if( selectedTextEditable ) {
$( "#root_tree_dialog_button_ok" ).click( function() {
var requrl = _get_url([ "stemmaroot", selectedTextID, selectedStemmaID ]);
- var targetnode = $('ellipse.stemma_node_highlight').parent().attr('id');
+ var targetnode = $('#root_tree_dialog').data( 'selectedNode' );
$.post( requrl, { root: targetnode }, function (data) {
// Reload the new stemma
stemmata[selectedStemmaID] = data;
load_stemma( selectedStemmaID );
// Put away the dialog
- $('#root_tree_dialog').hide();
+ $('#root_tree_dialog').data( 'selectedNode', null ).hide();
} );
} ).ajaxError( function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
if( ajaxSettings.url.indexOf( 'stemmaroot' ) > -1
if( typeof root_tree_dialog_timeout !== 'undefined' ) { clearTimeout( root_tree_dialog_timeout ) };
g.unbind( 'mouseleave' );
var dialog = $( '#root_tree_dialog' );
+ // Note which node triggered the dialog
+ dialog.data( 'selectedNode', g.attr('id') );
+ // Position the dialog
dialog.css( 'top', evt.pageY + 3 );
dialog.css( 'left', evt.pageX + 3 );
root_tree_dialog_timeout = setTimeout( function() {
- $( '#root_tree_dialog' ).hide();
+ $( '#root_tree_dialog' ).data( 'selectedNode', null ).hide();
ellipse.removeClass( 'stemma_node_highlight' );
g.mouseleave( function() { ellipse.removeClass( 'stemma_node_highlight' ) } );
}, 3000 );