# * The way .travis.yml is fed to the command controller is idiotic - it
# makes using multiline `bash -c` statements impossible. Therefore to
# aid readability (our travis logic is rather complex), the bulk of
-# functionality is moved to a script. More about the problem (and the
+# functionality is moved to scripts. More about the problem (and the
# WONTFIX "explanation") here: https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/497
+ # bleadperl
+ - perl: bleadperl_thr_mb
+ env:
+ - CLEANTEST=false
+ - BREWOPTS="-Duseithreads -Dusemorebits"
+ - BREWVER=blead
# minimum supported with threads
- perl: 5.8.5_thr
- BREWVER=5.8.3
- # bleadperl
- - perl: bleadperl_thr_mb
- env:
- - CLEANTEST=false
- - BREWOPTS="-Duseithreads -Dusemorebits"
- - BREWVER=blead
# check CLEANTEST of minimum supported
- perl: 5.8.3_nt_mb
- BREWOPTS="-Duseithreads -Dusemorebits"
- BREWVER=5.8.8
+# sourcing the files is *EXTREMELY* important - otherwise
+# no envvars will survive
+# timeouts below taken from the base and overrides:
+# https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-worker/blob/master/lib/travis/worker/config.rb#L32
+# https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-worker/blob/master/config/worker.php.yml
- # Do not make this part of the env-matrix
- # different boxes we run on have different amount of hw threads
- # hence why we need to query
- # result is 1.5 times the physical threads
- - export NUMTHREADS=$(( ( $(cut -f 2 -d '-' /sys/devices/system/cpu/online) + 1 ) * 15 / 10 ))
+ # Sets global envvars, downloads/configures debs based on CLEANTEST
+ # Sets extra DBICTEST_* envvars
+ #
+ # TIMEOUT: 900s
+ #
+ - source maint/travis-ci_scripts/10_before_install.bash
# Build and switch to a custom perl if requested
- # Set the environment based on CLEANTEST
- # Preinstall/install deps
+ # Configure the perl env, preinstall some generic toolchain parts
+ #
+ # TIMEOUT: 900s
- # sourcing the file is *EXTREMELY* important - otherwise
- # no envvars will survive
- - source maint/travis-ci_prepare_env
+ - source maint/travis-ci_scripts/20_install.bash
+ # Preinstall/install deps based on envvars/CLEANTEST
+ #
+ # TIMEOUT: 900s
+ #
+ - source maint/travis-ci_scripts/30_before_script.bash
- # either a plain 'make test' OR a shuffled prove torture
- # use the random order test plan unless CLEANTEST
- # prepare_env may have short-circuited the test entirely
- - test -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" || (test "$CLEANTEST" = "true" && make test || prove -lrswj$NUMTHREADS t xt)
+ # Run actual tests
+ #
+ # TIMEOUT: 2100s
+ #
+ - source maint/travis-ci_scripts/40_script.bash
- # check if we can assemble a dist properly given we have all deps
- - test -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" || test "$CLEANTEST" = "true" || make dist
+ # Check if we can assemble a dist properly if not in CLEANTEST
+ #
+ # TIMEOUT: 300s
+ #
+ - source maint/travis-ci_scripts/50_after_success.bash
+ # No tasks yet
+ #
+ # TIMEOUT: 300s
+ #
+ #- source maint/travis-ci_scripts/50_after_failure.bash
+ # No tasks yet
+ #
+ # TIMEOUT: 300s
+ #
+ #- source maint/travis-ci_scripts/60_after_script.bash
+++ /dev/null
-# * The way .travis.yml is fed to the command controller is idiotic - it
-# makes using multiline `bash -c` statements impossible. Therefore to
-# aid readability (our travis logic is rather complex), the bulk of
-# functionality is moved to a script. More about the problem here:
-# https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/497
-set -e
-echo_err() { echo "$@" 1>&2 ; }
-tstamp() { echo -n "[$(date '+%H:%M:%S')]" ; }
-run_or_err() {
- echo_err -n "$(tstamp) $1 ... "
- LASTOUT=$( bash -c "$2" 2>&1 ) || LASTEXIT=$?
