#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# So you wrote a new mk_hash implementation which passed all tests (particularly
-# t/68inflate_resultclass_hashrefinflator) and would like to see how it holds up
-# against older versions of the same. Just add your coderef to the HRI::Bench
-# namespace and add a name/ref pair to the %bench_list hash. Happy testing.
-package DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator::Bench;
+# So you wrote a new mk_hash implementation which passed all tests
+# (particularly t/inflate/hri.t) and would like to see how it holds
+# up against older (and often buggy) versions of the same. Just run
+# this script and wait (no editing necessary)
use warnings;
use strict;
-my $current_mk_hash;
-$current_mk_hash = sub {
- if (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') { # multi relationship
- return [ map { $current_mk_hash->(@$_) || () } (@_) ];
- }
- else {
- my $hash = {
- # the main hash could be an undef if we are processing a skipped-over join
- $_[0] ? %{$_[0]} : (),
- # the second arg is a hash of arrays for each prefetched relation
- map
- { $_ => $current_mk_hash->( @{$_[1]->{$_}} ) }
- ( $_[1] ? (keys %{$_[1]}) : () )
- };
- # if there is at least one defined column consider the resultset real
- # (and not an emtpy has_many rel containing one empty hashref)
- for (values %$hash) {
- return $hash if defined $_;
- }
- return undef;
- }
+use FindBin;
+use lib ("$FindBin::Bin/../lib", "$FindBin::Bin/../t/lib");
-# the (incomplete, fails a test) implementation before svn:4760
-my $old_mk_hash;
-$old_mk_hash = sub {
- my ($me, $rest) = @_;
- # $me is the hashref of cols/data from the immediate resultsource
- # $rest is a deep hashref of all the data from the prefetched
- # related sources.
- # to avoid emtpy has_many rels contain one empty hashref
- return undef if (not keys %$me);
- my $def;
- foreach (values %$me) {
- if (defined $_) {
- $def = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- return undef unless $def;
- return { %$me,
- map {
- ( $_ =>
- ref($rest->{$_}[0]) eq 'ARRAY'
- ? [ grep defined, map $old_mk_hash->(@$_), @{$rest->{$_}} ]
- : $old_mk_hash->( @{$rest->{$_}} )
- )
- } keys %$rest
- };
+use Class::Unload '0.07';
+use Benchmark ();
+use Dumbbench;
+use Benchmark::Dumb ':all';
+use DBICTest;
+# for git reporting to work, and to use it as INC key directly
+chdir ("$FindBin::Bin/../lib");
+my $hri_fn = 'DBIx/Class/ResultClass/HashRefInflator.pm';
-our %bench_list = (
- current_implementation => $current_mk_hash,
- old_implementation => $old_mk_hash,
+require Getopt::Long;
+my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new(
+ config => [qw/gnu_getopt bundling_override no_ignore_case pass_through/]
+my $args = {
+ 'bench-commits' => 2,
+ 'no-cpufreq-checks' => undef,
+$getopt->getoptions($args, qw/
+ bench-commits
+ no-cpufreq-checks
+if (
+ !$args->{'no-cpufreq-checks'}
+ and
+ $^O eq 'linux'
+ and
+ -r '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq'
+) {
+ my ($min_freq, $max_freq, $governor) = map { local @ARGV = $_; my $s = <>; chomp $s; $s } qw|
+ /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
+ /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
+ /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
+ |;
+ if ($min_freq != $max_freq) {
+ die "Your OS seems to have an active CPU governor '$governor' -"
+ . ' this will render benchmark results meaningless. Disable it'
+ . ' by setting /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq'
+ . ' to the same value as /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq'
+ . " ($min_freq). Alternatively skip this check with --no-cpufreq-checks.\n";
+ }
+my %skip_commits = map { $_ => 1 } qw/
+ e1540ee
+ a5b2936
+ 4613ee1
+ 419ff18
+my (@to_bench, $not_latest);
+for my $commit (`git log --format=%h HEAD ^8330454^ $hri_fn `) {
+ chomp $commit;
+ next if $skip_commits{$commit};
+ my $diff = `git show -w -U0 --format=%ar%n%b $commit $hri_fn`;
+ if ($diff =~ /^ (?: \@\@ \s .+? | [+-] sub \s) \$? mk_hash /xm ) {
+ my ($age) = $diff =~ /\A(.+?)\n/;
+ push @to_bench, {
+ commit => $commit,
+ title => $not_latest ? $commit : 'LATEST',
+ desc => sprintf ("commit %s (%smade %s)...\t\t",
+ $commit,
+ $not_latest ? '' : 'LATEST, ',
+ $age,
+ ),
+ code => scalar `git show $commit:lib/DBIx/Class/ResultClass/HashRefInflator.pm`,
