The chain of failures would go as follows: when we prepare the tarball
we briefly copy all generated POD to our root dir so that the
manifest/distdir_copy process can pick it up. Then before the distdir is
ready we run a cleanup using ExtUtils::Install::uninstall. However
everything in the ditdir is hardlinked to our root dir, including the
files we "uninstall". EU::I::uninstall has a weird dance deep in its
source[1] where it explicitly does chmod(0666) on the file it is about
to delete (why?!). Thus we end up with world-writables in our distdir,
since the hardlinked inode still retains the result of that last chmod.
Switch to a manual cleanup, and leave EU::I alone.
aggregate function is used more than once in a 'having' clause
+ * Misc
+ - Fixup our distbuilding process to stop creating world-writable
+ tarball contents (implicitly fixes RT#83084)
0.08206 2013-02-08
* Fixes
- Fix dbh_do() failing to properly reconnect (regression in 0.08205)
clonedir_cleanup_generated_files : dbic_clonedir_cleanup_generated_pod_copies
dbic_clonedir_cleanup_generated_pod_copies :
- $mm_proto->oneliner("uninstall(q($pod_dir.packlist))", ['-MExtUtils::Install'])
+\t@{[ $mm_proto->oneliner('chomp && unlink || die', ['-n']) ]} $pod_dir.packlist
+\t\$(RM_F) $pod_dir.packlist