# Although this is needed only if the order_by is not defined, it is
# actually cheaper to just populate this rather than properly examining
# order_by (stuf like [ {} ] and the like)
- $attrs->{_virtual_order_by} = [ $self->result_source->primary_columns ];
+ my $prefix = $alias . ($source->schema->storage->_sql_maker_opts->{name_sep} || '.');
+ $attrs->{_virtual_order_by} = [
+ map { $prefix . $_ } ($source->primary_columns)
+ ];
- my $collapse = $attrs->{collapse} || {};
+ $attrs->{collapse} ||= {};
if ( my $prefetch = delete $attrs->{prefetch} ) {
$prefetch = $self->_merge_attr( {}, $prefetch );
- my @pre_order;
- foreach my $p ( ref $prefetch eq 'ARRAY' ? @$prefetch : ($prefetch) ) {
- # bring joins back to level of current class
- my $join_map = $self->_joinpath_aliases ($attrs->{from}, $attrs->{seen_join});
- my @prefetch =
- $source->_resolve_prefetch( $p, $alias, $join_map, \@pre_order, $collapse );
- push( @{ $attrs->{select} }, map { $_->[0] } @prefetch );
- push( @{ $attrs->{as} }, map { $_->[1] } @prefetch );
- }
- push( @{ $attrs->{order_by} }, @pre_order );
+ my $prefetch_ordering = [];
+ my $join_map = $self->_joinpath_aliases ($attrs->{from}, $attrs->{seen_join});
+ my @prefetch =
+ $source->_resolve_prefetch( $prefetch, $alias, $join_map, $prefetch_ordering, $attrs->{collapse} );
+ push( @{ $attrs->{select} }, map { $_->[0] } @prefetch );
+ push( @{ $attrs->{as} }, map { $_->[1] } @prefetch );
+ push( @{ $attrs->{order_by} }, @$prefetch_ordering );
+ $attrs->{_collapse_order_by} = \@$prefetch_ordering;
if (delete $attrs->{distinct}) {
$attrs->{group_by} ||= [ grep { !ref($_) || (ref($_) ne 'HASH') } @{$attrs->{select}} ];
sub _select_args {
- my ($self, $ident, $select, $condition, $attrs) = @_;
+ my ($self, $ident, $select, $where, $attrs) = @_;
my $sql_maker = $self->sql_maker;
+ $sql_maker->{_dbic_rs_attrs} = $attrs;
- my $order = { map
- { $attrs->{$_} ? ( $_ => $attrs->{$_} ) : () }
- (qw/order_by group_by having _virtual_order_by/ )
- };
- my $bind_attrs = {};
my $alias2source = $self->_resolve_ident_sources ($ident);
+ # calculate bind_attrs before possible $ident mangling
+ my $bind_attrs = {};
for my $alias (keys %$alias2source) {
my $bindtypes = $self->source_bind_attributes ($alias2source->{$alias}) || {};
for my $col (keys %$bindtypes) {