Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ - FAQ "Custom methods in Result classes"
- Perl 5.8.1 is now the minimum supported version
- Subqueries no longer marked experimental
- might_have/has_one now warn if applied calling class's column
jguenther: Justin Guenther <>
+jhannah: Jay Hannah <>
jnapiorkowski: John Napiorkowski <>
jon: Jon Schutz <>
+=head2 Custom methods in Result classes
+You can add custom methods that do arbitrary things, even to unrelated tables.
+For example, to provide a C<< $book->foo() >> method which searches the
+cd table, you'd could add this to
+ sub foo {
+ my ($self, $col_data) = @_;
+ return $self->result_source->schema->resultset('cd')->search($col_data);
+ }
+And invoke that on any Book Result object like so:
+ my $rs = $book->foo({ title => 'Down to Earth' });
+When two tables ARE related, L<DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base> provides many
+methods to find or create data in related tables for you. But if you want to
+write your own methods, you can.
+For example, to provide a C<< $book->foo() >> method to manually implement
+what create_related() from L<DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base> does, you could
+add this to
+ sub foo {
+ my ($self, $relname, $col_data) = @_;
+ return $self->related_resultset($relname)->create($col_data);
+ }
+Invoked like this:
+ my $author = $book->foo('author', { name => 'Fred' });
=head2 Misc
=over 4