my $type;
- for (qw/date datetime/) {
+ for (qw/date datetime timestamp/) {
my $key = "inflate_${_}";
next unless exists $info->{$key};
unless ($type) {
$type = lc($info->{data_type});
- $type = 'datetime' if ($type =~ /^timestamp/);
my $timezone;
my $undef_if_invalid = $info->{datetime_undef_if_invalid};
- if ($type eq 'datetime' || $type eq 'date') {
+ if ($type eq 'datetime' || $type eq 'date' || $type eq 'timestamp') {
my ($parse, $format) = ("parse_${type}", "format_${type}");
# This assignment must happen here, otherwise Devel::Cycle treats
inflate => sub {
my ($value, $obj) = @_;
- my $dt = eval { $obj->_datetime_parser->$parse($value); };
+ my $parser = $obj->_datetime_parser;
+ my $parser_method = $parser->can($parse) ? $parse : "parse_datetime";
+ my $dt = eval { $parser->$parser_method($value); };
die "Error while inflating ${value} for ${column} on ${self}: $@"
if $@ and not $undef_if_invalid;
$dt->set_time_zone($timezone) if $timezone;
deflate => sub {
my ($value, $obj) = @_;
+ my $parser = $obj->_datetime_parser;
+ my $parser_method = $parser->can($format) ? $format : "format_datetime";
if ($timezone) {
warn "You're using a floating timezone, please see the documentation of"
. " DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime for an explanation"
$value->set_locale($locale) if $locale;
- $obj->_datetime_parser->$format($value);
+ $parser->$parser_method($value);
sub _datetime_parser {
my $self = shift;
if (my $parser = $self->__datetime_parser) {
plan skip_all => 'needs DateTime and DateTime::Format::Oracle for testing';
else {
- plan tests => 4;
+ plan tests => 7;
# DateTime::Format::Oracle needs this set
my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
my $col_metadata = $schema->class('Track')->column_info('last_updated_on');
$schema->class('Track')->add_column( 'last_updated_on' => {
data_type => 'date' });
+$schema->class('Track')->add_column( 'last_updated_at' => {
+ data_type => 'timestamp' });
my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
+#$dbh->do("alter session set nls_timestamp_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SSXFF'");
eval {
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE track");
-$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE track (trackid NUMBER(12), cd NUMBER(12), position NUMBER(12), title VARCHAR(255), last_updated_on DATE)");
+$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE track (trackid NUMBER(12), cd NUMBER(12), position NUMBER(12), title VARCHAR(255), last_updated_on DATE, last_updated_at TIMESTAMP)");
# insert a row to play with
-my $new = $schema->resultset('Track')->create({ trackid => 1, cd => 1, position => 1, title => 'Track1', last_updated_on => '06-MAY-07' });
+my $new = $schema->resultset('Track')->create({ trackid => 1, cd => 1, position => 1, title => 'Track1', last_updated_on => '06-MAY-07', last_updated_at => '2009-05-03 21:17:18.5' });
is($new->trackid, 1, "insert sucessful");
my $track = $schema->resultset('Track')->find( 1 );
is( $track->last_updated_on->month, 5, "DateTime methods work on inflated column");
+#note '$track->last_updated_at => ', $track->last_updated_at;
+is( ref($track->last_updated_at), 'DateTime', "last_updated_at inflated ok");
+is( $track->last_updated_at->nanosecond, 500_000_000, "DateTime methods work with nanosecond precision");
my $dt = DateTime->now();
is( $track->last_updated_on->month, $dt->month, "deflate ok");
+is( int $track->last_updated_at->nanosecond, int $dt->nanosecond, "deflate ok with nanosecond precision");
# clean up our mess