- if [[ "$LASTEXIT" != "0" ]] ; then
- echo_err -e "FAILED !!!\nCommand executed:\n$2\nSTDOUT+STDERR:\n$LASTOUT"
- return $LASTEXIT
- else
- echo_err "done."
- fi
-if [[ "$TRAVIS" != "true" ]] ; then
- echo_err "Running this script makes no sense outside of travis-ci"
- exit 1
-# Current dir is the root of the DBIC checkout (make sure to
-# come back there if moving around before end of this script)
-# envvars available for us:
-# NUMTHREADS = { number}
-# dynamically determined amount of threads we want to run on this
-# smoker concurrently
-# CLEANTEST = [ true | false ]
-# controls whether we simulate a "user-side" install experience
-# that is - no author deps and no M::I installation
-# BREWVER = { tripple dotted perl version, e.g. 5.8.3 }
-# brew a custom perl version such and such
-# BREWOPTS = { string to be fed unquoted to perlbrew, e.g. -Duseithreads }
-# build options for perlbrew
-echo_err "$(tstamp) Smoke preconfiguration starting $(date)"
-TRAVIS_CPAN_MIRROR=$(echo "$PERL_CPANM_OPT" | grep -oP -- '--mirror\s+\S+' | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
-if ! [[ "$TRAVIS_CPAN_MIRROR" =~ "http://" ]] ; then
- echo_err "Unable to extract primary cpan mirror from PERL_CPANM_OPT - something is wrong"
- exit 1
-# Fixup CPANM_OPT to behave more like a traditional cpan client
-export PERL_CPANM_OPT="$( echo $PERL_CPANM_OPT | sed 's/--skip-satisfied//' )"
-if [[ -n "$BREWVER" ]] ; then
- # .travis.yml already restricts branches to master, topic/* and smoke/*
- # do some extra short-circuiting here
- # when smoking master do not attempt bleadperl (not release-critical)
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ]] && [[ "$BREWVER" = "blead" ]]; then
- # on topic/ branches test only with travis perls
- elif [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" =~ "topic/" ]]; then
- fi
- if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]]; then
- echo_err "$(tstamp) non-smoke branch and custom perl compilation requested - bailing out"
- sleep 20 # give the console time to attach, otherwise it hangs
- return # this is like an `exit 0` in sourcing
- fi
- run_or_err "Compiling/installing Perl $BREWVER (without testing, may take up to 5 minutes)" \
- "perlbrew install --as $BREWVER --notest --verbose $BREWOPTS -j $NUMTHREADS $BREWVER"
- sync
- perlbrew use $BREWVER
-# configure CPAN.pm - older versions go into an endless loop
-# when trying to autoconf themselves
- require CPAN;
- require CPAN::FirstTime;
- *CPAN::FirstTime::conf_sites = sub {};
- CPAN::Config->load;
- \$CPAN::Config->{urllist} = [qw{ $TRAVIS_CPAN_MIRROR }];
- \$CPAN::Config->{halt_on_failure} = 1;
- CPAN::Config->commit;
-run_or_err "Configuring CPAN.pm" "perl -e '$CPAN_CFG_SCRIPT'"
-extract_prereqs() {
- # hack-hack-hack
- COMBINED_OUT="$( { stdout="$(cpanm --quiet --scandeps --format tree "$@")" ; } 2>&1; echo "!!!STDERRSTDOUTSEPARATOR!!!$stdout")" \
- || LASTEXIT=$?
