use Sub::Name 'subname';
use Try::Tiny;
use overload ();
+use Data::Compare (); # no imports!!! guard against insane architecture
use namespace::clean;
# default cursor class, overridable in connect_info attributes
sub insert_bulk {
my ($self, $source, $cols, $data) = @_;
+ my @col_range = (0..$#$cols);
# FIXME - perhaps this is not even needed? does DBI stringify?
# forcibly stringify whatever is stringifiable
+ # ResultSet::populate() hands us a copy - safe to mangle
for my $r (0 .. $#$data) {
for my $c (0 .. $#{$data->[$r]}) {
$data->[$r][$c] = "$data->[$r][$c]"
- # check the data for consistency
- # report a sensible error on bad data
+ my $colinfo_cache = {}; # since we will run _resolve_bindattrs on the same $source a lot
+ # get a slice type index based on first row of data
+ # a "column" in this context may refer to more than one bind value
+ # e.g. \[ '?, ?', [...], [...] ]
+ #
+ # construct the value type index - a description of values types for every
+ # per-column slice of $data:
+ #
+ # nonexistent - nonbind literal
+ # 0 - regular value
+ # [] of bindattrs - resolved attribute(s) of bind(s) passed via literal+bind \[] combo
- # also create a list of dynamic binds (ones that will be changing
- # for each row)
- my $dyn_bind_idx;
- for my $col_idx (0..$#$cols) {
+ # also construct the column hash to pass to the SQL generator. For plain
+ # (non literal) values - convert the members of the first row into a
+ # literal+bind combo, with extra positional info in the bind attr hashref.
+ # This will allow us to match the order properly, and is so contrived
+ # because a user-supplied literal/bind (or something else specific to a
+ # resultsource and/or storage driver) can inject extra binds along the
+ # way, so one can't rely on "shift positions" ordering at all. Also we
+ # can't just hand SQLA a set of some known "values" (e.g. hashrefs that
+ # can be later matched up by address), because we want to supply a real
+ # value on which perhaps e.g. datatype checks will be performed
+ my ($proto_data, $value_type_idx);
+ for my $i (@col_range) {
+ my $colname = $cols->[$i];
+ if (ref $data->[0][$i] eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # no bind value at all - no type
+ $proto_data->{$colname} = $data->[0][$i];
+ }
+ elsif (ref $data->[0][$i] eq 'REF' and ref ${$data->[0][$i]} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ # repack, so we don't end up mangling the original \[]
+ my ($sql, @bind) = @${$data->[0][$i]};
- # the first "row" is used as a point of reference
- my $reference_val = $data->[0][$col_idx];
- my $is_literal = ref $reference_val eq 'SCALAR';
- my $is_literal_bind = ( !$is_literal and (
- ref $reference_val eq 'REF'
- and
- ref $$reference_val eq 'ARRAY'
- ) );
- $dyn_bind_idx->{$col_idx} = 1
- if (!$is_literal and !$is_literal_bind);
- # use a closure for convenience (less to pass)
- my $bad_slice = sub {
- my ($msg, $slice_idx) = @_;
- $self->throw_exception(sprintf "%s for column '%s' in populate slice:\n%s",
- $msg,
- $cols->[$col_idx],
- do {
- require Data::Dumper::Concise;
- local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 2;
- Data::Dumper::Concise::Dumper ({
- map { $cols->[$_] =>
- $data->[$slice_idx][$_]
- } (0 .. $#$cols)
- }),
- }
+ # normalization of user supplied stuff
+ my $resolved_bind = $self->_resolve_bindattrs(
+ $source, \@bind, $colinfo_cache,
- };
+ # store value-less (attrs only) bind info - we will be comparing all
+ # supplied binds against this for sanity
+ $value_type_idx->{$i} = [ map { $_->[0] } @$resolved_bind ];
+ $proto_data->{$colname} = \[ $sql, map { [
+ # inject slice order to use for $proto_bind construction
+ { %{$resolved_bind->[$_][0]}, _bind_data_slice_idx => $i }
+ =>
+ $resolved_bind->[$_][1]
+ ] } (0 .. $#bind)
+ ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $value_type_idx->{$i} = 0;
+ $proto_data->{$colname} = \[ '?', [
+ { dbic_colname => $colname, _bind_data_slice_idx => $i }
+ =>
+ $data->[0][$i]
+ ] ];
+ }
+ }
+ my ($sql, $proto_bind) = $self->_prep_for_execute (
+ 'insert',
+ $source,
+ [ $proto_data ],
+ );
+ if (! @$proto_bind and keys %$value_type_idx) {
