We could instead just add YAML::XS to the Test::Requires list, but (so long as
Config::Any::YAML continues to support YAML/YAML::Syck) this route lets us
test the MooseX::SimpleConfig path on more systems.
Revision history for Perl extension MooseX-Getopt
+ - silence a warning in tests if the user does not have YAML::XS installed
+ (thanks for the report, Getty!)
0.48 2012-12-23 18:08:04 PST-0800
- documentation and tests amended to prefer usage of 'trait' over 'metaclass'
use Test::NoWarnings 1.04 ':early';
use Path::Class; # exports file, dir
+# avoid warning if all we have installed is YAML or YAML::Syck - the user will
+# see this eventually when he actually uses MooseX::SimpleConfig in his own
+# code
+use Config::Any::YAML;
+$Config::Any::YAML::NO_YAML_XS_WARNING = 1;
package Foo;
use Moose;