# to avoid emtpy has_many rels contain one empty hashref
return if (not keys %$me);
+ my $def;
+ foreach (values %$me) {
+ if (defined $_) {
+ $def = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return unless $def;
return { %$me,
map {
( $_ =>
$attrs->{alias} ||= 'me';
my $self = {
- result_source => $source,
- result_class => $attrs->{result_class} || $source->result_class,
+ _source_handle => $source,
+ result_class => $attrs->{result_class} || $source->resolve->result_class,
cond => $attrs->{where},
count => undef,
pager => undef,
if (keys %collapse) {
my %pri = map { ($_ => 1) } $self->result_source->primary_columns;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#construct_as) {
- if (delete $pri{$construct_as[$i]}) {
+ next if defined($construct_as[$i][0]); # only self table
+ if (delete $pri{$construct_as[$i][1]}) {
push(@pri_index, $i);
last unless keys %pri; # short circuit (Johnny Five Is Alive!)
my %pri_vals = map { ($_ => $copy[$_]) } @pri_index;
- my %const;
+ my @const_rows;
do { # no need to check anything at the front, we always want the first row
+ my %const;
foreach my $this_as (@construct_as) {
$const{$this_as->[0]||''}{$this_as->[1]} = shift(@copy);
+ push(@const_rows, \%const);
} until ( # no pri_index => no collapse => drop straight out
my $alias = $self->{attrs}{alias};
- my $info = [ {}, {} ];
- foreach my $key (keys %const) {
- if (length $key && $key ne $alias) {
- my $target = $info;
- my @parts = split(/\./, $key);
- foreach my $p (@parts) {
- $target = $target->[1]->{$p} ||= [];
+ my $info = [];
+ my %collapse_pos;
+ my @const_keys;
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ foreach my $const (@const_rows) {
+ scalar @const_keys or do {
+ @const_keys = sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %$const;
+ };
+ foreach my $key (@const_keys) {
+ if (length $key) {
+ my $target = $info;
+ my @parts = split(/\./, $key);
+ my $cur = '';
+ my $data = $const->{$key};
+ foreach my $p (@parts) {
+ $target = $target->[1]->{$p} ||= [];
+ $cur .= ".${p}";
+ if ($cur eq ".${key}" && (my @ckey = @{$collapse{$cur}||[]})) {
+ # collapsing at this point and on final part
+ my $pos = $collapse_pos{$cur};
+ CK: foreach my $ck (@ckey) {
+ if (!defined $pos->{$ck} || $pos->{$ck} ne $data->{$ck}) {
+ $collapse_pos{$cur} = $data;
+ delete @collapse_pos{ # clear all positioning for sub-entries
+ grep { m/^\Q${cur}.\E/ } keys %collapse_pos
+ };
+ push(@$target, []);
+ last CK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $collapse{$cur}) {
+ $target = $target->[-1];
+ }
+ }
+ $target->[0] = $data;
+ } else {
+ $info->[0] = $const->{$key};
- $target->[0] = $const{$key};
- } else {
- $info->[0] = $const{$key};
return $self;
-*add_column = \&add_columns;
+sub add_column { shift->add_columns(@_); } # DO NOT CHANGE THIS TO GLOB
=head2 has_column
-*remove_column = \&remove_columns;
+sub remove_column { shift->remove_columns(@_); } # DO NOT CHANGE THIS TO GLOB
=head2 set_primary_key
"Can't prefetch has_many ${pre} (join cond too complex)")
unless ref($rel_info->{cond}) eq 'HASH';
+ #my @col = map { (/^self\.(.+)$/ ? ("${as_prefix}.$1") : ()); }
+ # values %{$rel_info->{cond}};
+ $collapse->{".${as_prefix}${pre}"} = [ $rel_source->primary_columns ];
+ # action at a distance. prepending the '.' allows simpler code
+ # in ResultSet->_collapse_result
my @key = map { (/^foreign\.(.+)$/ ? ($1) : ()); }
keys %{$rel_info->{cond}};
- $collapse->{"${as_prefix}${pre}"} = \@key;
my @ord = (ref($rel_info->{attrs}{order_by}) eq 'ARRAY'
? @{$rel_info->{attrs}{order_by}}
: (defined $rel_info->{attrs}{order_by}
my $prefetch_result = make_hash_struc($art_rs_pr);
my $nonpre_result = make_hash_struc($art_rs);
-TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'fixing collapse in -current';
is_deeply( $prefetch_result, $nonpre_result,
'Compare 2 level prefetch result to non-prefetch result' );
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
plan skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' if $@;
-plan tests => 22;
+plan tests => 23;
my $rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(
{ artistid => 1 }
push @objs, $tag->id; #warn "tag: ", $tag->ID;
-is_deeply( \@objs, [ 2, 5, 8 ], 'second cd has correct tags' );
+is_deeply( \@objs, [ 1 ], 'second cd has correct tags' );
+$tags = $cds->next->tags;
+@objs = ();
+while( my $tag = $tags->next ) {
+ push @objs, $tag->id; #warn "tag: ", $tag->ID;
+is_deeply( \@objs, [ 2, 5, 8 ], 'third cd has correct tags' );
is( $queries, 0, 'no additional SQL statements while checking nested data' );
is($rs1a_results[0]->title, 'Forkful of bees', "bare field conditions okay after search related");
my $rs1 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ 'tags.tag' => 'Blue' }, { join => {'cds' => 'tracks'}, prefetch => {'cds' => 'tags'} });
my @artists = $rs1->all;
-cmp_ok(@artists, '==', 1, "Two artists returned");
+cmp_ok(@artists, '==', 2, "Two artists returned");
my $rs2 = $rs1->search({ artistid => '1' }, { join => {'cds' => {'cd_to_producer' => 'producer'} } });