# Summary: If we disable the "auto_help" option in Getopt::Long, then
# getoptions() will not call into pod2usage() (causing program termination)
# when --help is passed (and MooseX::ConfigFromFile is in use).
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+plan skip_all => 'This test needs MooseX::SimpleConfig 0.07'
+ unless eval { require MooseX::SimpleConfig && MooseX::SimpleConfig->VERSION(0.07); };
my $fail_on_exit = 1;
-use Test::More tests => 3;
use Test::Warn;
use Test::Exception;
ok(!$fail_on_exit, 'getoptions() lives');
+ done_testing;
# cancel the non-zero exit status from _getopt_full_usage()
exit 0;