+ # if the bindlist is empty and we had some dynamic binds, this means the
+ # storage ate them away (e.g. the NoBindVars component) and interpolated
+ # them directly into the SQL. This obviously can't be good for multi-inserts
+ $self->throw_exception('Cannot insert_bulk without support for placeholders');
+ }
+ # sanity checks
+ # FIXME - devise a flag "no babysitting" or somesuch to shut this off
+ #
+ # use an error reporting closure for convenience (less to pass)
+ my $bad_slice_report_cref = sub {
+ my ($msg, $r_idx, $c_idx) = @_;
+ $self->throw_exception(sprintf "%s for column '%s' in populate slice:\n%s",
+ $msg,
+ $cols->[$c_idx],
+ do {
+ require Data::Dumper::Concise;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 5;
+ Data::Dumper::Concise::Dumper ({
+ map { $cols->[$_] =>
+ $data->[$r_idx][$_]
+ } @col_range
+ }),
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ for my $col_idx (@col_range) {
+ my $reference_val = $data->[0][$col_idx];
for my $row_idx (1..$#$data) { # we are comparing against what we got from [0] above, hence start from 1
my $val = $data->[$row_idx][$col_idx];
- if ($is_literal) {
+ if (! exists $value_type_idx->{$col_idx}) { # literal no binds
if (ref $val ne 'SCALAR') {
- $bad_slice->(
+ $bad_slice_report_cref->(
"Incorrect value (expecting SCALAR-ref \\'$$reference_val')",
- $row_idx
+ $row_idx,
+ $col_idx,
elsif ($$val ne $$reference_val) {
- $bad_slice->(
+ $bad_slice_report_cref->(
"Inconsistent literal SQL value (expecting \\'$$reference_val')",
- $row_idx
+ $row_idx,
+ $col_idx,
- elsif ($is_literal_bind) {
+ elsif (! $value_type_idx->{$col_idx} ) { # regular non-literal value
+ if (ref $val eq 'SCALAR' or (ref $val eq 'REF' and ref $$val eq 'ARRAY') ) {
+ $bad_slice_report_cref->("Literal SQL found where a plain bind value is expected", $row_idx, $col_idx);
+ }
+ }
+ else { # binds from a \[], compare type and attrs
if (ref $val ne 'REF' or ref $$val ne 'ARRAY') {
- $bad_slice->(
+ $bad_slice_report_cref->(
"Incorrect value (expecting ARRAYREF-ref \\['${$reference_val}->[0]', ... ])",
- $row_idx
+ $row_idx,
+ $col_idx,
- elsif (${$val}->[0] ne ${$reference_val}->[0]) {
- $bad_slice->(
- "Inconsistent literal SQL-bind value (expecting \\['${$reference_val}->[0]', ... ])",
- $row_idx
- );
- }
- }
- elsif (ref $val) {
- if (ref $val eq 'SCALAR' or (ref $val eq 'REF' and ref $$val eq 'ARRAY') ) {
- $bad_slice->("Literal SQL found where a plain bind value is expected", $row_idx);
- }
- else {
- $bad_slice->("$val reference found where bind expected", $row_idx);
+ # start drilling down and bail out early on identical refs
+ elsif (
+ $reference_val != $val
+ or
+ $$reference_val != $$val
+ ) {
+ if (${$val}->[0] ne ${$reference_val}->[0]) {
+ $bad_slice_report_cref->(
+ "Inconsistent literal/bind SQL (expecting \\['${$reference_val}->[0]', ... ])",
+ $row_idx,
+ $col_idx,
+ );
+ }
+ # need to check the bind attrs - a bind will happen only once for
+ # the entire dataset, so any changes further down will be ignored.
+ elsif (! Data::Compare::Compare(
+ $value_type_idx->{$col_idx},
+ [
+ map
+ { $_->[0] }
+ @{$self->_resolve_bindattrs(
+ $source, [ @{$$val}[1 .. $#$$val] ], $colinfo_cache,
+ )}
+ ],
+ )) {
+ $bad_slice_report_cref->(
+ 'Differing bind attributes on literal/bind values not supported',
+ $row_idx,
+ $col_idx,
+ );
+ }
- # Get the sql with bind values interpolated where necessary. For dynamic
- # binds convert the values of the first row into a literal+bind combo, with
- # extra positional info in the bind attr hashref. This will allow us to match
- # the order properly, and is so contrived because a user-supplied literal
- # bind (or something else specific to a resultsource and/or storage driver)
- # can inject extra binds along the way, so one can't rely on "shift
- # positions" ordering at all. Also we can't just hand SQLA a set of some
- # known "values" (e.g. hashrefs that can be later matched up by address),
- # because we want to supply a real value on which perhaps e.g. datatype
- # checks will be performed
- my ($sql, $proto_bind) = $self->_prep_for_execute (
- 'insert',
- $source,