- ERR=$(grep -v " is up to date." <<< "${COMBINED_OUT%!!!STDERRSTDOUTSEPARATOR!!!*}")
- if [[ "$LASTEXIT" != "0" ]] || [[ -n "$ERR" ]] ; then
- echo_err "$(echo -e "Error occured (exit code $LASTEXIT) retrieving dependencies of $@:\n$ERR\n$OUT")"
- exit 1
- fi
- # throw away non-children (what was in $@), throw away ascii art, convert to modnames
- perl -p -e 's/^[a-z].+//i; s/^[^a-z]+//i; s/\-[^\-]+$/ /; s/\-/::/g' <<< "$OUT"
-parallel_installdeps_notest() {
- if [[ -z "$@" ]] ; then return; fi
- # flatten list into one string
- MODLIST=$(echo "$@")
- # The reason we do things so "non-interactively" is that xargs -P will have the
- # latest cpanm instance overwrite the buildlog. There seems to be no way to
- # specify a custom buildlog, hence we just collect the verbose output
- # and display it in case of failure
- run_or_err "Installing (without testing) $MODLIST" \
- "echo $MODLIST | xargs -n 1 -P $NUMTHREADS cpanm --verbose --no-interactive --notest --no-man-pages"
-if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]]; then
- # get the last inc/ off cpan - we will get rid of MI
- # soon enough, but till then this will do
- # the point is to have a *really* clean perl (the ones
- # we build are guaranteed to be clean, without side
- # effects from travis preinstalls)
- # trick cpanm into executing true as shell - we just need the find+unpack
- run_or_err "Downloading DBIC inc/ from CPAN" \
- "SHELL=/bin/true cpanm --look DBIx::Class"
- mv ~/.cpanm/latest-build/DBIx-Class-*/inc .
- # we will be running all dbic tests - preinstall lots of stuff, run basic tests
- # using SQLT and set up whatever databases necessary
- # do the preinstall in several passes to minimize amount of cross-deps installing
- # multiple times, and to avoid module re-architecture breaking another install
- # (e.g. once Carp is upgraded there's no more Carp::Heavy)
- #
- parallel_installdeps_notest ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- parallel_installdeps_notest Carp
- parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Build
- parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Runtime ExtUtils::Depends File::Spec Data::Dumper
- parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Exception LWP
- parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Fatal Test::Warn bareword::filehandles
- parallel_installdeps_notest namespace::clean Class::XSAccessor MRO::Compat
- parallel_installdeps_notest DBD::SQLite Moo Class::Accessor::Grouped
- parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Install DateTime::Format::Strptime
- parallel_installdeps_notest JSON::DWIW JSON JSON::XS Test::Pod::Coverage Test::EOL
- parallel_installdeps_notest MooseX::Types JSON::Any Class::DBI
-### apt-get invocation - faster to grab everything at once
- #
- # FIXME these debconf lines should automate the firebird config but do not :(((
- sudo bash -c 'echo -e "firebird2.5-super\tshared/firebird/enabled\tboolean\ttrue" | debconf-set-selections'
- sudo bash -c 'echo -e "firebird2.5-super\tshared/firebird/sysdba_password/new_password\tpassword\t123" | debconf-set-selections'
- APT_PACKAGES="memcached firebird2.5-super firebird2.5-dev expect"
- run_or_err "Installing packages ($APT_PACKAGES)" "sudo apt-get install -y $APT_PACKAGES"
-### memcached
-### mysql
- run_or_err "Creating MySQL TestDB" "mysql -e 'create database dbic_test;'"
- export DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN='dbi:mysql:database=dbic_test;host='
-### pg
- run_or_err "Creating PostgreSQL TestDB" "psql -c 'create database dbic_test;' -U postgres"
- export DBICTEST_PG_DSN='dbi:Pg:database=dbic_test;host='
- export DBICTEST_PG_USER=postgres
-### firebird
- # poor man's deb config
- spawn dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=text firebird2.5-super
- expect "Enable Firebird server?"
