use strict;
use warnings;
-# this noop trick initializes the STDOUT, so that the TAP::Harness
-# issued IO::Select->can_read calls (which are blocking wtf wtf wtf)
-# keep spinning and scheduling jobs
-# This results in an overall much smoother job-queue drainage, since
-# the Harness blocks less
-# (ideally this needs to be addressed in T::H, but a quick patchjob
-# broke everything so tabling it for now)
- if ($INC{'Test/'}) {
- local $| = 1;
- print "#\n";
- }
-use Module::Runtime 'module_notional_filename';
- for my $mod (qw( SQL::Abstract::Test SQL::Abstract )) {
- if ( $INC{ module_notional_filename($mod) } ) {
- # FIXME this does not seem to work in BEGIN - why?!
- #require Carp;
- #$Carp::Internal{ (__PACKAGE__) }++;
- #Carp::croak( __PACKAGE__ . " must be loaded before $mod" );
- my ($fr, @frame) = 1;
- while (@frame = caller($fr++)) {
- last if $frame[1] !~ m|^t/lib/DBICTest|;
- }
- die __PACKAGE__ . " must be loaded before $mod (or modules using $mod) at $frame[1] line $frame[2]\n";
- }
- }
+use DBICTest::Util 'local_umask';
use DBICTest::Schema;
use DBICTest::Util::LeakTracer qw/populate_weakregistry assert_empty_weakregistry/;
-use DBICTest::Util 'local_umask';
use Carp;
use Path::Class::File ();
use File::Spec;
use warnings;
use strict;
+# this noop trick initializes the STDOUT, so that the TAP::Harness
+# issued IO::Select->can_read calls (which are blocking wtf wtf wtf)
+# keep spinning and scheduling jobs
+# This results in an overall much smoother job-queue drainage, since
+# the Harness blocks less
+# (ideally this needs to be addressed in T::H, but a quick patchjob
+# broke everything so tabling it for now)
+ if ($INC{'Test/'}) {
+ local $| = 1;
+ print "#\n";
+ }
+use Module::Runtime 'module_notional_filename';
+ for my $mod (qw( SQL::Abstract::Test SQL::Abstract )) {
+ if ( $INC{ module_notional_filename($mod) } ) {
+ # FIXME this does not seem to work in BEGIN - why?!
+ #require Carp;
+ #$Carp::Internal{ (__PACKAGE__) }++;
+ #Carp::croak( __PACKAGE__ . " must be loaded before $mod" );
+ my ($fr, @frame) = 1;
+ while (@frame = caller($fr++)) {
+ last if $frame[1] !~ m|^t/lib/DBICTest|;
+ }
+ die __PACKAGE__ . " must be loaded before $mod (or modules using $mod) at $frame[1] line $frame[2]\n";
+ }
+ }
use Config;
use Carp 'confess';
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr);