-This document lists various terms used in DBIx::Class and attempts to explain them.
+This document lists various terms used in DBIx::Class and attempts to
+explain them.
=head1 TERMS
+=head2 Inflation
+The act of turning database row data into objects in
+language-space. DBIx::Class further allows you to inflate your data
+into perl objects which more usefully represent their contents. For
+example: L<DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime> for datetime or
+timestamp column data.
+=head2 Join
+This is an SQL keyword that gets mentioned a lot. It is used to fetch
+data from more than one table at once, by C<join>ing the tables on
+fields where they have common data.
+=head2 Normalisation
+A normalised database is a sane database. Each table contains only
+data belonging to one concept, related tables refer to the key field
+or fields of each other. Some links to webpages about normalisation
+can be found in L<DBIx::Class::Manual::FAQ|the FAQ>.
=head2 ORM
+Object-relational mapping, or Object-relationship modelling. Either
+way it's a method of mapping the contents of database tables (rows),
+to objects in programming-language-space. DBIx::Class is an ORM.
=head2 ResultSet
This is an object representing a set of data. It can either be an
my ($self, $type, $dir, $version) = @_;
my $filename = ref($self);
- $filename =~ s/^.*:://;
+ $filename =~ s/::/-/;
$filename = "$dir$filename-$version-$type.sql";
return $filename;
$databases ||= ['MySQL', 'SQLite', 'PostgreSQL'];
$databases = [ $databases ] if(ref($databases) ne 'ARRAY');
$version ||= $schema->VERSION || '1.x';
+ $sqltargs = { ( add_drop_table => 1 ), %{$sqltargs || {}} };
eval "use SQL::Translator";
$self->throw_exception("Can't deploy without SQL::Translator: $@") if $@;
- my $sqlt = SQL::Translator->new({
-# debug => 1,
- add_drop_table => 1,
- });
+ my $sqlt = SQL::Translator->new($sqltargs);
foreach my $db (@$databases)
sub deploy {
my ($self, $schema, $type, $sqltargs) = @_;
- foreach my $statement ( $self->deployment_statements($schema, $type, undef, undef, { no_comments => 1, %$sqltargs }) ) {
+ foreach my $statement ( $self->deployment_statements($schema, $type, undef, undef, { no_comments => 1, %{ $sqltargs || {} } } ) ) {
for ( split(";\n", $statement)) {
next if($_ =~ /^--/);
next if(!$_);