- send "\177\177\177\177yes\r"
- expect "Password for SYSDBA"
- send "123\r"
- sleep 1
- wait
- sleep 1
- '
- run_or_err "Re-configuring Firebird" "
- sync
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text sudo expect -c '$EXPECT_FB_SCRIPT'
- sleep 1
- sync
- # restart the server for good measure
- sudo /etc/init.d/firebird2.5-super stop || true
- sleep 1
- sync
- sudo /etc/init.d/firebird2.5-super start
- sleep 1
- sync
- "
- # creating testdb
- # FIXME - this step still fails from time to time >:(((
- # has to do with the FB reconfiguration I suppose
- # for now if it fails - simply skip FB testing
- if run_or_err "Creating Firebird TestDB" \
- "echo \"CREATE DATABASE '/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/dbic_test.fdb';\" | sudo isql-fb -u sysdba -p 123"
- then
- # the official version is full of 5.10-isms, but works perfectly fine on 5.8
- # pull in our patched copy
- run_or_err "Fetching patched DBD::Firebird" \
- "git clone https://github.com/dbsrgits/perl-dbd-firebird-5.8.git ~/dbd-firebird"
- # the official version is very much outdated and does not compile on 5.14+
- # use this rather updated source tree (needs to go to PAUSE):
- # https://github.com/pilcrow/perl-dbd-interbase
- run_or_err "Fetching patched DBD::InterBase" \
- "git clone https://github.com/dbsrgits/perl-dbd-interbase ~/dbd-interbase"
- parallel_installdeps_notest ~/dbd-interbase/ ~/dbd-firebird/
- export DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN=dbi:Firebird:dbname=/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/dbic_test.fdb
- export DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_INTERBASE_DSN=dbi:InterBase:dbname=/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/dbic_test.fdb
- fi
-### oracle
- # FIXME: todo
- #DBICTEST_ORA_DSN=dbi:Oracle:host=localhost;sid=XE
- #DBICTEST_ORA_USER=dbic_test
- #DBICTEST_ORA_EXTRAUSER_DSN=dbi:Oracle:host=localhost;sid=XE
- #ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client
-CPAN_is_sane() { perl -MCPAN\ 1.94_56 -e 1 &>/dev/null ; }
-# install the rest
-if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]]; then
- # older perls do not have a CPAN which understands configure_requires
- # properly and what is worse a `cpan Foo` run exits with 0 even if some
- # modules failed to install
- # The first CPAN which is somewhat sane is around 1.94_56 (perl 5.12)
- # The problem is that the first sane version also brings a *lot* of
- # deps with it, notably things like YAML and HTTP::Tiny
- # The goal of CLEANTEST is to have as little extra stuff installed as
- # possible, mainly to catch "but X is perl core" mistakes
- # So instead we still use our stock (possibly old) CPAN, and add some
- # handholding
- CPAN_is_sane || \
- run_or_err "Pre-installing ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build" \
- "cpan ExtUtils::MakeMaker Module::Build"
- if ! perl -MModule::Build -e 1 &> /dev/null ; then
- echo_err -e "Module::Build installation failed\n$LASTOUT"
- exit 1
- fi
- # DBI has by far the longest test runtime - run less tests
- # FIXME horrible horrible hack, need to implement in DBI itself
- run_or_err "Downloading latest DBI distdir from CPAN" \
- "SHELL=/bin/true cpanm --look DBI"
- cd ~/.cpanm/latest-build/DBI-*/
- perl -p -i -e 's/(create_.+?_tests) => 1/$1 => 0/' Makefile.PL
- run_or_err "Pre-installing DBI, but running less tests" "perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install"
- cd - &>/dev/null
- # generate the makefile which will have different deps depending on
- # the runmode and envvars set above
- run_or_err "Configure on current branch" "perl Makefile.PL"
- HARD_DEPS="$(echo $(make listdeps))"
- # this is a fucked CPAN - won't understand configure_requires of
- # various pieces we may run into
- CPAN_is_sane || HARD_DEPS="ExtUtils::Depends B::Hooks::OP::Check $HARD_DEPS"
- # not sure what's going on here yet
- perl -M5.008008 -e 1 &> /dev/null || \
- parallel_installdeps_notest multidimensional bareword::filehandles
- # work around Params::Validate not having a Makefile.PL so really old
- # toolchains can not figure out what the prereqs are ;(
