my $self = shift;
my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
- # Parse out a query from input
- my $input_query;
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ # Parse out the condition from input
+ my $call_cond;
if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
- $input_query = { %{$_[0]} };
+ $call_cond = { %{$_[0]} };
else {
my $constraint = exists $attrs->{key} ? $attrs->{key} : 'primary';
- my @c_cols = $self->result_source->unique_constraint_columns($constraint);
+ my @c_cols = $rsrc->unique_constraint_columns($constraint);
"No constraint columns, maybe a malformed '$constraint' constraint?"
. "corresponding to the columns of the specified unique constraint '$constraint'"
) unless @c_cols == @_;
- $input_query = {};
- @{$input_query}{@c_cols} = @_;
+ $call_cond = {};
+ @{$call_cond}{@c_cols} = @_;
my %related;
- for my $key (keys %$input_query) {
+ for my $key (keys %$call_cond) {
if (
- my $keyref = ref($input_query->{$key})
+ my $keyref = ref($call_cond->{$key})
- my $relinfo = $self->result_source->relationship_info($key)
+ my $relinfo = $rsrc->relationship_info($key)
) {
- my $val = delete $input_query->{$key};
+ my $val = delete $call_cond->{$key};
next if $keyref eq 'ARRAY'; # has_many for multi_create
- my $rel_q = $self->result_source->_resolve_condition(
+ my $rel_q = $rsrc->_resolve_condition(
$relinfo->{cond}, $val, $key
die "Can't handle complex relationship conditions in find" if ref($rel_q) ne 'HASH';
# relationship conditions take precedence (?)
- @{$input_query}{keys %related} = values %related;
+ @{$call_cond}{keys %related} = values %related;
- # Build the final query: Default to the disjunction of the unique queries,
- # but allow the input query in case the ResultSet defines the query or the
- # user is abusing find
my $alias = exists $attrs->{alias} ? $attrs->{alias} : $self->{attrs}{alias};
- my $query;
+ my $final_cond;
if (exists $attrs->{key}) {
- my @unique_cols = $self->result_source->unique_constraint_columns($attrs->{key});
- my $unique_query = $self->_build_unique_query($input_query, \@unique_cols);
- $query = $self->_add_alias($unique_query, $alias);
+ $final_cond = $self->_qualify_cond_columns (
+ $self->_build_unique_cond (
+ $attrs->{key},
+ $call_cond,
+ ),
+ $alias,
+ );
elsif ($self->{attrs}{accessor} and $self->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'single') {
# This means that we got here after a merger of relationship conditions
# relationship
else {
- # no key was specified - fall down to heuristics mode
- # get all possible unique queries based on the combination of $query
- # and the condition available in $self, and then run a search with
- # each and every possible constraint (as long as it's completely specified)
- my @unique_queries = $self->_unique_queries($input_query, $attrs);
- $query = @unique_queries
- ? [ map { $self->_add_alias($_, $alias) } @unique_queries ]
- : $self->_add_alias($input_query, $alias);
+ # no key was specified - fall down to heuristics mode:
+ # run through all unique queries registered on the resultset, and
+ # 'OR' all qualifying queries together
+ my (@unique_queries, %seen_column_combinations);
+ for my $c_name ($rsrc->unique_constraint_names) {
+ next if $seen_column_combinations{
+ join "\x00", sort $rsrc->unique_constraint_columns($c_name)
+ }++;
+ push @unique_queries, try {
+ $self->_build_unique_cond ($c_name, $call_cond)
+ } || ();
+ }
+ $final_cond = @unique_queries
+ ? [ map { $self->_qualify_cond_columns($_, $alias) } @unique_queries ]
+ : $self->_qualify_cond_columns($call_cond, $alias)
+ ;
# Run the query, passing the result_class since it should propagate for find
- my $rs = $self->search ($query, {result_class => $self->result_class, %$attrs});
+ my $rs = $self->search ($final_cond, {result_class => $self->result_class, %$attrs});
if (keys %{$rs->_resolved_attrs->{collapse}}) {
my $row = $rs->next;
carp "Query returned more than one row" if $rs->next;
-# _add_alias
-# Add the specified alias to the specified query hash. A copy is made so the
-# original query is not modified.
