use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/;
use Scalar::Util ();
+use Scope::Guard;
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw/_source_handle/);
$self->throw_exception("No result_source set on this object; can't insert")
unless $source;
+ my $rollback_guard;
# Check if we stored uninserted relobjs here in new()
my %related_stuff = (%{$self->{_relationship_data} || {}},
%{$self->{_inflated_column} || {}});
+ # The guard will save us if we blow out of this scope via die
+ $rollback_guard = Scope::Guard->new(sub { $source->storage->txn_rollback });
## Should all be in relationship_data, but we need to get rid of the
## 'filter' reltype..
## These are the FK rels, need their IDs for the insert.
- foreach my $relname (keys %related_stuff) {
+ my @pri = $self->primary_columns;
+ REL: foreach my $relname (keys %related_stuff) {
+ my $keyhash = $source->resolve_condition(
+ $source->relationship_info($relname)->{cond},
+ undef, 1
+ ); # the above argset gives me the dependent cols on self
+ # assume anything that references our PK probably is dependent on us
+ # rather than vice versa
+ foreach my $p (@pri) {
+ next REL if exists $keyhash->{$p};
+ }
my $rel_obj = $related_stuff{$relname};
if(Scalar::Util::blessed($rel_obj) && $rel_obj->isa('DBIx::Class::Row')) {
$self->set_from_related($relname, $rel_obj);
+ delete $related_stuff{$relname};
## Now do the has_many rels, that need $selfs ID.
foreach my $relname (keys %related_stuff) {
- my $relobj = $related_stuff{$relname};
- if(ref $relobj eq 'ARRAY') {
- foreach my $obj (@$relobj) {
- my $info = $self->relationship_info($relname);
- ## What about multi-col FKs ?
- my $key = $1 if($info && (keys %{$info->{cond}})[0] =~ /^foreign\.(\w+)/);
- $obj->set_from_related($key, $self);
+ my $rel_obj = $related_stuff{$relname};
+ my @cands;
+ if (Scalar::Util::blessed($rel_obj)
+ && $rel_obj->isa('DBIx::Class::Row')) {
+ @cands = ($rel_obj);
+ } elsif (ref $rel_obj eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @cands = @$rel_obj;
+ }
+ if (@cands) {
+ my $reverse = $source->reverse_relationship_info($relname);
+ foreach my $obj (@cands) {
+ $obj->set_from_related($_, $self) for keys %$reverse;
$obj->insert() if(!$obj->in_storage);
+ $rollback_guard->dismiss;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 17;
my $cd2 = $schema->resultset('CD')->create({ artist =>
{ name => 'Fred Bloggs' },
title => 'Some CD',
+ liner_notes => { notes => 'I can haz liner notes?' },
ok( $cd_result && ref $cd_result eq 'DBICTest::CD', "Got Good CD Class");
ok( $cd_result->title eq "TestOneCD2", "Got Expected Title");
+ ok( $cd_result->notes eq 'I can haz liner notes?', 'Liner notes');
my $tracks = $cd_result->tracks;