'SQL::Abstract' => '1.72',
'Test::Deep' => '0.108',
'Try::Tiny' => '0.04',
+ 'Data::Compare' => '1.22',
# XS (or XS-dependent) libs
'DBI' => '1.57',
use DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed weaken/;
use Try::Tiny;
-use Test::Deep::NoTest 'eq_deeply';
+use Data::Compare;
# not importing first() as it will clash with our own method
use List::Util ();
for (grep { exists $right->{$_} } keys %$left) {
# the use of eq_deeply here is justified - the rhs of an
# expression can contain a lot of twisted weird stuff
- delete $right->{$_} if eq_deeply( $left->{$_}, $right->{$_} );
+ delete $right->{$_} if Compare( $left->{$_}, $right->{$_} );
$right = undef unless keys %$right;