-sub _add_alias {
- my ($self, $query, $alias) = @_;
+sub _qualify_cond_columns {
+ my ($self, $cond, $alias) = @_;
- my %aliased = %$query;
- foreach my $col (grep { ! m/\./ } keys %aliased) {
- $aliased{"$alias.$col"} = delete $aliased{$col};
+ my %aliased = %$cond;
+ for (keys %aliased) {
+ $aliased{"$alias.$_"} = delete $aliased{$_}
+ if $_ !~ /\./;
return \%aliased;
-# _unique_queries
-# Build a list of queries which satisfy the unique constraint(s) as per $attrs
-sub _unique_queries {
- my ($self, $query, $attrs) = @_;
- my @constraint_names = exists $attrs->{key}
- ? ($attrs->{key})
- : $self->result_source->unique_constraint_names;
- my $where = $self->_collapse_cond($self->{attrs}{where} || {});
- my $num_where = scalar keys %$where;
+sub _build_unique_cond {
+ my ($self, $constraint_name, $extra_cond) = @_;
- my (@unique_queries, %seen_column_combinations);
- foreach my $name (@constraint_names) {
- my @constraint_cols = $self->result_source->unique_constraint_columns($name);
+ my @c_cols = $self->result_source->unique_constraint_columns($constraint_name);
- my $constraint_sig = join "\x00", sort @constraint_cols;
- next if $seen_column_combinations{$constraint_sig}++;
- my $unique_query = $self->_build_unique_query($query, \@constraint_cols);
+ # combination may fail if $self->{cond} is non-trivial
+ my ($final_cond) = try {
+ $self->_merge_with_rscond ($extra_cond)
+ } catch {
+ +{ %$extra_cond }
+ };
- my $num_cols = scalar @constraint_cols;
- my $num_query = scalar keys %$unique_query;
+ # trim out everything not in $columns
+ $final_cond = { map { $_ => $final_cond->{$_} } @c_cols };
- my $total = $num_query + $num_where;
- if ($num_query && ($num_query == $num_cols || $total == $num_cols)) {
- # The query is either unique on its own or is unique in combination with
- # the existing where clause
- push @unique_queries, $unique_query;
- }
+ if (my @missing = grep { ! defined $final_cond->{$_} } (@c_cols) ) {
+ $self->throw_exception( sprintf ( "Unable to satisfy constraint '%s', no values for column(s): %s",
+ $constraint_name,
+ join (', ', map { "'$_'" } @missing),
+ ) );
- return @unique_queries;
-# _build_unique_query
-# Constrain the specified query hash based on the specified column names.
-sub _build_unique_query {
- my ($self, $query, $unique_cols) = @_;
- return {
- map { $_ => $query->{$_} }
- grep { exists $query->{$_} }
- @$unique_cols
- };
+ return $final_cond;
=head2 search_related
## inherit the data locked in the conditions of the resultset
- my ($rs_data) = $self->_merge_cond_with_data({});
+ my ($rs_data) = $self->_merge_with_rscond({});
delete @{$rs_data}{@columns};
my @inherit_cols = keys %$rs_data;
my @inherit_data = values %$rs_data;
$self->throw_exception( "new_result needs a hash" )
unless (ref $values eq 'HASH');
- my ($merged_cond, $cols_from_relations) = $self->_merge_cond_with_data($values);
+ my ($merged_cond, $cols_from_relations) = $self->_merge_with_rscond($values);
my %new = (
return $self->result_class->new(\%new);
-# _merge_cond_with_data
+# _merge_with_rscond
# Takes a simple hash of K/V data and returns its copy merged with the
# condition already present on the resultset. Additionally returns an
# arrayref of value/condition names, which were inferred from related
# objects (this is needed for in-memory related objects)
-sub _merge_cond_with_data {
+sub _merge_with_rscond {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
my (%new_data, @cols_from_relations);
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
+use Test::Warn;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
my $sdebug = $schema->storage->debug;
-plan tests => 6;
my $artist = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->first;
my $genre = $schema->resultset ('Genre')
->create ({ name => 'par excellence' });
+my $genre_cds = $genre->cds;
-is ($genre->search_related( 'cds' )->count, 0, 'No cds yet');
+is ($genre_cds->count, 0, 'No cds yet');
# expect a create
$genre->update_or_create_related ('cds', {
# verify cd was inserted ok
-is ($genre->search_related( 'cds' )->count, 1, 'One cd');
-my $cd = $genre->find_related ('cds', {});
+is ($genre_cds->count, 1, 'One cd');
+my $cd = $genre_cds->first;
is_deeply (
{ map { $_, $cd->get_column ($_) } qw/artist year title/ },
# expect a year update on the only related row
-# (non-qunique column + unique column as disambiguator)
+# (non-qunique column + unique column set as disambiguator)
$genre->update_or_create_related ('cds', {
year => 2010,
title => 'the best thing since sliced bread',
+ artist => 1,
# re-fetch the cd, verify update
is ($genre->search_related( 'cds' )->count, 1, 'Still one cd');
-$cd = $genre->find_related ('cds', {});
+$cd = $genre_cds->first;
is_deeply (
{ map { $_, $cd->get_column ($_) } qw/artist year title/ },
'CD year column updated correctly',
+# expect a failing create:
+# the unique constraint is not complete, and there is nothing
+# in the database with such a year yet - insertion will fail due
+# to missing artist fk
+throws_ok {
+ $genre->update_or_create_related ('cds', {
+ year => 2020,
+ title => 'the best thing since sliced bread',
+ })
+} qr/\Qcd.artist may not be NULL/, 'ambiguous find + create failed';
# expect a create, after a failed search using *only* the
# *current* relationship and the unique column constraints
# a has_many search without a unique constraint makes no sense
# but I am not sure what to test for - leaving open