--- /dev/null
+require File::Spec;
+my $test_ddl_fn = File::Spec->catfile(qw( t lib sqlite.sql ));
+my @test_ddl_cmd = qw( -I lib -I t/lib -- maint/gen_sqlite_schema_files --schema-class DBICTest::Schema );
+# If the author doesn't have the prereqs, still generate a Makefile
+# The EUMM build-stage generation will run unconditionally and
+# errors will not be ignored unlike here
+require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
+if ( DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('deploy') ) {
+ print "Regenerating $test_ddl_fn\n";
+ system( $^X, @test_ddl_cmd, '--ddl-out' => $test_ddl_fn );
+ # if we don't do it some git tools (e.g. gitk) get confused that the
+ # ddl file is modified, when it clearly isn't
+ system('git status --porcelain >' . File::Spec->devnull);
+postamble <<"EOP";
+clonedir_generate_files : dbic_clonedir_regen_test_ddl
+dbic_clonedir_regen_test_ddl :
+\t\$(ABSPERLRUN) @test_ddl_cmd --ddl-out @{[ $mm_proto->quote_literal($test_ddl_fn) ]}
+# keep the Makefile.PL eval happy
+++ /dev/null
-require File::Spec;
-my $ddl_fn = File::Spec->catfile(qw(t lib sqlite.sql));
-# If the author doesn't have the prereqs, we will end up obliterating
-# the ddl file, and all tests will fail, therefore don't do anything
-# on error
-# The EUMM build-stage generation will run unconditionally and
-# errors will not be trapped
-require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
-if ( DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('deploy') ) {
- print "Regenerating t/lib/sqlite.sql\n";
- if (my $out = ` "$^X" -Ilib maint/gen_schema `) {
- open (my $fh, '>:unix', $ddl_fn) or die "Unable to open $ddl_fn: $!";
- print $fh $out;
- close $fh;
- # if we don't do it some git tools (e.g. gitk) get confused that the
- # ddl file is modified, when it clearly isn't
- system('git status --porcelain >' . File::Spec->devnull);
- }
-postamble <<"EOP";
-clonedir_generate_files : dbic_clonedir_regen_test_ddl
-dbic_clonedir_regen_test_ddl :
-\t\$(ABSPERLRUN) -Ilib -- maint/gen_schema > @{[ $mm_proto->quote_literal($ddl_fn) ]}
-@{[ $crlf_fixup->($ddl_fn) ]}
-# keep the Makefile.PL eval happy
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use lib qw(lib t/lib);
-use DBICTest::Schema;
-use SQL::Translator;
-my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect;
-print scalar ($schema->storage->deployment_statements(
- $schema,
- 'SQLite',
- undef,
- undef,
- {
- producer_args => { no_transaction => 1 },
- quote_identifiers => 1,
- no_comments => 1,
- },
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Module::Runtime 'use_module';
+use SQL::Translator;
+use Path::Class 'file';
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new(
+ config => [qw/gnu_getopt bundling_override no_ignore_case/]
+my $args = {};
+$getopt->getoptions($args, qw/
+ ddl-out=s@
+ schema-class=s@
+die "You need to specify one DDL output filename via --ddl-out\n"
+ if @{$args->{'ddl-out'}||[]} != 1;
+die "You need to specify one DBIC schema class via --schema-class\n"
+ if @{$args->{'schema-class'}||[]} != 1;
+my $schema = use_module( $args->{'schema-class'}[0] )->connect();
+my $ddl_fh;
+if ($args->{'ddl-out'}[0] eq '-') {
+ $ddl_fh = *STDOUT;
+else {
+ my $fn = file($args->{'ddl-out'}[0]);
+ $fn->dir->mkpath;
+ open $ddl_fh, '>', $fn
+ or die "Unable to open $fn: $!\n";
+binmode $ddl_fh; # avoid win32 \n crapfest
+print $ddl_fh scalar $schema->deployment_statements(
+ 'SQLite',
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ {
+ producer_args => { no_transaction => 1 },
+ quote_identifiers => 1,
+ no_comments => 1,
+ },
# Also if there is no connection - there is no lock to be had
if ($locktype and (!$locker or $locker->{type} ne $locktype)) {
- warn "$$ $0 $locktype" if (
- ($locktype eq 'generic' or $locktype eq 'SQLite')
- and
- DBICTest::RunMode->is_author
- );
my $lockpath = DBICTest::RunMode->tmpdir->file(".dbictest_$locktype.lock");
+ #warn "$$ $0 $locktype GRABBING LOCK";
my $lock_fh;
my $u = local_umask(0); # so that the file opens as 666, and any user can lock