use DBIx::Class::_Util qw(
dbic_internal_try fail_on_internal_call
- refdesc emit_loud_diag
+ refdesc emit_loud_diag dump_value
use DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Util qw( normalize_sqla_condition extract_equality_conditions );
use DBIx::Class::ResultSource::FromSpec::Util 'fromspec_columns_info';
## returns a hash
# condition => (a valid *likely fully qualified* sqla cond structure)
# identity_map => (a hashref of foreign-to-self *unqualified* column equality names)
+# identity_map_matches_condition => (boolean, indicates whether the entire condition is expressed in the identity-map)
# join_free_condition => (a valid *fully qualified* sqla cond structure, maybe unset)
# inferred_values => (in case of an available join_free condition, this is a hashref of
# *unqualified* column/value *EQUALITY* pairs, representing an amalgamation
"Unable to complete value inferrence - $exception_rel_id results in expression(s) instead of definitive values: %s",
do {
# FIXME - used for diag only, but still icky
- my $sqlm = $self->schema->storage->sql_maker;
+ my $sqlm =
+ dbic_internal_try { $self->schema->storage->sql_maker }
+ ||
+ (
+ require DBIx::Class::SQLMaker
+ and
+ DBIx::Class::SQLMaker->new
+ )
+ ;
local $sqlm->{quote_char};
local $sqlm->{_dequalify_idents} = 1;
($sqlm->_recurse_where({ -and => \@nonvalues }))[0]
)) if @nonvalues;
$ret->{inferred_values} ||= {};
$ret->{inferred_values}{$_} = $args->{infer_values_based_on}{$_}
for keys %{$args->{infer_values_based_on}};
+ my $identity_map_incomplete;
# add the identities based on the main condition
# (may already be there, since easy to calculate on the fly in the HASH case)
if ( ! $ret->{identity_map} ) {
my $col_eqs = extract_equality_conditions($ret->{condition});
+ $identity_map_incomplete++ if (
+ $ret->{condition} eq UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION
+ or
+ (
+ keys %{$ret->{condition}}
+ !=
+ keys %$col_eqs
+ )
+ );
my $colinfos;
for my $lhs (keys %$col_eqs) {
+ # start with the assumption it won't work
+ $identity_map_incomplete++;
next if $col_eqs->{$lhs} eq UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION;
# there is no way to know who is right and who is left in a cref
next unless $colinfos->{$lhs}; # someone is engaging in witchcraft
- if ( my $rhs_ref = is_literal_value( $col_eqs->{$lhs} ) ) {
+ if( my $rhs_ref =
+ (
+ ref $col_eqs->{$lhs} eq 'HASH'
+ and
+ keys %{$col_eqs->{$lhs}} == 1
+ and
+ exists $col_eqs->{$lhs}{-ident}
+ )
+ ? [ $col_eqs->{$lhs}{-ident} ] # repack to match the RV of is_literal_value
+ : is_literal_value( $col_eqs->{$lhs} )
+ ) {
if (
? ( $ret->{identity_map}{$colinfos->{$lhs}{-colname}} = $colinfos->{$rhs_ref->[0]}{-colname} )
: ( $ret->{identity_map}{$colinfos->{$rhs_ref->[0]}{-colname}} = $colinfos->{$lhs}{-colname} )
+ # well, what do you know!
+ $identity_map_incomplete--;
elsif (
+ $ret->{identity_map_matches_condition} = ($identity_map_incomplete ? 0 : 1)
+ if $ret->{identity_map};
# FIXME - temporary, to fool the idiotic check in SQLMaker::_join_condition
$ret->{condition} = { -and => [ $ret->{condition} ] } unless (
$ret->{condition} eq UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION
+ my $sqlm =
+ dbic_internal_try { $self->schema->storage->sql_maker }
+ ||
+ (
+ require DBIx::Class::SQLMaker
+ and
+ DBIx::Class::SQLMaker->new
+ )
+ ;
+ local $sqlm->{_dequalify_idents} = 1;
+ my ($cond_as_sql, $identmap_as_sql) = map
+ { join ' : ', map { defined $_ ? $_ : '{UNDEF}' } $sqlm->_recurse_where($_) }
+ (
+ $ret->{condition},
+ { map {
+ # inverse because of how the idmap is declared
+ $ret->{identity_map}{$_} => { -ident => $_ }
+ } keys %{$ret->{identity_map}} },
+ )
+ ;
+ emit_loud_diag(
+ confess => 1,
+ msg => sprintf (
+ "Resolution of %s produced inconsistent metadata:\n\n"
+ . "returned value of 'identity_map_matches_condition': %s\n"
+ . "returned 'condition' rendered as de-qualified SQL: %s\n"
+ . "returned 'identity_map' rendered as de-qualified SQL: %s\n\n"
+ . "The condition declared on the misclassified relationship is: %s ",
+ $exception_rel_id,
+ ( $ret->{identity_map_matches_condition} || 0 ),
+ $cond_as_sql,
+ $identmap_as_sql,
+ dump_value( $rel_info->{cond} ),
+ ),
+ ) if ( $ret->{identity_map_matches_condition} xor ( $cond_as_sql eq $identmap_as_sql ) );
+ }