Revision history for Perl extension Moose
+ >> I messed up the SKIP logic in one test
+ so this release is just to fix that.
* Moose
- 'has' now also accepts an ARRAY ref
to create multiple attrs (see docs)
use Test::More;
- eval "use DBM::Deep 0.983; use DateTime::Format::MySQL;";
- if ($@ && DBM::Deep->VERSION < 1.0) {
- plan skip_all => "DBM::Deep (< 1.0) and DateTime::Format::MySQL required for this test";
- }
+ eval "use DBM::Deep 0.983;";
+ plan skip_all => "DBM::Deep is required for this test" if $@;
+ plan skip_all => "DBM::Deep (>= 1.0) is required for this test"
+ if DBM::Deep->VERSION >= 1.0;
+ eval "use DateTime::Format::MySQL;";
+ plan skip_all => "DateTime::Format::MySQL is required for this test" if $@;
plan tests => 89;