L<DBIx::Class> provides a few different ways to retrieve data from
your database. The simplest looks something like this:
- my $album = MyApp::DB::Album->search( artist => 'Santana' );
+ my $iter = MyApp::DB::Album->search( artist => 'Santana' );
-Note that all the search methods return a L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet>
-object in scalar context or a list containing all the records in list
+Note that all the C<search> methods return a L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet>
+object in scalar context. So, if you want the first album:
+ my $album = $iter->first;
+In list context, the C<search> methods return all of the matching
+ my @albums = MyApp::DB::Album->search( artist => 'Santana' );
We also provide a handy shortcut for doing a C<LIKE> search:
- my $album = MyApp::DB::Album->search_like( artist => 'Jimi%' );
+ my $iter = MyApp::DB::Album->search_like( artist => 'Jimi%' );
Or you can provide your own handmade C<WHERE> clause, like:
- my $album = MyApp::DB::Album->search_literal( 'artist = ?', 'Peter Frampton' );
+ my $iter = MyApp::DB::Album->search_literal( 'artist = ?', 'Peter Frampton' );
The preferred way to generate complex queries is to provide a
L<SQL::Abstract> construct to C<search>:
- my $album = MyApp::DB::Album->search({
+ my $iter = MyApp::DB::Album->search({
artist => { '!=', 'Janis Joplin' },
year => { '<' => 1980 },
id => [ 1, 14, 15, 65, 43 ]
The search can also be modified by passing another hash with
- my $album = MyApp::DB::Album->search(
+ my $iter = MyApp::DB::Album->search(
{ artist => 'Bob Marley' },
{ page => 1, rows => 2, order_by => 'year' }