without bombing out (RT#93244)
- Fix set_inflated_column incorrectly handling \[] literals (GH#44)
- Ensure that setting a column to a literal invariably marks it dirty
+ - Work around exception objects with broken string overloading in one
+ additional codepath (missed in 0.08260)
- Fix inability to handle multiple consecutive transactions with
savepoints on DBD::SQLite < 1.39
my $storage = $self->storage;
my $cur_depth = $storage->transaction_depth;
- if (defined $txn_init_depth and $run_err eq '') {
+ if (defined $txn_init_depth and ! is_exception $run_err) {
my $delta_txn = (1 + $txn_init_depth) - $cur_depth;
if ($delta_txn) {
if (defined $suberror) {
if (length (my $class = blessed($e) )) {
carp_unique( sprintf(
- 'External exception object %s implements partial (broken) '
- . 'overloading preventing it from being used in simple ($x eq $y) '
+ 'External exception class %s implements partial (broken) overloading '
+ . 'preventing its instances from being used in simple ($x eq $y) '
. 'comparisons. Given Perl\'s "globally cooperative" exception '
. 'handling this type of brokenness is extremely dangerous on '
. 'exception objects, as it may (and often does) result in silent '
. 'to the one shown at %s, in order to ensure your exception handling '
. 'is saner application-wide. What follows is the actual error text '
. "as generated by Perl itself:\n\n%s\n ",
- refdesc $e,
+ $class,
} [], 'No warnings on AutoCommit => 0 with txn_do';
+# make sure we are not fucking up the stacktrace on broken overloads
+ package DBICTest::BrokenOverload;
+ use overload '""' => sub { $_[0] };
+ my @w;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ $_[0] =~ /\QExternal exception class DBICTest::BrokenOverload implements partial (broken) overloading preventing its instances from being used in simple (\E\$x eq \$y\Q) comparisons/
+ ? push @w, @_
+ : warn @_
+ };
+ my $s = DBICTest->init_schema(no_deploy => 1);
+ $s->stacktrace(0);
+ my $g = $s->storage->txn_scope_guard;
+ my $broken_exception = bless {}, 'DBICTest::BrokenOverload';
+ # FIXME - investigate what confuses the regex engine below
+ # do not reformat - line-num part of the test
+ my $ln = __LINE__ + 6;
+ throws_ok {
+ $s->txn_do( sub {
+ $s->txn_do( sub {
+ $s->storage->_dbh->disconnect;
+ die $broken_exception
+ });
+ })
+ } qr/\QTransaction aborted: $broken_exception. Rollback failed: lost connection to storage at @{[__FILE__]} line $ln\E\n/; # FIXME wtf - ...\E$/m doesn't work here
+ is @w, 1, 'One matching warning only';
my @w;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- $_[0] =~ /External exception object .+? \Qimplements partial (broken) overloading/
+ $_[0] =~ /External exception class .+? \Qimplements partial (broken) overloading/
? push @w, @_
: warn @_