- [ { map { $cols->[$_] => $dyn_bind_idx->{$_}
- ? \[ '?', [
- { dbic_colname => $cols->[$_], _bind_data_slice_idx => $_ }
- =>
- $data->[0][$_]
- ] ]
- : $data->[0][$_]
- } (0..$#$cols) } ],
- );
- if (! @$proto_bind and keys %$dyn_bind_idx) {
- # if the bindlist is empty and we had some dynamic binds, this means the
- # storage ate them away (e.g. the NoBindVars component) and interpolated
- # them directly into the SQL. This obviosly can't be good for multi-inserts
- $self->throw_exception('Cannot insert_bulk without support for placeholders');
- }
# neither _dbh_execute_for_fetch, nor _dbh_execute_inserts_with_no_binds
# are atomic (even if execute_for_fetch is a single call). Thus a safety
# scope guard
) if defined $bind_attrs->[$i];
- my $data_slice_idx = [ map {
- (
- ref $proto_bind->[$_][0] eq 'HASH'
- and
- exists $proto_bind->[$_][0]{_bind_data_slice_idx}
- ) ? $proto_bind->[$_][0]{_bind_data_slice_idx} : undef;
- } @idx_range ];
+ # At this point $data slots named in the _bind_data_slice_idx of
+ # each piece of $proto_bind are either \[]s or plain values to be
+ # passed in. Construct the dispensing coderef. *NOTE* the order
+ # of $data will differ from this of the ?s in the SQL (due to
+ # alphabetical ordering by colname). We actually do want to
+ # preserve this behavior so that prepare_cached has a better
+ # chance of matching on unrelated calls
+ my %data_reorder = map { $proto_bind->[$_][0]{_bind_data_slice_idx} => $_ } @idx_range;
my $fetch_row_idx = -1; # saner loop this way
my $fetch_tuple = sub {
return undef if ++$fetch_row_idx > $#$data;
- return [ map {
- defined $data_slice_idx->[$_]
- ? $data->[$fetch_row_idx][$data_slice_idx->[$_]]
- : $proto_bind->[$_][1]
- } @idx_range ];
+ return [ map
+ { (ref $_ eq 'REF' and ref $$_ eq 'ARRAY')
+ ? map { $_->[-1] } @{$$_}[1 .. $#$$_]
+ : $_
+ }
+ map
+ { $data->[$fetch_row_idx][$_]}
+ sort
+ { $data_reorder{$a} <=> $data_reorder{$b} }
+ keys %data_reorder
+ ];
my $tuple_status = [];
+# populate with literal+bind
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Link');
+ $rs->delete;
+ # test insert_bulk with all literal/bind sql
+ $rs->populate([
+ (+{
+ url => \['?', [ {} => '' ] ],
+ title => \['?', [ {} => "The 'best of' cpan" ] ],
+ }) x 5
+ ]);
+ is((grep {
+ $_->url eq '' &&
+ $_->title eq "The 'best of' cpan",
+ } $rs->all), 5, 'populate with all literal/bind');
+ $rs->delete;
+ # test insert_bulk with mix literal and literal/bind
+ $rs->populate([
+ (+{
+ url => \"''",
+ title => \['?', [ {} => "The 'best of' cpan" ] ],
+ }) x 5
+ ]);
+ is((grep {
+ $_->url eq '' &&
+ $_->title eq "The 'best of' cpan",
+ } $rs->all), 5, 'populate with all literal/bind SQL');
+ $rs->delete;
+ # test mixed binds with literal sql/bind
+ $rs->populate([ map { +{
+ url => \[ '? || ?', [ {} => 'cpan.org_' ], [ undef, $_ ] ],
+ title => "The 'best of' cpan",
+ } } (1 .. 5) ]);
+ for (1 .. 5) {
+ ok($rs->find({ url => "cpan.org_$_" }), "Row $_ correctly created with dynamic literal/bind populate" );
+ }
+ $rs->delete;
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist');
throws_ok {
} qr/Inconsistent literal SQL value/, 'literal sql must be the same in all slices';
+throws_ok {
+ $rs->populate([
+ {
+ artistid => 1,
+ name => \['?', [ {} => 'foo' ] ],
+ },
+ {
+ artistid => 2,
+ name => \"'bar'",
+ }
+ ]);
+} qr/\QIncorrect value (expecting ARRAYREF-ref/, 'literal where literal+bind expected throws';
+throws_ok {
+ $rs->populate([
+ {
+ artistid => 1,
+ name => \['?', [ { sqlt_datatype => 'foooo' } => 'foo' ] ],
+ },
+ {
+ artistid => 2,
+ name => \['?', [ {} => 'foo' ] ],
+ }
+ ]);
+} qr/\QDiffering bind attributes on literal\/bind values not supported for column 'name'/, 'literal+bind with differing attrs throws';
+lives_ok {
+ $rs->populate([
+ {
+ artistid => 1,
+ name => \['?', [ undef, 'foo' ] ],
+ },
+ {
+ artistid => 2,
+ name => \['?', [ {} => 'bar' ] ],
+ }
+ ]);
+} 'literal+bind with semantically identical attrs works after normalization';
# the stringification has nothing to do with the artist name
# this is solely for testing consistency
my $fn = Path::Class::File->new ('somedir/somefilename.tmp');