my $count;
lives_ok {
$count = $schema->resultset('ArrayTest')->search({
- arrayfield => \[ '= ?' => [arrayfield => [3, 4]] ], #TODO anything less ugly than this?
+ arrayfield => \[ '= ?' => [arrayfield => [3, 4]] ], #Todo anything less ugly than this?
} 'comparing arrayref to pg array data does not blow up';
is($count, 1, 'comparing arrayref to pg array data gives correct result');
ok(!$artist_rs->find({name => 'Death Cab for Cutie'}), "Artist not created");
- eval {
+ lives_ok (sub {
my $w;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = shift };
+ $schema->storage->debug (1);
# The 0 arg says don't die, just let the scope guard go out of scope
# forcing a txn_rollback to happen
outer($schema, 0);
like ($w, qr/A DBIx::Class::Storage::TxnScopeGuard went out of scope without explicit commit or an error/, 'Out of scope warning detected');
- };
- local $TODO = "Work out how this should work";
- is($@, "Not sure what we want here, but something", "Rollback okay");
- ok(!$artist_rs->find({name => 'Death Cab for Cutie'}), "Artist not created");
+ ok(!$artist_rs->find({name => 'Death Cab for Cutie'}), "Artist not created");
+ }, 'rollback successful withot exception');
sub outer {
my ($schema) = @_;
my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
name => 'Death Cab for Cutie',
- $guard->commit;
sub inner {
my ($schema, $fatal) = @_;
- my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
+ my $inner_guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
+ is($schema->storage->transaction_depth, 2, "Correct transaction depth");
my $artist = $artist_rs->find({ name => 'Death Cab for Cutie' });
- is($schema->storage->transaction_depth, 2, "Correct transaction depth");
- undef $@;
eval {
title => 'Plans',
die $@;
- # See what happens if we dont $guard->commit;
+ # inner guard should commit without consequences
+ $inner_guard->commit;