+ };
-package benchmark_hashrefinflator;
+ last if @to_bench == $args->{'bench-commits'};
+ $not_latest = 1;
+ }
+die "Can't find any commits... something is wrong\n" unless @to_bench;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
+unshift @to_bench, {
+ desc => "the current uncommitted HRI...\t\t\t\t",
+ title => 'CURRENT',
+ code => do { local (@ARGV, $/) = ($hri_fn); <> },
+} if `git status --porcelain $hri_fn`;
-use FindBin;
-use lib ("$FindBin::Bin/../lib", "$FindBin::Bin/../t/lib");
-use Benchmark qw/timethis cmpthese/;
-use DBICTest;
+printf "\nAbout to benchmark %d HRI variants (%s)\n",
+ scalar @to_bench,
+ (join ', ', map { $_->{title} } @to_bench),
-chdir ("$FindBin::Bin/..");
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-my $test_sub = sub {
- my $rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({}, {
- prefetch => { cds => 'tracks' },
+# add some extra data for the complex test
+$schema->resultset ('Artist')->create({
+ name => 'largggge',
+ cds => [
+ {
+ genre => { name => 'massive' },
+ title => 'largesse',
+ year => 2011,
+ tracks => [
+ {
+ title => 'larguitto',
+ cd_single => {
+ title => 'mongo',
+ year => 2012,
+ artist => 1,
+ genre => { name => 'massive' },
+ tracks => [
+ { title => 'yo momma' },
+ { title => 'so much momma' },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+# get what data to feed during benchmarks
+ package _BENCH_::DBIC::InflateResult::Trap;
+ sub inflate_result { shift; return \@_ }
+my %bench_dataset = (
+ simple => do {
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({}, {
+ prefetch => { cds => 'tracks' },
+ result_class => '_BENCH_::DBIC::InflateResult::Trap',
- $rs_hashrefinf->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator::Bench');
- my @stuff = $rs_hashrefinf->all;
-my $results;
-for my $b (keys %DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator::Bench::bench_list) {
- print "Timing $b... ";
+ [ $rs->all ];
+ },
+ complex => do {
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({}, {
+ prefetch => { cds => [ { tracks => { cd_single => [qw/artist genre tracks/] } }, 'genre' ] },
+ result_class => '_BENCH_::DBIC::InflateResult::Trap',
+ });
+ [ $rs->all ];
+ },
- # switch the inflator
- no warnings qw/redefine once/;
- no strict qw/refs/;
- local *DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator::Bench::inflate_result = sub {
- return $DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator::Bench::bench_list{$b}->(@_[2,3]);
- };
+# benchmark coderefs (num iters is set below)
+my %num_iters;
+my %bench = ( map { $_ => eval "sub {
+ for (1 .. (\$num_iters{$_}||1) ) {
+ DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator->inflate_result(\$bench_dataset{$_})
+ }
+}" } qw/simple complex/ );
+print "\nPre-timing current HRI to determine iteration counts...";
+# crude unreliable and quick test how many to run in the loop
+# designed to return a value so that there ~ 1/$div runs in a second
+# (based on the current @INC implementation)
+my $div = 1;
+require DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator;
+for (qw/simple complex/) {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+ my $tst = Benchmark::timethis(-1, $bench{$_}, '', 'none');
+ $num_iters{$_} ||= int( $tst->[5] / $tst->[1] / $div );
+ $num_iters{$_} ||= 1;
+print " done\n\nBenchmarking - this can taka a LOOOOOONG time\n\n";
+my %results;
+for my $bch (@to_bench) {
+ Class::Unload->unload('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator');
+ eval $bch->{code} or die $@;
+ $INC{'DBIx/Class/ResultClass/HashRefInflator.pm'} = $bch->{title};
+ for my $t (qw/simple complex/) {
+ my $label = "Timing $num_iters{$t} $t iterations of $bch->{desc}";
+ my $bench = Dumbbench->new(
+ initial_runs => 30,
+ target_rel_precision => 0.0005,
+ );
+ $bench->add_instances( Dumbbench::Instance::PerlSub->new (
+ name => $label, code => $bench{$t},
+ ));
+ print $label;
+ $bench->run;
+ print(
+ ($results{ (substr $t, 0, 1) . "_$bch->{title}" }
+ = Benchmark::Dumb->_new( instance => ($bench->instances)[0] ) )
+ ->timestr('')
+ );
+ print "\n";
+ }
- $results->{$b} = timethis (-2, $test_sub);
+for my $t (qw/s c/) {
+ cmpthese ({ map { $_ =~ /^${t}_/ ? ( $_ => $results{$_}) : () } keys %results }, '', '');
-cmpthese ($results);