sub txn_rollback { shift->storage->txn_rollback }
+=head2 txn_do
+=head3 Arguments: <coderef>, [@coderef_args]
+Executes <coderef> with (optional) arguments <@coderef_args> transactionally,
+returning its result (if any). If an exception is caught, a rollback is issued
+and the exception is rethrown. If the rollback fails, (i.e. throws an
+exception) an exception is thrown that includes a "Rollback failed" message.
+For example,
+ my $foo = $schema->resultset('foo')->find(1);
+ my $coderef = sub {
+ my ($foo, @bars) = @_;
+ # If any one of these fails, the entire transaction fails
+ $foo->create_related('bars', {
+ col => $_
+ }) foreach (@bars);
+ return $foo->bars;
+ };
+ my $rs;
+ eval {
+ $rs = $schema->txn_do($coderef, $foo, qw/foo bar baz/);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ my $error = $@;
+ if ($error =~ /Rollback failed/) {
+ die "something terrible has happened!";
+ } else {
+ deal_with_failed_transaction();
+ die $error;
+ }
+ }
+Nested transactions should work as expected (i.e. only the outermost
+transaction will issue a txn_commit on the Schema's storage)
+sub txn_do {
+ my ($self, $coderef, @args) = @_;
+ ref $self or $self->throw_exception('Cannot execute txn_do as a '.
+ 'class method');
+ my (@return_values, $return_value);
+ $self->txn_begin; # If this throws an exception, no rollback is needed
+ my $wantarray = wantarray; # Need to save this since it's reset in eval{}
+ eval {
+ # Need to differentiate between scalar/list context to allow for returning
+ # a list in scalar context to get the size of the list
+ if ($wantarray) {
+ @return_values = $coderef->(@args);
+ } else {
+ $return_value = $coderef->(@args);
+ }
+ $self->txn_commit;
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ my $error = $@;
+ eval {
+ $self->txn_rollback;
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ my $rollback_error = $@;
+ my $exception_class = "DBIx::Class::Storage::NESTED_ROLLBACK_EXCEPTION";
+ $self->throw_exception($error) # propagate nested rollback
+ if $rollback_error =~ /$exception_class/;
+ $self->throw_exception("Transaction aborted: $error. Rollback failed: ".
+ $rollback_error);
+ } else {
+ $self->throw_exception($error); # txn failed but rollback succeeded
+ }
+ }
+ return $wantarray ? @return_values : $return_value;
=head2 clone
Clones the schema and its associated result_source objects and returns the
@data should be a list of listrefs, the first containing column names, the
second matching values - i.e.
-$schema->populate('Foo', [
- [ qw/foo_id foo_string/ ],
- [ 1, 'One' ],
- [ 2, 'Two' ],
- ...
+ $schema->populate('Foo', [
+ [ qw/foo_id foo_string/ ],
+ [ 1, 'One' ],
+ [ 2, 'Two' ],
+ ...
+ ]);
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Storage;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub new { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub debug { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub debugcb { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub debugfh { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub disconnect { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub connected { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub ensure_connected { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub sql_maker { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub txn_begin { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub txn_commit { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub txn_rollback { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub insert { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub update { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub delete { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub select { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub select_single { die "Virtual method!" }
+sub columns_info_for { die "Virtual method!" }
+package DBIx::Class::Storage::NESTED_ROLLBACK_EXCEPTION;
+use overload '"' => sub {
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return bless {}, $class;
--- /dev/null
+sub run_tests {
+my $schema = shift;
+plan tests => 37;
+my $code = sub {
+ my ($artist, @cd_titles) = @_;
