if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" != "true" ]] && ! CPAN_is_sane ; then
# no configure_requires - we will need the usual suspects anyway
- # without pre-installing these in one pass things like extract_prereqs won't work
+ # without pre-installing these in one pass things won't yet work
installdeps ExtUtils::MakeMaker ExtUtils::CBuilder Module::Build
# various pieces we may run into
# FIXME - need to get these off metacpan or something instead
HARD_DEPS="ExtUtils::Depends B::Hooks::OP::Check $HARD_DEPS"
- if CPAN_supports_BUILDPL ; then
- # We will invoke a posibly MBT based BUILD-file, but we do not support
- # configure requires. So we not only need to install MBT but its prereqs
- # FIXME This is madness
- HARD_DEPS="$(extract_prereqs Module::Build::Tiny) Module::Build::Tiny $HARD_DEPS"
- else
- # work around Params::Validate not having a Makefile.PL so really old
- # toolchains can not figure out what the prereqs are ;(
- # Need to do more research before filing a bug requesting Makefile inclusion
- HARD_DEPS="$(extract_prereqs Params::Validate) $HARD_DEPS"
- fi