mysql -h "host" -D "database" -u "user" -p < Schema1.sql
+=head2 Easy migration from class-based to schema-based setup
+You want to start using the schema-based approach to L<DBIx::Class>
+(see L<SchemaIntro.pod>), but have an established class-based setup with lots
+of existing classes that you don't want to move by hand. Try this nifty script
+ use MyDB;
+ use SQL::Translator;
+ my $schema = MyDB->schema_instance;
+ my $translator = SQL::Translator->new(
+ debug => $debug || 0,
+ trace => $trace || 0,
+ no_comments => $no_comments || 0,
+ show_warnings => $show_warnings || 0,
+ add_drop_table => $add_drop_table || 0,
+ validate => $validate || 0,
+ parser_args => {
+ 'DBIx::Schema' => $schema,
+ }
+ producer_args => {
+ 'prefix' => 'My::Schema',
+ }
+ );
+ $translator->parser('DBIx::Class');
+ $translator->producer('DBIx::Class::File');
+ my $output = $translator->translate(@args) or die
+ "Error: " . $translator->error;
+ print $output;
+You could use L<Module::Find> to search for all subclasses in the MyDB::*
+namespace, which is currently left as an excercise for the reader.
=head2 Schema versioning
The following example shows simplistically how you might use DBIx::Class to