my $visited_cnt = '0E0';
for my $i (0 .. $#{$args->{refs}} ) {
- next if isweak($args->{refs}[$i]);
- my $r = $args->{refs}[$i];
+ next unless length ref $args->{refs}[$i]; # not-a-ref
- next unless length ref $r;
+ my $addr = hrefaddr $args->{refs}[$i];
# no diving into weakregistries
- next if $reg_of_regs{hrefaddr $r};
- next if $args->{seen_refs}{my $dec_addr = Scalar::Util::refaddr($r)}++;
+ next if $reg_of_regs{$addr};
+ next if $args->{seen_refs}{$addr}++;
+ my $r = $args->{refs}[$i];
$args->{action}->($r) or next;
# This may end up being necessarry some day, but do not slow things
# $visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ $t ] });
+ my $type = reftype $r;
local $@;
eval {
- my $type = reftype $r;
if ($type eq 'HASH') {
$visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ map {
( !isweak($r->{$_}) ) ? $r->{$_} : ()
-sub assert_empty_weakregistry {
- my ($weak_registry, $quiet) = @_;
- # in case we hooked bless any extra object creation will wreak
- # havoc during the assert phase
- local *CORE::GLOBAL::bless;
- *CORE::GLOBAL::bless = sub { CORE::bless( $_[0], (@_ > 1) ? $_[1] : caller() ) };
+sub visit_namespaces {
+ my $args = { (ref $_[0]) ? %{$_[0]} : @_ };
- croak 'Expecting a registry hashref' unless ref $weak_registry eq 'HASH';
+ my $visited = 1;
- defined $weak_registry->{$_}{weakref} or delete $weak_registry->{$_}
- for keys %$weak_registry;
+ $args->{package} ||= '::';
+ $args->{package} = '::' if $args->{package} eq 'main';
- return unless keys %$weak_registry;
+ if ( $args->{action}->($args->{package}) ) {
- my $tb = eval { Test::Builder->new }
- or croak "Calling assert_empty_weakregistry in $0 without a loaded Test::Builder makes no sense";
+ my $base = $args->{package};
+ $base = '' if $base eq '::';
- for my $addr (keys %$weak_registry) {
- $weak_registry->{$addr}{display_name} = join ' | ', (
- sort
- { length $a <=> length $b or $a cmp $b }
- keys %{$weak_registry->{$addr}{slot_names}}
- );
- $tb->BAILOUT("!!!! WEAK REGISTRY SLOT $weak_registry->{$addr}{display_name} IS NOT A WEAKREF !!!!")
- if defined $weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref} and ! isweak( $weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref} );
+ $visited += visit_namespaces({ %$args, package => $_ }) for map
+ { $_ =~ /(.+?)::$/ && "${base}::$1" }
+ grep
+ { $_ =~ /(?<!^main)::$/ }
+ do { no strict 'refs'; keys %{ $base . '::'} }
- # compile a list of refs stored as globals (possibly even catching
- # class data in the form of method closures), so we can skip them
- # further on
- my ($seen_refs, $classdata_refs) = ({}, undef);
+ return $visited;
+# compiles a list of addresses stored as globals (possibly even catching
+# class data in the form of method closures), so we can skip them further on
+sub symtable_referenced_addresses {
+ my $refs_per_pkg;
+ my $dummy_addresslist;
+ my $seen_refs = {};
+ visit_namespaces(
+ action => sub {
- # the walk is very expensive - if we are $quiet (running in an END block)
- # we do not really need to be too thorough
- unless ($quiet) {
- my ($symwalker, $symcounts);
- $symwalker = sub {
no strict 'refs';
- my $pkg = shift || '::';
- # any non-weak globals are "clasdata" in all possible sense
- #
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ $pkg = '' if $pkg eq '::';
+ $pkg .= '::';
# the unless regex at the end skips some dangerous namespaces outright
# (but does not prevent descent)
- $symcounts->{$pkg} += visit_refs (
+ $refs_per_pkg->{$pkg} += visit_refs (
seen_refs => $seen_refs,
- action => sub { ++$classdata_refs->{hrefaddr $_[0]} },
+ # This is so damn odd - if we feed a constsub {1} (or in fact almost
+ # anything other than the actionsub below, any scalarref will show
+ # up as a leak, trapped by... something...
