my $tmp_attrs = { %$attrs };
- # take off any column specs, any pagers, record_filter is cdbi, and no point of ordering a count
- delete $tmp_attrs->{$_} for (qw/columns +columns select +select as +as rows offset page pager order_by record_filter/);
+ # take off any pagers, record_filter is cdbi, and no point of ordering a count
+ delete $tmp_attrs->{$_} for (qw/select as rows offset page order_by record_filter/);
+ # overwrite the selector
$tmp_attrs->{select} = { count => '*' };
- $tmp_attrs->{as} = [qw/count/];
my $tmp_rs = $source->resultset_class->new($source, $tmp_attrs);
my ($count) = $tmp_rs->cursor->next;
my $sub_attrs = { %$attrs };
# these can not go in the subquery, and there is no point of ordering it
- delete $sub_attrs->{$_} for qw/prefetch collapse select +select as +as columns +columns order_by/;
+ delete $sub_attrs->{$_} for qw/prefetch collapse select as order_by/;
# if we prefetch, we group_by primary keys only as this is what we would get out of the rs via ->next/->all
# simply deleting group_by suffices, as the code below will re-fill it
delete $sub_attrs->{group_by};
- $sub_attrs->{columns} = $sub_attrs->{group_by} ||= [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } ($source->primary_columns) ];
+ $sub_attrs->{group_by} ||= [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } ($source->primary_columns) ];
+ $sub_attrs->{select} = $self->_grouped_count_select ($sub_attrs);
$attrs->{from} = [{
count_subq => $source->resultset_class->new ($source, $sub_attrs )->as_query
# the subquery replaces this
- delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/where bind prefetch collapse distinct group_by having having_bind rows offset page pager/;
+ delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/where bind prefetch collapse group_by having having_bind rows offset page pager/;
return $self->count ($source, $attrs);
+# Returns a SELECT to go with a supplied GROUP BY
+# (caled by count_grouped so a group_by is present)
+# Most databases expect them to match, but some
+# choke in various ways.
+sub _grouped_count_select {
+ my ($self, $attrs) = @_;
+ return $attrs->{group_by};
sub source_bind_attributes {
my ($self, $source) = @_;