
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- lives_ok {
- $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Adam Sandler'});
- is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num+1, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- } "$sch_name liid 2 did not die"
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- }
- },
- [ (qr/guessing sequence/)x2],
- 'got a bunch of warnings from unqualified schema guessing'
- );
+ foreach my $t ( @todo_schemas ) {
+ my ($sch_name, $start_num) = @$t;
+ #test with anothertestschema
+ $schema->source('Artist')->name("$sch_name.artist");
+ $schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} = undef; #< clear sequence name cache
+ my $another_new;
+ lives_ok {
+ $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Tollbooth Willy'});
+ is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ } "$sch_name liid 1 did not die"
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ lives_ok {
+ $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Adam Sandler'});
+ is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num+1, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ } "$sch_name liid 2 did not die"
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
$schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} = undef; #< clear sequence name cache