use warnings;
use Test::More;
+use Scalar::Util qw/refaddr reftype weaken/;
+use Carp qw/longmess/;
+use Try::Tiny;
use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest::RunMode;
+my $have_test_cycle;
require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
- plan skip_all => 'Test needs: ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('test_leaks')
- unless ( DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_leaks') );
+ $have_test_cycle = DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_leaks')
+ and import Test::Memory::Cycle;
-use DBICTest;
-use DBICTest::Schema;
-use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
-use namespace::clean;
+# preload stuff so that we don't trap globals
+use DBI;
+use Errno;
+use Class::Struct;
+use DBD::SQLite;
+use FileHandle;
+# this is what holds all weakened refs to be checked for leakage
+my $weak_registry = {};
+# Skip the heavy-duty leak tracing when just doing an install
+unless (DBICTest::RunMode->is_plain) {
+ no warnings qw/redefine once/;
+ no strict qw/refs/;
+ # override bless so that we can catch each and every object created
+ *CORE::GLOBAL::bless = sub {
+ my $obj = CORE::bless(
+ $_[0], (@_ > 1) ? $_[1] : do {
+ my ($class, $fn, $line) = caller();
+ fail ("bless() of $_[0] into $class without explicit class specification at $fn line $line")
+ if $class =~ /^ (?: DBIx\:\:Class | DBICTest ) /x;
+ $class;
+ }
+ );
+ my $slot = (sprintf '%s=%s(0x%x)', # so we don't trigger stringification
+ ref $obj,
+ reftype $obj,
+ refaddr $obj,
+ );
+ # weaken immediately to avoid weird side effects
+ $weak_registry->{$slot} = { weakref => $obj, strace => longmess() };
+ weaken $weak_registry->{$slot}{weakref};
+ return $obj;
+ };
+ for my $func (qw/try catch finally/) {
+ my $orig = \&{"Try::Tiny::$func"};
+ *{"Try::Tiny::$func"} = sub (&;@) {
+ my $slot = sprintf ('CODE(0x%x)', refaddr $_[0]);
+ $weak_registry->{$slot} = { weakref => $_[0], strace => longmess() };
+ weaken $weak_registry->{$slot}{weakref};
+ goto $orig;
+ }
+ }
+ require DBICTest;
-import Test::Memory::Cycle;
+ my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema;
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset ('Artist');
+ my $storage = $schema->storage;
-my $weak;
+ ok ($storage->connected, 'we are connected');
- my $s = $weak->{schema} = DBICTest->init_schema;
- ok ($s->storage->connected, 'we are connected');
- memory_cycle_ok($s, 'No cycles in schema');
+ my $row_obj = $rs->next;
+ ok ($row_obj, 'row from db');
+ my ($mc_row_obj, $pager, $pager_explicit_count) = $schema->txn_do (sub {
+ my $artist = $rs->create ({
+ name => 'foo artist',
+ cds => [{
+ title => 'foo cd',
+ year => 1984,
+ }],
+ });
+ my $pg = $rs->search({}, { rows => 1})->page(2)->pager;
+ my $pg_wcount = $rs->page(4)->pager->total_entries (66);
+ return ($artist, $pg, $pg_wcount);
+ });
+ is ($pager->next_page, 3, 'There is one more page available');
+ # based on 66 per 10 pages
+ is ($pager_explicit_count->last_page, 7, 'Correct last page');
- my $storage = $weak->{storage} = $s->storage;
- memory_cycle_ok($storage, 'No cycles in storage');
+ my $base_collection = {
+ schema => $schema,
+ storage => $storage,
- my $rs = $weak->{resultset} = $s->resultset ('Artist');
- memory_cycle_ok($rs, 'No cycles in resultset');
+ resultset => $rs,
+ row_object => $row_obj,
- my $rsrc = $weak->{resultsource} = $rs->result_source;
- memory_cycle_ok($rsrc, 'No cycles in resultsource');
+ result_source => $rs->result_source,
- my $row = $weak->{row} = $rs->first;
- memory_cycle_ok($row, 'No cycles in row');
+ fresh_pager => $rs->page(5)->pager,
+ pager => $pager,
+ pager_explicit_count => $pager_explicit_count,
- my $sqla = $weak->{sqla} = $s->storage->sql_maker;
- memory_cycle_ok($sqla, 'No cycles in SQL maker');
+ sql_maker => $storage->sql_maker,
+ dbh => $storage->_dbh
+ };
- my $dbh = $weak->{dbh} = $s->storage->_get_dbh;
- memory_cycle_ok($dbh, 'No cycles in DBI handle');
+ memory_cycle_ok ($base_collection, 'No cycles in the object collection')
+ if $have_test_cycle;
- for (@{$dbh->{ChildHandles}}) {
- $weak->{"$_"} = $_ if $_;
+ for (keys %$base_collection) {
+ $weak_registry->{"basic $_"} = { weakref => $base_collection->{$_} };
+ weaken $weak_registry->{"basic $_"}{weakref};
- weaken $_ for values %$weak;
- memory_cycle_ok($weak, 'No cycles in weak object collection');
-for (keys %$weak) {
- ok (! $weak->{$_}, "No $_ leaks");
+memory_cycle_ok($weak_registry, 'No cycles in the weakened object collection')
+ if $have_test_cycle;
+# For reasons I can not yet fully understand the table() god-method (located in
+# ::ResultSourceProxy::Table) attaches an actual source instance to each class
+# as virtually *immortal* class-data.
+# For now just blow away these instances manually but there got to be a saner way
+$_->result_source_instance(undef) for (
+ 'DBICTest::BaseResult',
+ map { DBICTest::Schema->class ($_) } DBICTest::Schema->sources
+# same problem goes for the schema - its classdata contains live result source
+# objects, which to add insult to the injury are *different* instances from the
+# ones we destroyed above
+my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+for my $slot (keys %$weak_registry) {
+ # SQLT is a piece of shit, leaks all over
+ next if $slot =~ /^SQL\:\:Translator/;
+ ok (! defined $weak_registry->{$slot}{weakref}, "No leaks of $slot") or do {
+ my $diag = '';
+ $diag .= Devel::FindRef::track ($weak_registry->{$slot}{weakref}, 20) . "\n"
+ if ( $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} && try { require Devel::FindRef });
+ if (my $stack = $weak_registry->{$slot}{strace}) {
+ $diag .= " Reference first seen$stack";
+ }
+ diag $diag if $diag;
+ };