+ # Ideally we should be able to const this to sub{1} and just return
+ # $seen_refs (in fact it is identical to the dummy list at the end of
+ # a run here). Alas this doesn't seem to work, so punt for now...
+ action => sub { ++$dummy_addresslist->{ hrefaddr $_[0] } },
refs => [ map { my $sym = $_;
# *{"$pkg$sym"}{CODE} won't simply work - MRO-cached CVs are invisible there
( CV_TRACING ? Class::MethodCache::get_cv("${pkg}$sym") : () ),
( defined *{"$pkg$sym"}{SCALAR} and length ref ${"$pkg$sym"} and ! isweak( ${"$pkg$sym"} ) )
? ${"$pkg$sym"} : ()
( map {
( defined *{"$pkg$sym"}{$_} and ! isweak(defined *{"$pkg$sym"}{$_}) )
? *{"$pkg$sym"}{$_}
: ()
} keys %$pkg ],
) unless $pkg =~ /^ :: (?:
DB | next | B | .+? ::::ISA (?: ::CACHE ) | Class::C3
) :: $/x;
+ }
+ );
- $symwalker->("${pkg}$_") for grep { $_ =~ /(?<!^main)::$/ } keys %$pkg;
- };
+# use Devel::Dwarn;
+# Ddie [ map
+# { { $_ => $refs_per_pkg->{$_} } }
+# sort
+# {$refs_per_pkg->{$a} <=> $refs_per_pkg->{$b} }
+# keys %$refs_per_pkg
+# ];
+ $seen_refs;
+sub assert_empty_weakregistry {
+ my ($weak_registry, $quiet) = @_;
+ # in case we hooked bless any extra object creation will wreak
+ # havoc during the assert phase
+ local *CORE::GLOBAL::bless;
+ *CORE::GLOBAL::bless = sub { CORE::bless( $_[0], (@_ > 1) ? $_[1] : caller() ) };
+ croak 'Expecting a registry hashref' unless ref $weak_registry eq 'HASH';
+ defined $weak_registry->{$_}{weakref} or delete $weak_registry->{$_}
+ for keys %$weak_registry;
+ return unless keys %$weak_registry;
- $symwalker->();
+ my $tb = eval { Test::Builder->new }
+ or croak "Calling assert_empty_weakregistry in $0 without a loaded Test::Builder makes no sense";
-# use Devel::Dwarn;
-# Ddie [ map
-# { { $_ => $symcounts->{$_} } }
-# sort
-# {$symcounts->{$a} <=> $symcounts->{$b} }
-# keys %$symcounts
-# ];
+ for my $addr (keys %$weak_registry) {
+ $weak_registry->{$addr}{display_name} = join ' | ', (
+ sort
+ { length $a <=> length $b or $a cmp $b }
+ keys %{$weak_registry->{$addr}{slot_names}}
+ );
+ $tb->BAILOUT("!!!! WEAK REGISTRY SLOT $weak_registry->{$addr}{display_name} IS NOT A WEAKREF !!!!")
+ if defined $weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref} and ! isweak( $weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref} );
+ }
+ # the walk is very expensive - if we are $quiet (running in an END block)
+ # we do not really need to be too thorough
+ unless ($quiet) {
+ delete $weak_registry->{$_} for keys %{ symtable_referenced_addresses() };
- delete $weak_registry->{$_} for keys %$classdata_refs;
for my $addr (sort { $weak_registry->{$a}{display_name} cmp $weak_registry->{$b}{display_name} } keys %$weak_registry) {