'namespace::autoclean' => '0.09',
+my $admin_script = {
+ %$moose_basic,
+ %$admin_basic,
+ 'Getopt::Long::Descriptive' => '0.081',
+ 'Text::CSV' => '1.16',
my $datetime_basic = {
'DateTime' => '0.55',
'DateTime::Format::Strptime' => '1.2',
admin_script => {
req => {
- %$moose_basic,
- %$admin_basic,
- 'Getopt::Long::Descriptive' => '0.081',
- 'Text::CSV' => '1.16',
+ %$admin_script,
pod => {
title => 'dbicadmin',
+ test_admin_script => {
+ req => {
+ %$admin_script,
+ ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? ('Win32::ShellQuote' => 0) : ()),
+ }
+ },
deploy => {
req => {
'SQL::Translator' => '0.11006',
use DBICTest;
- require DBIx::Class;
- plan skip_all => 'Test needs ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for('admin_script')
- unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for('admin_script');
+ require DBIx::Class;
+ plan skip_all => 'Test needs ' .
+ DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for('test_admin_script')
+ unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for('test_admin_script');
$ENV{PATH} = '';
test_exec(qw|-It/lib/testinclude --schema=DBICTestConfig --config=t/lib/admincfgtest.json --config-stanza=Model::Gort --deploy|);
cmp_ok ($? >> 8, '==', 71, 'Correct schema loaded via testconfig');
-for my $js (@json_backends) {
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = 'these tests need to be fixed for Win32' if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
- eval {JSON::Any->import ($js) };
- SKIP: {
- skip ("JSON backend $js is not available, skip testing", 1) if $@;
+ for my $js (@json_backends) {
- eval { test_dbicadmin () };
- diag $@ if $@;
- }
+ eval {JSON::Any->import ($js) };
+ SKIP: {
+ skip ("JSON backend $js is not available, skip testing", 1) if $@;
+ eval { test_dbicadmin () };
+ diag $@ if $@;
+ }
+ }
-# Why do we need this crap? Apparently MSWin32 can not pass through quotes properly
-# (sometimes it will and sometimes not, depending on what compiler was used to build
-# perl). So we go the extra mile to escape all the quotes. We can't also use ' instead
-# of ", because JSON::XS (proudly) does not support "malformed JSON" as the author
-# calls it. Bleh.
sub test_exec {
my ($perl) = $^X =~ /(.*)/;
- my @args = ('script/dbicadmin', @_);
+ my @args = ($perl, '-MDBICTest::RunMode', 'script/dbicadmin', @_);
- if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
- $perl = qq|"$perl"|; # execution will fail if $^X contains paths
- for (@args) {
- $_ =~ s/"/\\"/g;
- }
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ require Win32::ShellQuote; # included in test optdeps
+ @args = Win32::ShellQuote::quote_system_list(@args);
- system ($perl, '-MDBICTest::RunMode', @args);
+ system @args;