Revision history for DBIx::Class
- Possible to set locale in IC::DateTime extra => {} config
+ - Calling the accessor of a belongs_to when the foreign_key
+ was NULL and the row was not stored would unexpectedly fail (groditi)
0.08099_06 2009-01-23 07:30:00 (UTC)
- Allow a scalarref to be supplied to the 'from' resultset attribute
- Classes submitted as result_class for a resultsource are now
$rel_info->{cond}, $rel, $self
if ($rel_info->{attrs}->{undef_on_null_fk}){
+ return unless ref($cond) eq 'HASH';
return if grep { not defined } values %$cond;
my $val = $self->find_related($rel, {}, {});
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 74;
+plan tests => 75;
# has_a test
my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(4);
$undef_artist_cd->related_resultset('artist')->new({name => 'foo'});
is( $@, '', "Object created on a resultset related to not yet inserted object");
+ $schema->resultset('Artwork')->new_result({})->cd;
+} 'undef_on_null_fk does not choke on empty conds';
my $def_artist_cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->new_result({ 'title' => 'badgers', 'year' => 2007, artist => undef });
is($def_artist_cd->has_column_loaded('artist'), 1, 'FK loaded');
is($def_artist_cd->search_related('artist')->count, 0, 'closed search on null FK');