'simple' =>
qw/_connect_info _dbh _sql_maker _sql_maker_opts _conn_pid _conn_tid
- cursor on_connect_do transaction_depth/
+ disable_sth_caching cursor on_connect_do transaction_depth/
be executed immediately after making the connection to the database
every time we [re-]connect.
+=item disable_sth_caching
+If set to a true value, this option will disable the caching of
+statement handles via L<DBI/prepare_cached>.
=item limit_dialect
Sets the limit dialect. This is useful for JDBC-bridge among others
quote_char => q{`},
name_sep => q{@},
on_connect_do => ['SET search_path TO myschema,otherschema,public'],
+ disable_sth_caching => 1,
my $info = [ @$info_arg ]; # copy because we can alter it
my $last_info = $info->[-1];
if(ref $last_info eq 'HASH') {
- if(my $on_connect_do = delete $last_info->{on_connect_do}) {
- $self->on_connect_do($on_connect_do);
+ for my $storage_opt (qw/on_connect_do disable_sth_caching/) {
+ if(my $value = delete $last_info->{$storage_opt}) {
+ $self->$storage_opt($value);
+ }
for my $sql_maker_opt (qw/limit_dialect quote_char name_sep/) {
if(my $opt_val = delete $last_info->{$sql_maker_opt}) {
sub _dbh_sth {
my ($self, $dbh, $sql) = @_;
# 3 is the if_active parameter which avoids active sth re-use
- $dbh->prepare_cached($sql, {}, 3) or
- $self->throw_exception(
- 'no sth generated via sql (' . ($@ || $dbh->errstr) . "): $sql"
- );
+ my $sth = $self->disable_sth_caching
+ ? $dbh->prepare($sql)
+ : $dbh->prepare_cached($sql, {}, 3);
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ 'no sth generated via sql (' . ($@ || $dbh->errstr) . "): $sql"
+ ) if !$sth;
+ $sth;
sub sth {
=head1 METHODS
-=head2 sth
+=head2 connect_info
-Uses C<prepare> instead of the usual C<prepare_cached>, seeing as we can't cache very effectively without bind variables.
+We can't cache very effectively without bind variables, so force the C<disable_sth_caching> setting to be turned on when the connect info is set.
-sub _dbh_sth {
- my ($self, $dbh, $sql) = @_;
- $dbh->prepare($sql);
+sub connect_info {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $retval = shift->next::method(@_);
+ $self->disable_sth_caching(1);
+ $retval;
=head2 _prep_for_execute
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+plan tests => 2;
+# Set up the "usual" sqlite for DBICTest
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema;
+my $sth_one = $schema->storage->sth('SELECT 42');
+my $sth_two = $schema->storage->sth('SELECT 42');
+my $sth_three = $schema->storage->sth('SELECT 42');
+ok($sth_one == $sth_two, "statement caching works");
+ok($sth_two != $sth_three, "disabling statement caching works");