+ $artist->create_related('cds', {
+ title => $_,
+ year => 2006,
+ }) foreach (@cd_titles);
+ return $artist->cds->all;
+# Test successful txn_do() - scalar context
+ my @titles = map {'txn_do test CD ' . $_} (1..5);
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1);
+ my $count_before = $artist->cds->count;
+ my $count_after = $schema->txn_do($code, $artist, @titles);
+ is($count_after, $count_before+5, 'successful txn added 5 cds');
+ is($artist->cds({
+ title => "txn_do test CD $_",
+ })->first->year, 2006, "new CD $_ year correct") for (1..5);
+# Test successful txn_do() - list context
+ my @titles = map {'txn_do test CD ' . $_} (6..10);
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1);
+ my $count_before = $artist->cds->count;
+ my @cds = $schema->txn_do($code, $artist, @titles);
+ is(scalar @cds, $count_before+5, 'added 5 CDs and returned in list context');
+ is($artist->cds({
+ title => "txn_do test CD $_",
+ })->first->year, 2006, "new CD $_ year correct") for (6..10);
+# Test nested successful txn_do()
+ my $nested_code = sub {
+ my ($schema, $artist, $code) = @_;
+ my @titles1 = map {'nested txn_do test CD ' . $_} (1..5);
+ my @titles2 = map {'nested txn_do test CD ' . $_} (6..10);
+ $schema->txn_do($code, $artist, @titles1);
+ $schema->txn_do($code, $artist, @titles2);
+ };
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(2);
+ my $count_before = $artist->cds->count;
+ eval {
+ $schema->txn_do($nested_code, $schema, $artist, $code);
+ };
+ my $error = $@;
+ ok(!$error, 'nested txn_do succeeded');
+ is($artist->cds({
+ title => 'nested txn_do test CD '.$_,
+ })->first->year, 2006, qq{nested txn_do CD$_ year ok}) for (1..10);
+ is($artist->cds->count, $count_before+10, 'nested txn_do added all CDs');
+my $fail_code = sub {
+ my ($artist) = @_;
+ $artist->create_related('cds', {
+ title => 'this should not exist',
+ year => 2005,
+ });
+ die "the sky is falling";
+# Test failed txn_do()
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(3);
+ eval {
+ $schema->txn_do($fail_code, $artist);
+ };
+ my $error = $@;
+ like($error, qr/the sky is falling/, 'failed txn_do threw an exception');
+ my $cd = $artist->cds({
+ title => 'this should not exist',
+ year => 2005,
+ })->first;
+ ok(!defined($cd), q{failed txn_do didn't change the cds table});
+# Test failed txn_do() with failed rollback
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(3);
+ # Force txn_rollback() to throw an exception
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *{"DBIx::Class::Schema::txn_rollback"} = sub{die 'FAILED'};
+ eval {
+ $schema->txn_do($fail_code, $artist);
+ };
+ my $error = $@;
+ like($error, qr/Rollback failed/, 'failed txn_do with a failed '.
+ 'txn_rollback threw a rollback exception');
+ like($error, qr/the sky is falling/, 'failed txn_do with a failed '.
+ 'txn_rollback included the original exception');
+ my $cd = $artist->cds({
+ title => 'this should not exist',
+ year => 2005,
+ })->first;
+ isa_ok($cd, 'DBICTest::CD', q{failed txn_do with a failed txn_rollback }.
+ q{changed the cds table});
+ $cd->delete; # Rollback failed
+ $cd = $artist->cds({
+ title => 'this should not exist',
+ year => 2005,
+ })->first;
+ ok(!defined($cd), q{deleted the failed txn's cd});
+ $schema->storage->{transaction_depth} = 0; # Must reset this or further tests
+ # will fail
+# Test nested failed txn_do()
+ my $nested_fail_code = sub {
+ my ($schema, $artist, $code1, $code2) = @_;
+ my @titles = map {'nested txn_do test CD ' . $_} (1..5);
+ $schema->txn_do($code1, $artist, @titles); # successful txn
+ $schema->txn_do($code2, $artist); # failed txn
+ };
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(3);
+ eval {
+ $schema->txn_do($nested_fail_code, $schema, $artist, $code, $fail_code);
+ };
+ my $error = $@;
+ like($error, qr/the sky is falling/, 'nested failed txn_do threw exception');
+ ok(!defined($artist->cds({
+ title => 'nested txn_do test CD '.$_,
+ year => 2006,
+ })->first), qq{failed txn_do didn't add first txn's cd $_}) for (1..5);
+ my $cd = $artist->cds({
+ title => 'this should not exist',
+ year => 2005,
+ })->first;
+ ok(!defined($cd), q{failed txn_do didn't add failed txn's cd});