use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
-plan tests => 3;
+plan tests => 6;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
# test that related deletion with limit condition works
$a2_cds->search ({}, { rows => 1})->delete;
is ($cdrs->count, $total_cds -= 1, 'related + limit delete ok');
+my $tkfk = $schema->resultset('FourKeys_to_TwoKeys');
+my ($fa, $fb) = $tkfk->related_resultset ('fourkeys')->populate ([
+ [qw/foo bar hello goodbye sensors/],
+ [qw/1 1 1 1 a /],
+ [qw/2 2 2 2 b /],
+# This is already provided by DBICTest
+#my ($ta, $tb) = $tkfk->related_resultset ('twokeys')->populate ([
+# [qw/artist cd /],
+# [qw/1 1 /],
+# [qw/2 2 /],
+my ($ta, $tb) = $schema->resultset ('TwoKeys')
+ ->search ( [ { artist => 1, cd => 1 }, { artist => 2, cd => 2 } ])
+ ->all;
+my $tkfk_cnt = $tkfk->count;
+my $non_void_ctx = $tkfk->populate ([
+ { autopilot => 'a', fourkeys => $fa, twokeys => $ta },
+ { autopilot => 'b', fourkeys => $fb, twokeys => $tb },
+ { autopilot => 'x', fourkeys => $fa, twokeys => $tb },
+ { autopilot => 'y', fourkeys => $fb, twokeys => $ta },
+is ($tkfk->count, $tkfk_cnt += 4, 'FourKeys_to_TwoKeys populated succesfully');
+my $sub_rs = $tkfk->search (
+ [
+ { map { $_ => 1 } qw/artist.artistid cd.cdid fourkeys.hello fourkeys.goodbye/ },
+ { map { $_ => 2 } qw/artist.artistid cd.cdid fourkeys.hello fourkeys.goodbye/ },
+ ],
+ {
+ join => [ 'fourkeys', { twokeys => [qw/artist cd/] } ],
+ },
+is ($sub_rs->count, 2, 'Only two rows from fourkeys match');
+is ($tkfk->count, $tkfk_cnt -= 2, 'Only two rows deleted');