- # Need to do more research before filing a bug requesting Makefile inclusion
- perl -M5.008008 -e 1 &> /dev/null || \
- HARD_DEPS="$(extract_prereqs Params::Validate) $HARD_DEPS"
- run_or_err "Installing/testing dependencies (may take up to 10 minutes): $HARD_DEPS" "cpan $HARD_DEPS"
- # this is a fucked CPAN - save the log as we may need it
- # generate the makefile which will have different deps depending on
- # the runmode and envvars set above
- run_or_err "Configure on current branch" "perl Makefile.PL"
- # listalldeps is deliberate - will upgrade everything it can find
- parallel_installdeps_notest $(make listalldeps)
-echo_err "$(tstamp) Module configuration finished"
-# this will display list of available versions
-perl Makefile.PL
-# make sure we got everything we need
-if [[ -n "$(make listdeps)" ]] ; then
- echo_err "$(tstamp) Not all deps installed - something went wrong :("
- sleep 1 # without this the echo below confuses the console listener >.<
- CPAN_is_sane || echo_err -e "Outdated CPAN.pm used - full logs follows\n$INSTALLDEPS_OUT\n\nSearch for 'NOT OK' in the text above\n\nDeps still missing:"
- sleep 3 # without this the above echo confuses the console listener >.<
- make listdeps
- exit 1
-run_or_err "Prepare blib" "make pure_all"
-# announce what are we running
-echo_err "
-========================= CONFIGURATION COMPLETE ===========================
-$(tstamp) Configuration phase seems to have taken $(date -ud "@$SECONDS" '+%H:%M:%S') (@$SECONDS)
-= CPUinfo
-$(perl -0777 -p -e 's/.+\n\n(?!\z)//s' < /proc/cpuinfo)
-= Meminfo
-$(free -m -t)
-= Environment
-$(env | grep -P 'TEST|TRAVIS|PERL|DBIC' | LC_ALL=C sort | cat -v)
-= Perl in use
-$(perl -V)
-$(tstamp) Starting tests using $NUMTHREADS concurrent processes"
--- /dev/null
+source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash
+if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then return ; fi
+if [[ -n "$BREWVER" ]] ; then
+ # .travis.yml already restricts branches to master, topic/* and smoke/*
+ # do some extra short-circuiting here
+ # when smoking master do not attempt bleadperl (not release-critical)
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ]] && [[ "$BREWVER" = "blead" ]]; then
+ echo_err "$(tstamp) master branch is not smoked with bleadperl - bailing out"
+ # on topic/ branches test only with travis perls
+ elif [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" =~ "topic/" ]]; then
+ echo_err "$(tstamp) non-smoke branch and custom perl compilation requested - bailing out"
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]]; then
+ sleep 20 # give the console time to attach, otherwise it hangs
+ return # this is like an `exit 0` in sourcing
+ fi
+# different boxes we run on may have different amount of hw threads
+# hence why we need to query
+# result is 1.5 times the physical threads
+export NUMTHREADS=$(( ( $(cut -f 2 -d '-' /sys/devices/system/cpu/online) + 1 ) * 15 / 10 ))
+if [[ "$CLEANTEST" != "true" ]]; then
+### apt-get invocation - faster to grab everything at once
+ #
+ # FIXME these debconf lines should automate the firebird config but do not :(((
+ sudo bash -c 'echo -e "firebird2.5-super\tshared/firebird/enabled\tboolean\ttrue" | debconf-set-selections'
+ sudo bash -c 'echo -e "firebird2.5-super\tshared/firebird/sysdba_password/new_password\tpassword\t123" | debconf-set-selections'
+ APT_PACKAGES="memcached firebird2.5-super firebird2.5-dev expect"
+ run_or_err "Installing packages ($APT_PACKAGES)" "sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated -y $APT_PACKAGES"
+### config memcached
+### config mysql
+ run_or_err "Creating MySQL TestDB" "mysql -e 'create database dbic_test;'"
+ export DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN='dbi:mysql:database=dbic_test;host='
+### config pg
+ run_or_err "Creating PostgreSQL TestDB" "psql -c 'create database dbic_test;' -U postgres"
+ export DBICTEST_PG_DSN='dbi:Pg:database=dbic_test;host='
+ export DBICTEST_PG_USER=postgres
+### conig firebird
+ # poor man's deb config
+ spawn dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=text firebird2.5-super
+ expect "Enable Firebird server?"
