package DBIx::Class::Admin;
use Moose;
-use MooseX::Types;
+use MooseX::Types
+ -declare => [qw( DBICConnectInfo )];
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Int HashRef ArrayRef Str Any/;
+use MooseX::Types::JSON qw(JSON);
use MooseX::Types::Path::Class qw(Dir File);
use Try::Tiny;
use parent 'Class::C3::Componentised';
use Data::Dumper;
+use JSON::Any;
+coerce ArrayRef,
+ from JSON,
+ via { _json_to_data ($_) };
+coerce HashRef,
+ from JSON,
+ via { _json_to_data($_) };
+subtype DBICConnectInfo,
+ as ArrayRef;
+coerce DBICConnectInfo,
+ from JSON,
+ via { return _json_to_data($_) } ;
+coerce DBICConnectInfo,
+ from Str,
+ via { return _json_to_data($_) };
+coerce DBICConnectInfo,
+ from HashRef,
+ via { [ $_->{dsn}, $_->{user}, $_->{password} ] };
# ['lib|I:s' => 'Additonal library path to search in'],
# ['schema|s:s' => 'The class of the schema to load', { required => 1 } ],
lazy_build => 1,
sub _build_schema {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->schema_class->connect(@{$self->connect_info()} ); # , $self->connect_info->[3], { ignore_version => 1} );
+=head2 resultset
+a resultset from the schema to operate on
+has 'resultset' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => Str,
+=head2 where
+a hash ref or json string to be used for identifying data to manipulate
+has 'where' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => HashRef,
+ coerce => 1,
+=head2 set
+a hash ref or json string to be used for inserting or updating data
+has 'set' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => HashRef,
+ coerce => 1,
+=head2 attrs
+a hash ref or json string to be used for passing additonal info to the ->search call
+has 'attrs' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => HashRef,
+ coerce => 1,
=head2 connect_info
connect_info the arguments to provide to the connect call of the schema_class
has 'connect_info' => (
is => 'ro',
- isa => ArrayRef,
+ isa => DBICConnectInfo,
lazy_build => 1,
+ coerce => 1,
sub _build_connect_info {
#die('Do not use the where option with the insert op') if ($where);
#die('Do not use the attrs option with the insert op') if ($attrs);
-=head2 insert_data
+=head2 insert
=over 4
-insert_data takes the name of a resultset from the schema_class and a hashref of data to insert
+insert takes the name of a resultset from the schema_class and a hashref of data to insert
into that resultset
-sub insert_data {
+sub insert {
my ($self, $rs, $set) = @_;
+ $rs ||= $self->resultset();
+ $set ||= $self->set();
my $resultset = $self->schema->resultset($rs);
my $obj = $resultset->create( $set );
print ''.ref($resultset).' ID: '.join(',',$obj->id())."\n" if (!$self->quiet);
-=head2 update_data
+=head2 update
=over 4
-update_data takes the name of a resultset from the schema_class, a hashref of data to update and
+update takes the name of a resultset from the schema_class, a hashref of data to update and
a where hash used to form the search for the rows to update.
-sub update_data {
+sub update {
my ($self, $rs, $set, $where) = @_;
+ $rs ||= $self->resultset();
+ $where ||= $self->where();
+ $set ||= $self->set();
my $resultset = $self->schema->resultset($rs);
$resultset = $resultset->search( ($where||{}) );
#die('Do not use the set option with the delete op') if ($set);
-=head2 delete_data
+=head2 delete
=over 4
-delete_data takes the name of a resultset from the schema_class, a where hashref and a attrs to pass to ->search.
+delete takes the name of a resultset from the schema_class, a where hashref and a attrs to pass to ->search.
The found data is deleted and cannot be recovered.
-sub delete_data {
+sub delete {
my ($self, $rs, $where, $attrs) = @_;
+ $rs ||= $self->resultset();
+ $where ||= $self->where();
+ $attrs ||= $self->attrs();
my $resultset = $self->schema->resultset($rs);
$resultset = $resultset->search( ($where||{}), ($attrs||()) );
-=head2 select_data
+=head2 select
=over 4
-select_data takes the name of a resultset from the schema_class, a where hashref and a attrs to pass to ->search.
+select takes the name of a resultset from the schema_class, a where hashref and a attrs to pass to ->search.
The found data is returned in a array ref where the first row will be the columns list.
-sub select_data {
+sub select {
my ($self, $rs, $where, $attrs) = @_;
+ $rs ||= $self->resultset();
+ $where ||= $self->where();
+ $attrs ||= $self->attrs();
my $resultset = $self->schema->resultset($rs);
$resultset = $resultset->search( ($where||{}), ($attrs||()) );
return $cfg;
+sub _json_to_data {
+ my ($json_str) = @_;
+ my $json = JSON::Any->new(allow_barekey => 1, allow_singlequote => 1, relaxed=>1);
+ my $ret = $json->jsonToObj($json_str);
+ return $ret;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gordon Irving <>
+with code taken from dbicadmin by
+Aran Deltac <>
+=head1 LICENSE
+You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.