-in My/Schema.pm
package My::Schema;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
+ # load My::Schema::Foo, My::Schema::Bar, My::Schema::Baz
__PACKAGE__->load_classes(qw/Foo Bar Baz/);
-in My/Schema/Foo.pm
package My::Schema::Foo;
use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto::Pg Core/); # for example
- ...
-in My/DB.pm
- use My::Schema;
- My::Schema->compose_connection('My::DB', $dsn, $user, $pass, $attrs);
+ my $schema1 = My::Schema->connect(
+ $dsn,
+ $user,
+ $password,
+ $attrs
+ );
-then in app code
+ my $schema2 = My::Schema->connect( ... );
- my @obj = My::DB::Foo->search({}); # My::DB::Foo isa My::Schema::Foo My::DB
+ # fetch objects using My::Schema::Foo
+ my $resultset = $schema1->resultset('Foo')->search( ... );
+ my @objects = $schema2->resultset('Foo')->search( ... );
-Creates database classes based on a schema. This allows you to have more than
-one concurrent connection using the same database classes, by making
-subclasses under a new namespace for each connection. If you only need one
-class, you should probably use L<DBIx::Class::DB> directly instead.
+Creates database classes based on a schema. This is the recommended way to
+use L<DBIx::Class> and allows you to use more than one concurrent connection
+with your classes.
NB: If you're used to L<Class::DBI> it's worth reading the L</SYNOPSIS>
carefully as DBIx::Class does things a little differently. Note in