+ send "\177\177\177\177yes\r"
+ expect "Password for SYSDBA"
+ send "123\r"
+ sleep 1
+ wait
+ sleep 1
+ '
+ run_or_err "Re-configuring Firebird" "
+ sync
+ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text sudo expect -c '$EXPECT_FB_SCRIPT'
+ sleep 1
+ sync
+ # restart the server for good measure
+ sudo /etc/init.d/firebird2.5-super stop || true
+ sleep 1
+ sync
+ sudo /etc/init.d/firebird2.5-super start
+ sleep 1
+ sync
+ "
+ # creating testdb
+ # FIXME - this step still fails from time to time >:(((
+ # has to do with the FB reconfiguration I suppose
+ # for now if it fails - simply skip FB testing
+ if run_or_err "Creating Firebird TestDB" \
+ "echo \"CREATE DATABASE '/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/dbic_test.fdb';\" | sudo isql-fb -u sysdba -p 123"
+ then
+ export DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN=dbi:Firebird:dbname=/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/dbic_test.fdb
+ export DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_INTERBASE_DSN=dbi:InterBase:dbname=/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/dbic_test.fdb
+ fi
+### oracle
+ # FIXME: todo
+ #DBICTEST_ORA_DSN=dbi:Oracle:host=localhost;sid=XE
+ #DBICTEST_ORA_USER=dbic_test
+ #DBICTEST_ORA_EXTRAUSER_DSN=dbi:Oracle:host=localhost;sid=XE
+ #ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client
--- /dev/null
+source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash
+if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then return ; fi
+TRAVIS_CPAN_MIRROR=$(echo "$PERL_CPANM_OPT" | grep -oP -- '--mirror\s+\S+' | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
+if ! [[ "$TRAVIS_CPAN_MIRROR" =~ "http://" ]] ; then
+ echo_err "Unable to extract primary cpan mirror from PERL_CPANM_OPT - something is wrong"
+ exit 1
+# Fixup CPANM_OPT to behave more like a traditional cpan client
+export PERL_CPANM_OPT="$( echo $PERL_CPANM_OPT | sed 's/--skip-satisfied//' )"
+if [[ -n "$BREWVER" ]] ; then
+ run_or_err "Compiling/installing Perl $BREWVER (without testing, may take up to 5 minutes)" \
+ "perlbrew install --as $BREWVER --notest --verbose $BREWOPTS -j $NUMTHREADS $BREWVER"
+ # can not do 'perlbrew uss' in the run_or_err subshell above
+ perlbrew use $BREWVER || \
+ ( echo_err -e "Unable to switch to $BREWVER - compillation failed?\n$LASTOUT"; exit 1 )
+# configure CPAN.pm - older versions go into an endless loop
+# when trying to autoconf themselves
+ require CPAN;
+ require CPAN::FirstTime;
+ *CPAN::FirstTime::conf_sites = sub {};
+ CPAN::Config->load;
+ \$CPAN::Config->{urllist} = [qw{ $TRAVIS_CPAN_MIRROR }];
+ \$CPAN::Config->{halt_on_failure} = 1;
+ CPAN::Config->commit;
+run_or_err "Configuring CPAN.pm" "perl -e '$CPAN_CFG_SCRIPT'"
--- /dev/null
+source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash
+if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then return ; fi
+if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]]; then
+ # get the last inc/ off cpan - we will get rid of MI
+ # soon enough, but till then this will do
+ # the point is to have a *really* clean perl (the ones
+ # we build are guaranteed to be clean, without side
+ # effects from travis preinstalls)
+ # trick cpanm into executing true as shell - we just need the find+unpack
+ run_or_err "Downloading DBIC inc/ from CPAN" \
+ "SHELL=/bin/true cpanm --look DBIx::Class"
+ mv ~/.cpanm/latest-build/DBIx-Class-*/inc .
