--- /dev/null
+# First cut at using the readline history directly rather than reimplementing
+# it. It does save history but it's a little crappy; still playing with it ;)
+# epitaph, 22nd April 2007
+package Devel::REPL::Plugin::ReadLineHistory;
+use Moose::Role;
+my $hist_file=$ENV{PERLREPL_HISTFILE} ||
+ (($ENV{HOME} || (getpwuid($<))[7]) . "/.perlreplhist");
+# HISTLEN should probably be in a config file to stop people accidentally
+# truncating their history if they start the program and forget to set
+my $hist_len=$ENV{PERLREPL_HISTLEN} || 100;
+around 'run' => sub {
+ my $orig=shift;
+ my ($self, @args)=@_;
+ $self->term->stifle_history($hist_len);
+ -f($hist_file) && $self->term->ReadHistory($hist_file);
+ $self->term->Attribs->{do_expand}=1;
+ $self->$orig(@args);
+ $self->term->WriteHistory($hist_file) ||
+ $self->print("warning: failed to write history file $hist_file");