-#!/usr/bin/env perl -T
-# the above line forces Test::Harness into taint-mode
use strict;
use warnings;
+use Config;
+# there is talk of possible perl compilations where -T is fatal or just
+# doesn't work. We don't want to have the user deal with that.
+BEGIN { unless ($INC{'t/lib/DBICTest/WithTaint.pm'}) {
+ # it is possible the test itself is initially invoked in taint mode
+ # and with relative paths *and* with a relative $^X and some other
+ # craziness... in short: just be proactive
+ require File::Spec;
+ $ENV{PATH} = join $Config{path_sep},
+ map { length($_) ? File::Spec->rel2abs($_) : () }
+ split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}
+ ;
+ my $perl = $^X;
+ ($_) = $_ =~ /\A(.+)\z/ for ( $ENV{PATH}, $perl );
+ {
+ local $ENV{PATH} = "/nosuchrootbindir";
+ system( $perl => -T => -e => '
+ use warnings;
+ use strict;
+ eval { my $x = $ENV{PATH} . (kill (0)); 1 } or exit 42;
+ exit 0;
+ ');
+ }
+ if ( ($? >> 8) != 42 ) {
+ print "1..0 # SKIP Your perl does not seem to like/support -T...\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ exec( $perl, qw( -I. -Mt::lib::DBICTest::WithTaint -T ), __FILE__ );
# When in taint mode, PERL5LIB is ignored (but *not* unset)
# Put it back in INC so that local-lib users can actually
# run this test. Use lib.pm instead of an @INC unshift as
# it will correctly add any arch subdirs encountered
-use Config;
use lib (
grep { length }