+ # older perls do not have a CPAN which understands configure_requires
+ # properly and what is worse a `cpan Foo` run exits with 0 even if some
+ # modules failed to install
+ # The first CPAN which is somewhat sane is around 1.94_56 (perl 5.12)
+ # The problem is that the first sane version also brings a *lot* of
+ # deps with it, notably things like YAML and HTTP::Tiny
+ # The goal of CLEANTEST is to have as little extra stuff installed as
+ # possible, mainly to catch "but X is perl core" mistakes
+ # So instead we still use our stock (possibly old) CPAN, and add some
+ # handholding
+ CPAN_is_sane || \
+ run_or_err "Pre-installing ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build" \
+ "cpan ExtUtils::MakeMaker Module::Build"
+ if ! perl -MModule::Build -e 1 &> /dev/null ; then
+ echo_err -e "Module::Build installation failed\n$LASTOUT"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # DBI has by far the longest test runtime - run less tests
+ # FIXME horrible horrible hack, need to implement in DBI itself
+ run_or_err "Downloading latest DBI distdir from CPAN" \
+ "SHELL=/bin/true cpanm --look DBI"
+ cd ~/.cpanm/latest-build/DBI-*/
+ perl -p -i -e 's/(create_.+?_tests) => 1/$1 => 0/' Makefile.PL
+ run_or_err "Pre-installing DBI, but running less tests" "perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install"
+ cd - &>/dev/null
+ # we will be running all dbic tests - preinstall lots of stuff, run basic tests
+ # using SQLT and set up whatever databases necessary
+ # do the preinstall in several passes to minimize amount of cross-deps installing
+ # multiple times, and to avoid module re-architecture breaking another install
+ # (e.g. once Carp is upgraded there's no more Carp::Heavy)
+ #
+ parallel_installdeps_notest ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+ parallel_installdeps_notest Carp
+ parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Build
+ parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Runtime ExtUtils::Depends File::Spec Data::Dumper
+ parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Exception LWP
+ parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Fatal Test::Warn bareword::filehandles
+ parallel_installdeps_notest namespace::clean Class::XSAccessor MRO::Compat
+ parallel_installdeps_notest DBD::SQLite Moo Class::Accessor::Grouped
+ parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Install DateTime::Format::Strptime
+ parallel_installdeps_notest JSON::DWIW JSON JSON::XS Test::Pod::Coverage Test::EOL
+ parallel_installdeps_notest MooseX::Types JSON::Any Class::DBI
+ if [[ -n "DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN" ]] ; then
+ # the official version is full of 5.10-isms, but works perfectly fine on 5.8
+ # pull in our patched copy
+ run_or_err "Fetching patched DBD::Firebird" \
+ "git clone https://github.com/dbsrgits/perl-dbd-firebird-5.8.git ~/dbd-firebird"
+ # the official version is very much outdated and does not compile on 5.14+
+ # use this rather updated source tree (needs to go to PAUSE):
+ # https://github.com/pilcrow/perl-dbd-interbase
+ run_or_err "Fetching patched DBD::InterBase" \
+ "git clone https://github.com/dbsrgits/perl-dbd-interbase ~/dbd-interbase"
+ parallel_installdeps_notest ~/dbd-interbase/ ~/dbd-firebird/
+ fi
+# generate the makefile which will have different deps depending on
+# the runmode and envvars set above
+run_or_err "Configure on current branch" "perl Makefile.PL"
+# install (remaining) dependencies, sometimes with a gentle push
+if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]]; then
+ # we may need to prepend some stuff to that list
+ HARD_DEPS="$(echo $(make listdeps))"
+ # this is a fucked CPAN - won't understand configure_requires of
+ # various pieces we may run into
+ CPAN_is_sane || HARD_DEPS="ExtUtils::Depends B::Hooks::OP::Check $HARD_DEPS"
+ # not sure what's going on here yet
+ perl -M5.008008 -e 1 &> /dev/null || \
+ parallel_installdeps_notest multidimensional bareword::filehandles
+ # work around Params::Validate not having a Makefile.PL so really old
+ # toolchains can not figure out what the prereqs are ;(
+ # Need to do more research before filing a bug requesting Makefile inclusion
+ perl -M5.008008 -e 1 &> /dev/null || \
+ HARD_DEPS="$(extract_prereqs Params::Validate) $HARD_DEPS"
+ run_or_err "Installing/testing dependencies (may take up to 10 minutes): $HARD_DEPS" "cpan $HARD_DEPS"
+ # this is a fucked CPAN - save the log as we may need it
+ # listalldeps is deliberate - will upgrade everything it can find
+ parallel_installdeps_notest $(make listalldeps)
+echo_err "$(tstamp) Dependency configuration finished"
+# this will display list of available versions
+perl Makefile.PL
+# make sure we got everything we need
+if [[ -n "$(make listdeps)" ]] ; then
+ echo_err "$(tstamp) Not all deps installed - something went wrong :("
+ sleep 1 # without this the echo below confuses the console listener >.<
+ CPAN_is_sane || echo_err -e "Outdated CPAN.pm used - full logs follows\n$INSTALLDEPS_OUT\n\nSearch for 'NOT OK' in the text above\n\nDeps still missing:"
+ sleep 3 # without this the above echo confuses the console listener >.<
+ make listdeps
+ exit 1
+# announce what are we running
+echo_err "
+===================== DEPENDENCY CONFIGURATION COMPLETE =====================
+$(tstamp) Configuration phase seems to have taken $(date -ud "@$SECONDS" '+%H:%M:%S') (@$SECONDS)
+= CPUinfo
+$(perl -0777 -p -e 's/.+\n\n(?!\z)//s' < /proc/cpuinfo)
+= Meminfo
+$(free -m -t)
+= Environment
+$(env | grep -P 'TEST|TRAVIS|PERL|DBIC' | LC_ALL=C sort | cat -v)
+= Perl in use
+$(perl -V)
--- /dev/null
+source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash
+if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then return ; fi
+if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]] ; then
+ echo_err "$(tstamp) Running tests with plain \`make test\`"
+ run_or_err "Prepare blib" "make pure_all"
+ make test
+ PROVECMD="prove -lrswj$NUMTHREADS t xt"
+ echo_err "$(tstamp) running tests with \`$PROVECMD\`"
+echo "$(tstamp) Testing took a total of $(( $SECONDS - $START_TIME ))s"
--- /dev/null
+# !!! Nothing here will be executed !!!
