- Fix multiple edge cases steming from interaction of a non-selecting
order_by specification and distinct and/or complex prefetch
+ - Clarify ambiguous behavior of distinct when used with ResultSetColumn
+ i.e. $rs->search({}, { distinct => 1 })->get_column (...)
- Setting quote_names propagates to SQL::Translator when producing
SQLite DDL (it is one of the few producers *NOT* quoting by default)
- Fix incorrect binding of large integers on old versions of
my $as_index = List::Util::first { ($as_list->[$_] || "") eq $column } 0..$#$as_list;
my $select = defined $as_index ? $select_list->[$as_index] : $column;
- my ($new_parent_rs, $colmap);
+ my $colmap;
for ($rsrc->columns, $column) {
if ($_ =~ /^ \Q$alias\E \. ([^\.]+) $ /x) {
$colmap->{$_} = $1;
+ my $new_parent_rs;
# analyze the order_by, and see if it is done over a function/nonexistentcolumn
# if this is the case we will need to wrap a subquery since the result of RSC
# *must* be a single column select
( $rsrc->schema->storage->_extract_order_criteria ($orig_attrs->{order_by} ) )
) {
# nuke the prefetch before collapsing to sql
- my $subq_rs = $rs->search;
+ my $subq_rs = $rs->search_rs;
$subq_rs->{attrs}{join} = $subq_rs->_merge_joinpref_attr( $subq_rs->{attrs}{join}, delete $subq_rs->{attrs}{prefetch} );
$new_parent_rs = $subq_rs->as_subselect_rs;
- my $new = bless { _select => $select, _as => $column, _parent_resultset => $new_parent_rs }, $class;
+ # collapse the selector to a literal so that it survives a possible distinct parse
+ # if it turns out to be an aggregate - at least the user will get a proper exception
+ # instead of silent drop of the group_by altogether
+ my $new = bless {
+ _select => \ $rsrc->storage->sql_maker->_recurse_fields($select),
+ _as => $column,
+ _parent_resultset => $new_parent_rs }, $class;
return $new;
'Correct SQL for prefetch/order_by/group_by'
-# test aggregate on a function
+# test aggregate on a function (create an extra track on one cd)
my $tr_rs = $schema->resultset("Track");
$tr_rs->create({ cd => 2, title => 'dealbreaker' });
+# test exotic scenarious (create a track-less cd)
+# "How many CDs (not tracks) have been released per year where a given CD has at least one track and the artist isn't evancarroll?"
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->create({ artist => 1, title => 'dealbroker no tracks', year => 2001 });
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset ('CD')->search (
+ { '' => { '!=', 'evancarrol' }, 'tracks.trackid' => { '!=', undef } },
+ {
+ order_by => 'me.year',
+ join => [qw(artist tracks)],
+ columns => [ 'year', { cnt => { count => 'me.cdid' }} ],
+ },
+ );
+ my $rstypes = {
+ 'explicitly grouped' => $rs->search_rs({}, { group_by => 'year' }),
+ 'implicitly grouped' => $rs->search_rs({}, { distinct => 1 }),
+ };
+ for my $type (keys %$rstypes) {
+ is ($rstypes->{$type}->count, 4, "correct cd count with $type column");
+ is_deeply (
+ [ $rstypes->{$type}->get_column ('year')->all ],
+ [qw(1997 1998 1999 2001)],
+ "Getting $type column works",
+ );
+ }
+ # Why do we test this - we want to make sure that the selector *will* actually make
+ # it to the group_by as per the distinct => 1 contract. Before 0.08251 this situation
+ # would silently drop the group_by entirely, likely ending up with nonsensival results
+ # With the current behavior the user will at least get a nice fat exception from the
+ # RDBMS (or maybe the RDBMS will even decide to handle the situation sensibly...)
+ is_same_sql_bind(
+ $rstypes->{'implicitly grouped'}->get_column('cnt')->as_query,
+ '(
+ SELECT COUNT( me.cdid )
+ FROM cd me
+ JOIN artist artist
+ ON artist.artistid = me.artist
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON = me.cdid
+ WHERE != ? AND tracks.trackid IS NOT NULL
+ GROUP BY COUNT( me.cdid )
+ ORDER BY MIN(me.year)
+ )',
+ [ [ { dbic_colname => '', sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100 }
+ => 'evancarrol'
+ ] ],
+ 'Expected (though nonsensical) SQL generated on rscol-with-distinct-over-function',
+ );
+ {
+ local $TODO = 'multiplying join leaks through to the count aggregate... this may never actually work';
+ is_deeply (
+ [ $rstypes->{'explicitly grouped'}->get_column ('cnt')->all ],
+ [qw(1 1 1 2)],
+ "Get aggregate over group works",
+ );
+ }
sqlbind => \[
- "( SELECT (SELECT FROM cd me LIMIT ?) FROM artist me )",
+ "( SELECT (SELECT id FROM cd me LIMIT ?) FROM artist me )",
[ $ROWS => 1 ],
sqlbind => \[
- "( SELECT me.artistid,, me.rank, me.charfield, (SELECT FROM cd me LIMIT ?) FROM artist me )",
+ "( SELECT me.artistid,, me.rank, me.charfield, (SELECT id FROM cd me LIMIT ?) FROM artist me )",
[ $ROWS => 1 ],