- added source_name to ResultSource
- load_classes now uses source_name and sets it if necessary
- add update_or_create_related
+ - add find_or_new and find_or_new_related
- fix for -and conditions when updating or deleting on a ResultSet
return $self->search_related($rel)->find(@_);
+=head2 find_or_new_related
+ my $new_obj = $obj->find_or_new_related('relname', \%col_data);
+Find an item of a related class. If none exists, instantiate a new item of the
+related class. The object will not be saved into your storage until you call
+L<DBIx::Class::Row/insert> on it.
+sub find_or_new_related {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->find_related(@_) || $self->new_related(@_);
=head2 find_or_create_related
my $new_obj = $obj->find_or_create_related('relname', \%col_data);
Find or create an item of a related class. See
-L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/"find_or_create"> for details.
+L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/find_or_create> for details.
return $obj;
+=head2 find_or_new
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%vals, \%attrs?
+=item Return Value: $object
+Find an existing record from this resultset. If none exists, instantiate a new
+result object and return it. The object will not be saved into your storage
+until you call L</DBIx::Class::Row/insert> on it.
+If you want objects to be saved immediately, use L</find_or_create> instead.
+sub find_or_new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
+ my $hash = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
+ my $exists = $self->find($hash, $attrs);
+ return defined $exists ? $exists : $self->new_result($hash);
=head2 create
=over 4
sub run_tests {
my $schema = shift;
-plan tests => 51;
+plan tests => 55;
# figure out if we've got a version of sqlite that is older than 3.2.6, in
# which case COUNT(DISTINCT()) doesn't work
is($schema->resultset("Artist")->count, 4, 'count ok');
+# test find_or_new
+ my $existing_obj = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find_or_new({
+ artistid => 4,
+ });
+ is($existing_obj->name, 'Man With A Spoon', 'find_or_new: found existing artist');
+ ok($existing_obj->in_storage, 'existing artist is in storage');
+ my $new_obj = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find_or_new({
+ artistid => 5,
+ name => 'find_or_new',
+ });
+ is($new_obj->name, 'find_or_new', 'find_or_new: instantiated a new artist');
+ ok(! $new_obj->in_storage, 'new artist is not in storage');
my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(1);
my %cols = $cd->get_columns;
use strict;
use warnings;
-plan tests => 25;
+plan tests => 29;
# has_a test
my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(4);
$artist->delete_related( cds => { title => 'Greatest Hits' });
cmp_ok( $schema->resultset("CD")->search( title => 'Greatest Hits' ), '==', 0, 'delete_related ok' );
+# find_or_new_related with an existing record
+$cd = $artist->find_or_new_related( 'cds', { title => 'Big Flop' } );
+is( $cd->year, 2005, 'find_or_new_related on existing record ok' );
+ok( $cd->in_storage, 'find_or_new_related on existing record: is in_storage' );
+# find_or_new_related instantiating a new record
+$cd = $artist->find_or_new_related( 'cds', {
+ title => 'Greatest Hits 2: Louder Than Ever',
+ year => 2007,
+} );
+is( $cd->title, 'Greatest Hits 2: Louder Than Ever', 'find_or_new_related new record ok' );
+ok( ! $cd->in_storage, 'find_or_new_related on a new record: not in_storage' );
skip "relationship checking needs fixing", 1;
# try to add a bogus relationship using the wrong cols