+# The source-line calling this script is commented out in .travis.yml
+source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash
+if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then return ; fi
+echo_err "Nothing to do"
+return 0
--- /dev/null
+source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash
+if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then return ; fi
+[[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]] || run_or_err "Attempt to build a dist with all prereqs present" "make dist"
--- /dev/null
+# !!! Nothing here will be executed !!!
+# The source-line calling this script is commented out in .travis.yml
+source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash
+if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then return ; fi
+echo_err "Nothing to do"
+return 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+echo_err() { echo "$@" 1>&2 ; }
+if [[ "$TRAVIS" != "true" ]] ; then
+ echo_err "Running this script makes no sense outside of travis-ci"
+ exit 1
+tstamp() { echo -n "[$(date '+%H:%M:%S')]" ; }
+run_or_err() {
+ echo_err -n "$(tstamp) $1 ... "
+ LASTOUT=$( bash -c "$2" 2>&1 ) || LASTEXIT=$?
+ if [[ "$LASTEXIT" != "0" ]] ; then
+ echo_err -e "FAILED !!! (after ${DELTA_TIME}s)\nCommand executed:\n$2\nSTDOUT+STDERR:\n$LASTOUT"
+ return $LASTEXIT
+ else
+ echo_err "done (took ${DELTA_TIME}s)"
+ fi
+extract_prereqs() {
+ # hack-hack-hack
+ COMBINED_OUT="$( { stdout="$(cpanm --quiet --scandeps --format tree "$@")" ; } 2>&1; echo "!!!STDERRSTDOUTSEPARATOR!!!$stdout")" \
+ || LASTEXIT=$?
+ ERR=$(grep -v " is up to date." <<< "${COMBINED_OUT%!!!STDERRSTDOUTSEPARATOR!!!*}")
+ if [[ "$LASTEXIT" != "0" ]] || [[ -n "$ERR" ]] ; then
+ echo_err "$(echo -e "Error occured (exit code $LASTEXIT) retrieving dependencies of $@:\n$ERR\n$OUT")"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # throw away non-children (what was in $@), throw away ascii art, convert to modnames
+ perl -p -e 's/^[a-z].+//i; s/^[^a-z]+//i; s/\-[^\-]+$/ /; s/\-/::/g' <<< "$OUT"
+parallel_installdeps_notest() {
+ if [[ -z "$@" ]] ; then return; fi
+ # flatten list into one string
+ MODLIST=$(echo "$@")
+ # The reason we do things so "non-interactively" is that xargs -P will have the
+ # latest cpanm instance overwrite the buildlog. There seems to be no way to
+ # specify a custom buildlog, hence we just collect the verbose output
+ # and display it in case of failure
+ run_or_err "Installing (without testing) $MODLIST" \
+ "echo $MODLIST | xargs -n 1 -P $NUMTHREADS cpanm --verbose --no-interactive --notest --no-man-pages"
+CPAN_is_sane() { perl -MCPAN\ 1.94_56 -e 1 &>/dev/null ; }